O Mpreg Brunch

This rp thread is set on a Saturday morning at the small beachside, Big John’s Brunch Restaurant, and a couple of my friends and I, (pregnant or not) are meeting up for a tasty meal to chat about pregnancy and other things. This rp can go anywhere, the beach, my place, your place, the jungle, sex...

-must be over 18 if you want to carry, can be under 18 if not carrying.
-maximum of 8 babies
-must be pregnant with a HUMAN (no slime/monster/alien)
-Do not have to be married
-no alcohol
-ladies welcome! (Though may not be pregnant)
-No hate comments, insults, racism, racial slurs, or exclusion! Be kind or leave.
-let’s avoid birthing, please

If you decide you want to give birth, this means you will be leaving the rp, to the hospital. This is going to be kind of a chill relaxing that can lead to another location, and if you decide to have sex with another person, you two or three need to make a separate chain we can all join when we are done here.

Name: Jackson Andrews
Age: 26
Currently along: 8 months
Babies: 5 babies
Personality: Loves being pregnant and going on road trips, is kind, affectionate, overthinks things, worries for others too much and is always in a good mood, for the most part ;)
Body: tall, 6’4, toned arms and legs, goes to the gym three times a week, hates the gym, toned body, wavy short blonde hair, stubble, sharp jawline, light brown eyes, rosy cheeks, big muscular pecs, a gigantic belly, wears casual clothes always, has a gigantic bulge that gets in the way of his life sometimes, big feet, huge arm muscles and a tattoo on his left wrist of a heart.

As Jackson sits in his comfortable chair, waiting for his friends to come join him for brunch, he begins to slowly rub his humongous belly, smiling, thinking about the future he will live with his children, and the joy he will have all throughout his life. But all of a sudden he hears the cafe doorbell, jingle, and looks to see who has entered the cafe...

Name Mark Dreyar
Age 23
Currently along 8 and a half months
Babies 6 doesn't know it's 7
Personally sweet, kind ,love animals, love kids,
Body medium he's 5 foot 9 Brown hair blue eyes like going to the gym, used to have 6 pack also is gay
Mark waddle slowly over to Jackson he smile gently grabbing a plate loading his plate with mostly fruits and a few pickles "hey Jackson is the chair on your right open

andrew smiles, his old friend joining him for brunch. "mark! of course, join in" jackson rubs his massive belly, it goes so far, past his knees when he sits. "so how have you been? you look amazing" jackson says as he takes a sip of his drink, rubbing his own belly happily

Mark smile gently he sits down slowly "good I feel like a huge whale

"no, no your belly is beautiful!" i smile, finishing up my plate and grabbing another, and sitting down next to you. "so how many little guys are in there? must be quite a few!" i laugh, starting on my plate

He smile gently feeling kicking "6 ,5 boys 1 girl there going to be about 9 pounds each

Name: Frank Farmer-Len
Age: 28
Currently along: 6 months
Babies: 7 babies
Personality: A kind if somewhat quiet man, an artist, a father of 8, married to a mutual friend, first time pregnant.
Body: 6’7, skinny, tan skinned, light stubbled, short black hair, brown eyes, big dicked, used to have a skinny waist and a flat butt, but both have grown during his pregnancy.

Frank walks in wearing khaki shorts, a pink and blue tank top, and closed sandals and managed to hear the last bit of conversation. "Nice, I'm having seven boys." He sits down by Mark. "Sorry if I'm late and alone. Dave was too tired and decided that today was the day he started bedrest. He's due in in eight days. How are y'all?"

Mark smile gently seeing Frank he rubs his large stomach "I'm due in about a month though with 5 boys kicking on my bladder all the time I have to go to the bathroom every ten minutes at least there sister being good

"Can you really tell them apart. These kids are just starting to kick and I can't tell hide or tail between them. It's all just kicks and jabs to me."

He smile gently

"look at us, three big daddy-to-be's," jackson smiles, placing a hand on his own belly. "well all i know is that my boys are going to be football stars, haha" everyone laughs, smiles all around. "wow, so frank, how is dave doing? how many is he carrying? it must be a wild ride with both of you carrying, high numbers" jackson says, finishing off his second plate, starting his third, all while rubbing his belly underneath his shirt.

Mark doesn't looks up his boyfriend left him because he found out he was pregnant he went to get his second plate putting fruits and pickles on the plate waddling slowly back to his chair

"Dave's having three right now. It's been pretty good so far; two pregnant men isn't as big a deal as eight kids, but thankfully we are fortunate to afford help and I'm able to stay home." Frank says because Dave managed to get a well paying executive job. "I thought it was unfair that he carried our kids while I did nothing, so we got to talking. The next weekend we got someone to look after the kids, and I got drunk and jumped up and down on his privates." Frank grabs some oranges and orders some chocolate chip pancakes. "How's y'all's significant others doing by the way?"

"well michael is doing amazing, he's super supportive of the babies.. all of them, haha" jackson smiles, rubbing his belly. "how about you mark?" jackson says with a smile, sipping his drink and patting his huge belly.

Mark looks down "been alone basically my whole pregnancy he rubs his stomach feeling movement in his stomach

Frank moves a hand to Mark's shoulder. "We're here for you, man. Tell us about it or don't, just know that we are here to support you." Frank's phone chimes a few times, but he ignores it.

Mark looks up "when I found out I was pregnant my family disowned me but my boyfriend he was happy he was in the military I was 2 months there was a ambush in his camp everyone died including him tears falling down his face

Frank gives Mark a side hug, as sitting down and both men having large pregnant bellies makes a more forward hug difficult. "Why didn't you ask for help sooner?"

He looks down "I was scared someone might hurt me and my boys

Frank chuckles "How does asking for support from friends lead to you being hurt? Jackson's been pregnant longer than you, and Me and Dave have been fathers longer than most of your relationships." His phone chips a few more times.

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