C Angel Wings

Marshall nodded, head falling to his chest "Yeah. Yeah, it's positive." He whispered. He had no idea what he should be feeling right now.
Confused? Of course. Cael was, by all accounts, a male being, shouldn't even be able to get pregnant, and yet...
Afraid? Absolutely. He had no idea what was going to happen to them, or their baby.
Angered? A little. It was at himself, though. He should have been more cautious with his actions, regardless of Cael's gender.
Excited? Over the moon. He loved Cael, Cael loved him, and they were having a child together - who wouldn't have been happy about that?

Those were all the thoughts swirling in his head, and he laughed, if a bit hysterically, tears coming to his eyes. He looked up at Cael "I don't know what I need to be feeling right now. I'm happy, I'm scared, I'm confused, I'm worried..." He shook his head, the tears falling down his cheeks "What do we do from here, Cael? We can't exactly treat this as if you're a pregnant woman... No one would ever be able to see you as that."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Seeing his mortal's reaction had Cael immediately setting down the bowl of ice cream and hurrying himself into Marshall's arms to comfort him. "Oh, Marshall," he spoke softly, one hand coming up to wipe at the tears falling from the taller man's face. He kissed the man's lips gently, arms wrapped around him in a hug. "Don't get upset. We managed to get through the first month without knowing what to do with our situation and we made the most of it. You're not going to give up so soon when we've hardly even gotten a chance to try." He bit his lip as he thought about what he could say that could comfort either of them in this situation. "For now we'll just...take it easy. I'll stay home for now until we can figure something out, okay?"

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By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Marshall wrapped his arms around Cael in return and buried his face in Cael's neck, just holding him close and rocking him lightly. He wasn't used to being comforted but it was nice to know he could be comforted and soothed by the angel, just as he always did for Cael. After a few more seconds, he pulled back, nodding as he kissed Cael back softly "You're right," He whispered, wiping his face and exhaling slowly "We will figure this out, just as we've figured everything else out since we started seeing each other." there were still fears and doubts about what would happen, but him and Cael could do it all together.

"Come on." He reached out and grabbed that bowl of ice cream, the spoons too "Let's go cuddle on the couch." He led them that way and settled down, legs sprawled out so Cael could lay in between them. Once they were both comfortable, Marshall settled the bowl of ice cream on his outstretched thigh "We can both stay home for a little while. I have a lot of vacation days built up. I will put in for some time off and we will stay home together, figure out where we go from here and how we will handle our next moves, okay?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Cael leaned back against Marshall's firm body and took another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth once he got settled in, he tried to relax himself but after the news they had gotten it was hard and he found himself thoughtfully placing a hand on his stomach. It would have explained why he would suddenly need at least a small amount of food per day if he was growing a half human child inside him like the test said. "I'd like that," he mentioned, voice lost in thought though he'd been listening to Marshall as well. "I wouldn't mind having you home for awhile." There wasn't much they could do, even with Marshall home, but the thought of not being alone while he got himself settled with the idea of possibly having a Nephilim child was appreciated.

"I'm sorry." Cael spoke quietly, chewing lightly at the end of the spoon in his mouth. "Sorry if this scares you...I know for a human it must be difficult to process." It was hard enough for him to process and he'd at least heard stories of children between angels and humans before.

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By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


"It would scare me, no matter what you were or what I was." He answered honestly, exhaling and wrapping an arm around Cael's chest loosely, kissing the back of his head "You being an angel, me being a human... That's not everything. You and I, we're both men, Cael. We have the same anatomical parts..." He waved a hand in the direction of their penises and looked down at him "Men aren't supposed to get pregnant, and this is what's throwing me off. Maybe it has to do with you being an angel? I don't know.. But that's what scares me more than anything, I think."

Marshall finally stopped speaking, at least for a while. The hand that was resting lightly on Cael's chest eventually moved and settled down on his stomach, gently rubbing that smooth expanse "It don't matter." He stated firmly, looking down at Cael "None of what I just said matters, not in the grand scheme. The grand scheme is that I love you, Cael. I love you more than anything in the entire world, and outside of this world. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. And this child... Our child? He, or she, is a blessing and I am so glad that you and I will get to experience this together. Because we're in this together, no matter what."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Moving to take Marshall's hand in his, Cael nodded in understanding, giving the larger hand a light squeeze. "I know it must seem very strange to you, it worries me as well. I don't know if any of the angels who had offspring with humans were male or not...I'm just as in the dark as you are," he admitted with a light bite of his lower lip. "But I think you're right, it doesn't matter right now because there's not really much else we can do." There was no way an angel could go to a human doctor for answers and even if he could an angel with the body of a male carrying a child? No, this had to stay between them no matter what.

He sighed, putting his spoon back into the bowl of ice cream, suddenly not having the appetite for it. Cael's ice blue eyes moved up to meet with honey-brown, leaning up to take his lips in a kiss. "Every moment that I have been with you has been a blessing so far," he agreed with a light smile. "I love you and I'll do my best no matter what happens between us. Baby or not I want to stay by your side."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


"Even though you didn't start out mine... You are my angel now. I have no plans of giving you up." He smiled and kissed Cael back, one hand lifting to gently stroke that soft skin of Cael's cheek. He looked toward the blank TV and smiled "You still interested in watching a movie? Or are you ready to go to bed?" He wasn't sure what Cael wanted, either way was fine with him. All he cared about was being able to cuddle his angel nice and close.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Leaning forward only to move the bowl from Marshall's leg to the coffee table in front of the sofa, Cael turned and cuddled himself further against Marshall's chest. "I think I could just stay here for a while," he admitted, closing his eyes and suddenly feeling exhausted. It didn't take him very long at all to fall asleep on Marshall, the events of the day having really taken their tole on the angel.

[Eighteen Weeks Later | Six Months Pregnant]

If there had been any doubt about Cael being pregnant there weren't any now. Needless to say his stomach had grown considerably outward during the past few weeks, not enough to be unable to cover with one of Marshall's sweatshirts but definitely noticeable in his tight shirts that had been previously comfortable. Already he started going out less, no matter how much he enjoyed going out of the house and stretching his wings and legs, and he'd taken to wearing Marshall's clothes most of the time. If Marshall had thought Cael had been bad about stealing his wardrobe before it was even worse now that they fit so much better than his own clothes. Not that Marshall minded of course as he repeatedly kissed Cael throughout the days and told him how beautiful he looked in his clothes.

It was around the time Marshall should have been returning from work, Cael sitting cross legged on the couch in a pair of Marshall's pajama pants and police sweatshirt. He'd started roasting a chicken with potatoes and carrots that were currently still in the oven and should be ready at the same time Marshall got home. Thankfully, despite still needing to eat, Cael didn't need to eat quite as much as a human normally needed, much less the average pregnant woman...then again Cael certainly wasn't the average anything.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


It was unusual for an angel to stay earthbound for so long, and when word started picking up about Cael's sudden departure from the Heavens, that he hadn't made any drop-offs or been around to just chat any, of course the angels that were higher-up started looking into it.  They had records of everything and were shocked to find that it had been six months since the last time anyone had seen or heard from the angel.  Araqiel, the angel who ruled over the operations that took place on earth, was concerned.  Had Cael been captured?  Was he dead?  Was he being tortured?  He did not know.  And it worried him.

Araqiel had sent out hunter angels, angels designed solely to track down missing angels.  It wasn't hard in Charper Beach, small as it was, for the hunters to find where Cael had been whisked away to.  The information that was reported back to Araqiel was not what he had hoped, far from it.  He was now worried more for Cael's existence than he had been before.

It took a while for Araqiel to find himself a suitable wardrobe, figuring he couldn't go to Earth dressed as an Elder Angel.  It would have been suspicious and he needed to keep Cael's existence a secret, just as much as his own existence.  He also had to work on fading his wings in and out, having never needing to do it before now.  Once he was completely confident in his abilities to blend with the human race, Araqiel went down.

It was the day that Cael's human was at work, and Araqiel knew he could get Cael alone.  He knocked on the door to the small beach home, waiting expectantly for his young brother to answer the door.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


When Cael heard the knock on the door he immediately knew it wasn't Marshall; Marshall wouldn't knock before he came in. He also wasn't immediately on edge; there had been a few deliveries from online purchases that would knock on the door and require a signature or people with pamphlets to hand out. He was grateful that he was already in one of Marshall's large police sweatshirt when he got up to answer the knock, looking lazy and comfortable rather than someone trying to cover up a noticeable swell to their stomach. Once he got up, he readjusted the loose pajamas around his hips and went to the door, opening it with a light greeting that died in his mouth when he saw who was at the door.

Of course he immediately recognized Araqiel at the door, an angel much older than he was that assigned to look after decisions made on Earth. "Oh..." Cael suddenly went a little still and nervous, unsure if maybe the other angel knew anything or not but still on edge just in case. "Araqiel, come in." He opened the door wider, wanting the older angel to get inside quickly and out of sight. "What brings you all the way to Charper Beach?"

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Araqiel laid critical eyes on Cael when the door finally opened "Cael!" He was actually surprised to see the angel freely walking about; figuring the human had been keeping the young being locked up when they were not home "You bring me all the way here, young brother!" Araqiel quickly came into the abode, shutting the door behind him. Strong hands settled on Cael's shoulders, holding him firmly "Where have you been?! It has been six months since anyone has heard from you! Are you being held here against your will? Have the humans captured you?" He was worried, it was obvious. He also clearly did not know that Cael was presently pregnant.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"No!" Cael exclaimed, backing out of the other angel's grip. "No one is holding me here against my will, Araqiel." Running a hand through his hair and re-situating the Charper PD sweatshirt after it had been disheveled by the angel's strong hands on his shoulders. "I've been here," he explained. Leaning back against the sofa he'd been sitting on previously, he took a deep breath as he tried to explain to the angel what had happened. "I was doing my duty but instead of escorting a mortal to Heaven I saved him. After that whenever I followed that pull towards whatever it was I had to do it was always the same mortal...since it always pulled me to him I stayed with him." He left out the fact that he'd slept with the mortal and that there were some consequences to those actions.

Cael knew Angels, knew they stuck to their duties and took their jobs very seriously, and even if Araqiel cared enough to check on him he had no doubt if he knew about the child it would be reported. The threat of a possible danger to his unborn child, no matter what it was, had Cael tense and uncomfortable.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


That was certainly odd. It had happened, that was not the problem. The fact that Cael was held here, freely it seemed, and the mortal had not exploited Cael for what he was. "Okay." Araqiel closed his eyes and hummed a little something, "Whatever you did caused a disturbance in your duties. No one in Charper Beach has died since the day you saved this mortal, Cael..." He looked at the young angel with a serious expression "You were the sole angel over Charper Beach, and because you did not come home, did not bring the mortal home, not a single person in Charper Beach has died."

He looked over Cael critically, white brows furrowing together "You've been put into the position of this mortal's Guardian, but no one replaced you..." he didn't looked pleased, mostly because work had been very lacking in this region and a lot of people were suffering when they didn't have too. "Is there any other reasons why you have not returned home, Cael? Finding your Mortal cannot be the only reason that has kept you here..." Of all the angels, Araqiel was usually the most understanding. He had spent many of his own years roaming the earth and interacting with humans, a long long long time ago, he knew that things happened and they could not always be resolved simply by heading home -he, too, had fallen in similar situations once upon a time ago.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I apologize," Cael responded quickly. "I hadn't realized that there had been no one to replace me. I thought that perhaps if my designation was changed to guardian that it was planned." His fingers slightly played at the sleeves of the too big hoodie, betraying his nervousness. He couldn't exactly lie to Araqiel and tell him there was nothing else keeping him from Heaven, but he couldn't find it in himself to open his mouth and try and explain, worried about what could happen if the child was found out about. He shoved his hands into the pockets of the sweatshirt, giving his hands something to do and slightly fulfilling the urge to bring his arms around his abdomen without being obvious about it. "I haven't felt a reason to return to Heaven," he said instead, something that was true at least. Since he'd been with Marshall he'd felt no need or desire to return home. "Has there been a problem I should know about?"

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


"You becoming a guardian wasn't planned. You became a guardian when you decided to save a mortal's life, instead of letting him die. That's how guardian angels become guardian angels, but they also usually come home to report that they have saved their mortal's life, so that they can be replaced!" Araqiel took a deep breath, not wanting to get angered over the ignorance. He understood why Cael did what he had too, it was in his calling to do so, but knowing would have been nice.

"You mean, other than people here in Charper not dying as they were schedule?" For an angel, his sarcasm was surely on point "No. No problems whatsoever, Cael. You've just halted an entire city from death, due to your selfish, irresponsible actions!" Araqiel took a breath and shook his head "But it can be fixed. It's an easy fix...Mostly everyone who would have died from unnatural causes, they are in coma's. Those who were already dying, are still dying... They will finally find their peace." He closed his eyes and took another breath "What are you hiding, Cael? Why are you hiding it? Why do you feel you must hide, from me? I am your brother, Cael. We have lived a long time together. Do you think I cannot help you, if you are in need of help?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Cael visibly flinched when Araqiel made it clear he knew Cael was hiding more from him. He wouldn't be able to lie to the other angel and he didn't think Araqiel would be leaving without more information. It was probably better to get it out and get Araqiel out of the house before Marshall got home. He knew he'd have to face one of his brothers at some point but he'd been hoping it would have been after the child had been born and he would have been better suited to fight to protect them. "I don't think there is anything you can do to help me, Araqiel." Cael's words were quiet and he found that he couldn't quite meet the other angel's eyes anymore. He would have to reveal his current predicament to Araqiel and while it potentially meant answers from the older angel, Cael was worried exposing his secret would do more harm than good.

"I...I fell in love with the mortal," he admitted in a rush, hands tightening in his pockets. "I slept with him and had relations with him."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Araqiel listened as those quiet words left Cael. His heart breaking for the young angel "Cael..." He reached forward, setting a hand on the angel's forearm. He felt the tension in Cael's arms and looked toward the bunched up fabric, the obviousness of that roundness there and visible "Cael..." He said again, quietly, blinking as he tried to process this new information "Do you fear for the life of your child? Is that what this is all about? Is this why you cannot speak with me?" He asked softly stepping closer to Cael. Now, he understood. He knew the pain, too, and he knew why Cael would be so terrified. But, it had been thousands of years since the last nephilim roamed this earth and just like on earth, things in Heaven changed too.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Cael closed his eyes tightly, now that Araqiel knew he took one of his hands from his pockets and gave into the urge to wrap it around himself protectively. It took a moment before he looked up into the older angels eyes with determination mixing in with his fear. "I won't let anything happen to them," he promised, standing a little straighter. "The mortal or the child. I'll do anything I have to do to protect them, even if that meant not going home." He sighed, holding himself a little tighter with his arm, feeling what he'd come to realize was movement inside him. "I love them."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


"As you should, Cael." Araqiel whispered, reaching up and setting a warm hand on the younger angel's cheek, "They are your family now. You should love them and protect them, that is your sworn duty." He didn't quite like it, because it was one of those unknown things, but he couldn't blame Cael either "My mortal, she would have loved to see our child... If she were alive today." He smiled and shook his head fondly "Though, she would tell me that he was a lot like me. That our son was following in my footsteps, becoming more and more like me with every passing day. And, honestly, she is right. Our son has become a lot like me, in every single way. Truth be told, I'm quite proud of him... He has done the angels a good service, and he will do his mortal a good service, his child, too."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Araqiel's words surprised him, and Cael found himself feeling all the tension in his body leave him as he stared up at the other angel in surprise. "Araqiel....you're....?" He found it hard to believe but knew that the other angel was telling the truth. A lot hit him at once with those words; the fact that Araqiel was actually his father, the fact that he'd had a mortal mother, and the fact that his child wouldn't be the first Nephilim in thousands of years and that meant that they might not be in as much danger as Cael had assumed they would have been. Cael couldn't stop himself from pulling the other angel into a quick and tight hug at the sudden rush of emotions that went through him. If he himself were the child of an angel and a mortal then he shouldn't have anything to worry about, right? There was still the one thing though. "My mother," he started, with a slight frown. "She was a woman right?"

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


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