Rp archive re-use

I was wondering if it was okay for people to reuse other peoples rp ideas, even if the person is/has been inactive for a long time?

I personally wouldn't see an issue with it as many presently are using adversely similar ideas that have been used. Which roleplay were you considering?

Well I was thinking of some of the pregnant family ones (all 18 or older) or any other that spark interest. I k ow rule #7 said to get permission but we can't if they don't show up ya know.

That rule is a little different from what you want to do. It's more meant for people trying to post works that aren't their own or add to stories that are unfinished.

Starting a new thread with an RP plot you like that is similar to an inactive, archived thread is fine.

Sometimes, the world is cruel to shiny things...

Ok good to know

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