Closed Summer Star Point
[Closed w/ SazzyP260]
"Tired," Dustin admitted. "My backs hurts a little, too." He let Sin lead him into the house. The door, flimsy as it was, was actually luxury. Many of the neighbors admired it and asked if Sin would install one for them if one became available. Sin's knack for handy work and flair for mechanics made him very popular. The fellowship leaders hoped to have electricity with his help in the next year. Too bad he and Dustin weren't going to stick around long enough for that.

Dustin humored his partner with a chuckle. "Fred and Cynthia's livestock pen finally paid off, as a matter of fact. The pigs have been reproducing, growing up healthy, and everyone got a share of pork tonight. I've been letting it simmer most of the day with some vegetables to make a stew. We actually get to eat meat. I'm excited!"
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If the man's eyes could actually bug out of his head, they would have; the thought of having something real, and not out of a can or bag, it was amazing "That sounds delicious, babe." Sin dried his hands off finally and came over, wrapping his arms around Dustin loosely, strong fingers massaging into those tired and sore muscles of Dustin's lower back "You know, I'd never survive if it weren't for you and your cooking skills... They've always been insanely handy for me." He grinned and gently moved them toward the 'kitchen' and the little electric stove-top that he managed to rig up; it wasn't the greatest invention and certainly had its flaws if you didn't know how to properly operate it, but it did some something for them. Lid was lifted off the cast iron pot - one of the few things that survived their situation without problem - and the aroma immediately hit them. Sin's mouth watered and he sighed "Damn... That smells incredible. Are you trying to seduce me or something?" It was another joke, but he couldn't say it didn't go without some sort of reality.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

A more genuine chuckle this time. "Well, you know what they say: the way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Their table was a giant wooden spool use for wrapping industrial cables, around which sat three generic metal folding chairs with rust on the edges and hinges. He set the table with chipped bowls and warped utensils. "And I wouldn't have survived without your mechanical savvy. We're two side of a coin suited for thriving in a nuclear wasteland." He spooned a portion of stew for each of them. Glasses with water procured from the community well. Bread baked earlier that week that would soften after dipped in the stew. It almost felt like a real meal; one not tainted by the consequences of nuclear fallout. "We need to make sure we eat all of it, or we really will get rats in here. I never realized before now how important fridges were for not only keeping food fresh, but also protecting it from scavengers."
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"Well, my heart is awfully grateful. My stomach will be even more so." He grinned over at Dustin and helped him set up the table and get things the way they both liked when it came to eating. It had really been a long time since they'd sat down and enjoyed an actual meal together, something that actually took time and attention. He held his bowl up and lightly tapped it against Dustin's "I'm glad we're able to compliment each other's survival skills. It'd be a damn shame if we couldn't..." He set his bowl back down and began eating the warm stew, smiling and nodding his head "This is absolutely perfect, Dustin." He leaned over and kissed him lightly. He nodded his head at the other's assessment "Refrigerators definitely had multiple purposes when they were operational..." He looked to the fridge they did have, it had become a storage unit, for sure, it just had nothing in the way of preservation "If I ever get ours working again..." He shook his head and sighed; he would be busy with those types of projects for the rest of eternity, neglecting his own personal duties, if that were the case.

"I think we should just stick to eating everything in our bowls... As much as a working fridge would be nice... I have more important obligations to handle." He settled a large hand on Dustin's stomach and rubbed that little swell, "How's the..." He waved a hand "Doing today? Any changes or anything that you've noticed?" He noticed that the bump was definitely growing, he just wished it could be growing a bit slower. They had to keep this secret for as long as possible, and at the rate Dustin was popping out, the secret would not last.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Dustin snorted out a laugh. "Are we referring to it with hand gestures now? I know we have to be careful about saying the word out loud, but maybe at least a code word. Like..." He drummed his fingers on the table. "The muffins. How are the muffins coming along? It's cute and quirky, right?" He noticed the same thing Sin did. It gave him some anxiety. "I think they're baking okay? We don't know anyone else who's baked muffins before, so it's hard to know if I'm baking more than one or if baking them takes less time in an oven like mine. Either way... we've got a time clock counting down over our heads before other people want me to make muffins for them too."
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Sin patiently listened to Dustin's idiom spiel about the muffin.  It was adorable, he definitely had some kind of idea but, he didn't think 'muffin' fit in with either of their lifestyles "I'm not sure muffins fit us, as cute as the idea is." He reached to Dustin's hand and gave it a light squeeze.  Eyes slowly traveled around their home, lighting on the planter pots they had lining the windows and walls "I think we should go with a plant..." He hummed and nodded some "How is the plant today?  How's it growing?" It certainly worked and definitely sounded more like them.  "As for how its growing and everything... You're right.  We're at a disadvantage with our... less than stellar circumstances, but we are slowly making headway on being able to get to a place where we can have more advantages..." He looked toward the clunker and smiled a little "It gave me a little roar earlier, while you were off at the greenhouse.  It died a few seconds later, but the optimist in me when it comes to engines... It has me all kinds of excited about what could happen within the next few weeks."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

"Sin, that's great! You know, even in the new economy, I bet you could make a killer living with your skills as a mechanic. Nobody wants to risk the wilds without transportation. Coming to someone like you to repair and prep a ride for them means they'd probably pay just about anything. If it ever becomes safe to let people around us again, we should seriously consider opening a business. And who knows! Maybe there will be an opportunity for it even at Summer Star." Dustin beamed at his partner, so proud of Sin to sticking with it even when neighbors around them insisted the old Trans Am was a lost cause. "And for the record, I like the plant idiom. You're right. It's much more our style."
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Sin couldn't help the proud grin on his face when Dustin praised over him like that; it just warmed him deep down inside and bloomed everywhere.  He chuckled a little and nodded "Yeah, but I think I would have to lend my services to more than just vehicles... Not that I have a problem with that." He sighed softly and shook his head a little "You should have seen the neighbors faces, the few that were around, when they heard the Trans light up like that... Mr. Brewer, the old man down the street, he looked downright pissed that I managed to get the thing making noise... He's doubted me the most since I started this whole project."  He hadn't ever met an car or mechanical entity that he hadn't been able to fix in one way or another; even when he was a kid, he'd always had a way with mechanics and electronics, it was just something he was practically born with and he didn't take no for an answer.

After a few more minutes of silence, Sin looked down at the swell of Dustin's belly and smiled fondly "Our plant is going to be the best damn plant out there.  With your gentle and nurturing hand, and my..." he paused and furrowed his brows, shrugging his shoulders "I guess I ain't contributing much to it, but... Regardless, with you at the helm of raising it up from a little seed... Our plant is gonna be the best plant ever..."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Dustin laughed. Brewer was definitely the stereotypical old man who would shake his fist at kids and tell them to stay clear of his lawn if they were out playing ball. And then he blushed when Sin proceeded to boast about their future child. It was good that one of them had so much confidence. Dustin had confidence, too, just not the kind that overflowed so openly out of his partner. "You'll contribute plenty, Sin." He held the man's hand. "You've got street smarts. You know how to work with your hands. Skills like that are invaluable in this new world. Between the two of us, it'll blossom into something amazing. The future doesn't feel as bleak or hopeless with this plant coming along. I like that it gives us new ambitions, rather than lamenting the old ones we used to have."
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He wasn't so sure about it, but he nodded anyway "Yeah... We'll figure it out after we get to that point." He rubbed Dustin's belly softly and sighed.  Hopefully they had several months before they had to figure things out, though; he had hopes that this was as traditional as any pregnancy.  That in nine months they'd have a baby - well, more like 7 and a half now, but still.

Another few weeks seemed to kind of blow on by.  The front yards of all their neighbors homes were growing with vibrant green grass, and flowers seemed to be sprouting up all over the place.  The world was truly getting back to something normal looking.  The sun, which had been rare to see in the previous weeks, was shining brightly more and more these days.  Rain still happened, of course.  Life was just getting better, there were no two ways about it.

Sin had been tinkering with the Trans Am, as he always was these days.  He was frustrated with the vehicle, but the Trans was doing everything in its power to do what Sin wanted it to do.  The engine would start up and stay running for a few minutes at a time, and that was promising to the young mechanic.  Today, he was hoping, that something great would happen.  He was just hoping.  He took a deep breath before he put the two engine wires together, twisted, and clamped them.  The engine roared to life, it sounded rough as all hell, but it was roaring.  Sin stepped back and started timing it, watching as the minutes ticked by on his watch.  One minute, three minutes, five minutes, ten minutes... They all went past and the vehicle was still purring like it was a brand new vehicle.  Neighbors were starting to flock out, and Sin was searching to see if he could spot Dustin.  This was the most progress he had made in weeks and he wanted to share with the only person who deserved to share in this moment with him.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Dustin and the others working in the greenhouse noticed something happening outside, so they all decided to go out and see for themselves what was so exciting. New travelers arriving at the fellowship was usually a good guess. Dustin waited for everyone else to leave. He had dedicated himself to working behind the cover of the tomato plants today. In the last five weeks or so, his belly practically ballooned up. It was easier hiding in Sin's shirts when he only looked five or six months pregnant, but now, he appeared eight bordering on nine. Unknown to anyone, including Sin, Dustin started binding his stomach in an effort to protect himself. He knew it wasn't safe and it hurt like hell, but he didn't know what else to do until they had the means to leave.

After a few deep breaths, Dustin left the greenhouse and followed the concert of excited voices to his own house where he found almost all their neighbors gathered in the front yard around the classic junker with its motor still running. Sin looked so proud of himself. Dustin smiled widely up at him. "Babe, you did it!"
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Sin grinned down at Dustin and wrapped his arms around the younger man, though he didn't hold him too tightly, not wanting the stomach to become easily visible "I did!" He beamed and leaned down to kiss Dustin gently "Now we can get the hell out of here... I have tires waiting for this thing, and everything else we need..." He had been stockpiling equipment they would need for their journey; everything was loaded in a covered trailer in the garage attached to their house.

It took a short period but finally all of their neighbors went back to their own daily lives, but were still discussing the working vehicle and 'how useful that Sinclair boy would be soon'. Sin tuned them out and reached in to untwist the wires to shut the Trans Am back off. He looked at Dustin and smiled fondly "We're getting out of here, babe. You, me, and all our plants." They had long since given up the notion that Dustin was just carrying one child, it was more obvious than not. They just had no idea how many children it actually was. He came over and set a hand on Dustin's back "Let's go pack up our stuff..."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

One particular neighbor, Frank Witt, lingered in the cracked driveway. He had a reputation in the fellowship for being nosy and blatantly watching people at length. It made neighbors uncomfortable, honestly. There had been some talk the previous year about getting him exiled from the fellowship, but then nothing happened. Many assumed it was because he had dirt on one too many people. He knew how to secure his position in the safe and thriving little community. Frank's focus was on Dustin as of late. He was the first to notice how Dustin wore shirts that were far too big for him. It would be one thing if he was out in the wilds, wearing anything he could find, but suitable wardrobes were a luxury thanks to the bounty discovered in the closets of their houses.

As the couple walked towards their home, Frank followed. He wasn't brazen enough to waltz in through the front door now that they had one, but it was easy leaning in through one of the open windows that lacked any glass. "You sure have been dedicating a lot of time to that car," he commented with an idle smile. "Used to be that you just tinkered with it here and there, but seems like it suddenly became your life mission or something. Get inspired by something recently, Sinclair?"
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Sin led Dustin into the house, and when he heard that snide voice, he just directed Dustin further into the home "Go ahead and get ready." He whispered to Dustin, smiling warmly at him before he turned to face Frank, heading to the window that the man was leaning in through.

Sin grabbed a chair and settled down in it, staring Frank right in the eyes "I get inspired by a lot of things, to do a lot of things, Frank. I've been inspired to rebuild your microwave, stove, and several other trinkets of yours that only I know how to fix. I've been inspired to help your wife with her wheelchair, and that's not even a engine or mechanical thing." Sin's eyes slowly narrowed and hardened "I'm minding my own business, doing something I enjoy, to pass the time and better the community... A car is going to be helpful to more than just me having something to do with my hands. What have you done to better the community as of late, Frank?"
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Frank lifted his hands, still smiling. "Hey, whoa there, friend... You don't need to bring Alice into this. She still thinks of you as her guardian angel, though, by the way. Can't tell you enough how grateful we are for that wheelchair. I just thought it was, well... so sudden that you dove head first into the car project. The fellowship leaders have been trying to figure out the electricity issue for half a year now. Thought maybe you'd be more dedicated to that than a vehicle. I mean, we're safe here, aren't we? What good is a car to us? Where do we have to go?"

Dustin passed through the living room as he gathered up a few things, trying to make it look like he was simply cleaning up around the house. He could feel Frank's eyes on him. It made him nervous. His breathing hitched and the binder suddenly felt that much tighter. Dustin retreated to the kitchen where he hoped Frank couldn't see him bent over and pressing a hand to the side of his belly as he tried getting his breath back.

Frank clicked his tongue. "Speaking of bettering the community." His sights drifted back towards Sin. "You two find a stash of food somewhere that you didn't feel like telling the rest of us about? Your little boyfriend looks like he's been packing on the pounds."
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"I've been working on the electricity issue, as well as the car, Frank..." He tilted his head slightly, perplexed by the man in front of him. Frank never really paid much attention to him until now, and Sin definitely did do a lot of electrical work around the community to help get electricity a working thing that wouldn't fail out on them after so long. Honestly, he was close to getting that project done too, but he wasn't sure Dustin wanted to stick around the two or so more weeks it would take for him to get it done.

Sin glanced over his shoulder when he heard Dustin. He kept a straight face though and looked back at Frank "We don't have a surplus of food, Frank. We have just as much as the rest of you all do..." He grabbed the rope that kept their dingy little curtains in place and smiled at Frank "It's getting late, Frank. Go home to your wife... I have things that still need to be done while I have daylight." He got up, pulled the rope and then quickly went into the kitchen and found Dustin "Hey... Hey... Are you alright?" Sin whispered, crouching in front of Dustin and rubbing his arm lightly.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Frank hummed as the curtain dropped right in front of his face. These two were hiding something. Very carefully, he nudged the fabric aside just enough to give him a sliver of sight into the home. He just barely saw the two of them in the kitchen, Sin stooped over Dustin who seemed to be struggling for some reason. He strained his ears to hopefully hear them as well.

"It's too tight..." Dustin gasped. He knew his partner would be horrified to find out he'd been using a binder, but he couldn't keep the secret. He lifted up his shirt, revealing the crude fabric he wrapped around himself almost inhumanly tight, and began desperately unraveling it. Dustin's belly bulged outward the instant it was allowed to do so. He nearly looked twice as big in a matter of seconds. Dustin inhaled, almost choking, his lungs so grateful for air. His normally slim and trim frame looked slender and weak compared to the bulk of his round, heavy belly.
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Sin moved to help hold Dustin up, he had no idea what his partner was doing but if he were struggling, he didn't need him collapsing. His eyes were wide as he saw Dustin removing the binder from his stomach "What the hell, Dustin?!" Sin hissed quietly, not entirely sure that Frank had left - that was why he had positioned himself in front of the kitchen doorway, not trusting Frank in the slightest "What... I... What if you're hurting them?" He asked, slowly helping Dustin to sit on the floor, his back against the kitchen cabinets. Honestly, he was just a bit pissed and definitely worried; as much as this was a danger to their safety, these babies were something he was looking forward too. Binding Dustin's stomach didn't seem like a safe thing, but he also didn't know.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Dustin winced as he was lowered down to the floor. "I know, I know," he groaned. This was exactly the reaction he expected, so he didn't get overly defensive or lash out in return. "I didn't want to, okay? I didn't want to, but I felt like I didn't have any other options. We can't go anywhere without the car and the car wasn't ready. I can't put them on hold, you know?" He rubbed a hand gently along his belly, feeling the faint impressions the fabric left on his skin. Guilt weighed heavily in his chest. "I got scared, Sin. Look at me. People would have definitely noticed. I look like I could pop any minute with just one. I didn't know how else to keep us safe."
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Sin settled a hand on the side of Dustin's neck and lowered his own head to kiss the man softly "It's okay... It's okay. Just breathe a second." He whispered, taking steadying breaths so Dustin would follow suit. Once they were breathing evenly together, Sin looked at him again "You should have told me sooner.. My advice would have been to just stay here at the house... but I know, you're a busy body and you can't just sit still..." He sighed quietly and shook his head, glancing toward the door. They had to get out of this hell hole, and now "How much stuff do we have left that needs packing? All I have to do is put the wheels on the car, attach the trailer... Can you still handle packing the important things in here?"
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


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