MCU MPREG (closed with PregnantTyler)

Bucky figured he will be asleep for hours used this chance to call his aunt again to update her, she still upset about the whole Spider-Man thing especially with the news but thanks Bucky for taking care of Peter for him.

Stark shown up just as Bucky about to return to the room "how's the kid?" Bucky look from the door window "stable but will be out cold for a few hours the most, at least his out of danger-"

Stark went inside before he finish talking "well that's rude"

Peter was soon gently nudged by Tony in the shoulder, waking him up. "Hmm?" He opened his eyes and turned around to see Mr. Stark. "O-oh! Hello sir!" He got excited and sat himself up.

"Kid stay still your hurt!" Tony push him back on the bed " how you feeling?" Storking his head "lisen heard what happened from Barnes, guess your aunt want is really upset to force you to retire early"

Tony can see tears in his eyes "I won't let that happened"

Peter wiped the tears from his face. He was embarrased over the way he looked in front of his mentor. "What are you going to do?" He asked, wondering how he would get Aunt May to reconsider.

Tony sighted thinking "I know she will make you stop, no matter how much I will try to talk her out of it, I didn't she will listen about letting continue being Spider-Man at least not like this"

Tony looked at Peter again his upset but he doesn't know what to do "you were nearly killed, I'm sorry kid but at this point I have to agree with Aunt Hottie on this one"

This left Peter shock and confuse so does Bucky "that's joke right Stark?!"

"Wait....what!?" Peter sat up and looked at Tony with both anger and sorrow "But you just said tha-" the waterworks started flowing again, harder this time.

Tony stands firm with his decision "sorry Peter but consider Spider-Man in an early retirement" standing up ignoring Peter's cries as he leaves the room taking the Spider-Suit with him

Bucky catches him in the hallway "Stark seriously I called you to help the kid back to being Spider-Man not vice versa!" Tony replied "relax Barnes, I only trying to figure out a plan but for now he not swinging around"

Bucky got slightly mad "seriously or plan is make him quit that's fucked up! I'm calling Steve!" Tony stopped him "Cap in out of question, he might have kind of stomach flu" Bucky felt concern "impossible the serum keeps from getting sick" Tony reply "yeah I taught so too"

As he cried, Peter's rage only increased and henjust wanted to lash out at the world. If he couldn't continue to be a crimefighter, then there was hardly any point in him having powers or existing. He crawled out of bed and left the room. "I'm leaving."

Bucky and Tony continue to talk about Peter's condition "look Stark just let the kid continue this even his aunt oppose, his still an Avenger"

Tony butted "trainee his not yet there, and not going let him get hurt like this again till his recovering his staying in benches, I will take him to Bruce in the Compound later to get treatment than this shit hole"

Bucky sighted "anything to get the kid back on his feet, better check on him, you really have a messed up sense of humor "

Bucky return to see a trail of blood and Peter out sight "shit!" calling Tony again "Stark with got a code blue in Spider-Man's room"

Peter had already web slinged away from the building. Still dressed in a patient's garments he wrapped his injury with what he could find in the city. He was sitting on the rooftop of a building wondering what he should do next.

Tony search from the skies while Bucky used former assassin training to trace his trail "how the hell he manage to move in his condition?" Bucky sighted "I dunno Stark but he couldn't gone far, anything?"

Tony used his armor to try to trace him "I can't trace him without his suit on...wait he has his cellphone on I can might able to trace him" Bucky replied "I might manage to trail him, I still have some methods left from my HYDRA days"

Tony bit his lips "just hope his okay" following Bucky to downtown

Peter was still on the rooftop, just thinking about what to do next. He felt like he had nobody's respect anymore.

A group of men pushed him through the floor "hey what's you doing here huh kid?!" Kicking Peter hard

Even injured, Peter would still have been able to defeat them with his powers, but since he had no suit now this would reveal his identity. He had no choice but to flee for now...

The men followed him "come back here! Were not done!" As Peter tries to run

"Damn it..." Peter ran to a corner and then web slinged away, just out of view.

One of Men continue to follow Peter to a dark alley, but Peter is hanging in a wall trying to stay hidden "come out, come out wherever you are kid, we know your here"

Peter tries to hold on but still too weak from surgery and painfully fall to the floor, the men corner him "hahaha, you think you can get away think again" as one of them start beating Peter up ingoring his pained cries.

Peter is far too weak and heavily beaten up, one man unzip his pants remove Peter underwear and hospital shorts and start violently thrusting him

Peter was screaming at the top of his lungs for someone to help. Everytime he struggled another thug kicked or punched him. All he could do was be raped and hope someone would save him.

The men don't stop to screams for help but instead continue to kick and thrust him "that's it scream is feels good to hear" as he thrust Peter much harder

Tony lost signal track in Downtown "the kid can't get this far with his injuries" Bucky also lost his trail "shit lost him too" suddenly remember what Black Widow taught him "follow me!" Bucky remember what he heard in the news "we better hurry there an armed rapist reported in this area"

Tony flied at high speed "we better find him fast cause with his condition Spider-Man is clearly out of the question!" Bucky transmitted someone "better get the police"

Peter was now laying unconscious, a man had hit him very hard in the stomach, making him pass out instantly. This did not stop the men from continuing to fuck them. They began taking turns with his body.

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