O Mpreg Brunch

Austin Mahone: (Rubs his Stomach) Mark i found out last week that I was pregnant with Twin Boys so I get what you are feeling but i am only 4 months so hopefully when i am 8 months they won't kick me..
Austin Mahone: (Rubs his Stomach) I am still sad that Jethro can NEVER experience carrying a child..
Jethro Grantham: Austin don't be sad about me... You need to focus on Our Twin Boys that you are carrying...
Austin Mahone: Oh Jethro that's so sweet (Kisses Him)
Jethro Grantham: Oh Sorry Mark i forgot you lost your boyfriend while he was in the military...
Austin Mahone: Yeah we heard about it on the news and We are both Sorry for your loss...
Jethro Grantham: Remember Mark if you need anything We be there to help you out...
Austin Mahone: Yeah we are all friends here so just let us know when you need help and we be right there....

Mark smile gently tears falling down his face "sorry these hormones acting up again and with 5 boys on your bladder it's make it worse at least there sister good

Austin Mahone (Fixing His Plate): I feel bad for Mark is there anyway we can help him?
Jethro Grantham (Fixing His Plate): Yeah I feel bad for Mark just as bad back when I was 19 when i found out i couldn't carry a child...
Austin Mahone (Continues Fixing His Plate): So what?
Jethro Grantham (Continues Fixing His Plate): We can ask him if he wants to come to Our House to hangout?
Austin Mahone (Continues Fixing His Plate): Sounds like a good plan...
*Austin & Jethro got their plates and heads to the table to sit down*

Jethro Grantham: So Mark wanna come to Our House so we can hangout and talk some more?
Austin Mahone: So Mark Do You want to come to Our House so we can talk...
Jethro Grantham: Because You can't be alone when you are that far along but We can understand if you say no...
Austin Mahone: Mark when in your pregnancy did the 5 boys started kicking?

Mark looks up "when I was 5 and half months and I don't know guys I'm due in a month and it's hurts to walk for so long with 6 kids kicking and moving

Austin Mahone: Jethro Do We still have The Wheelchair in the van?
Jethro Grantham: Oh Yeah We do have a Wheelchair in the van?
Austin Mahone: So Mark after we finish eating do you want My Fiance to push you since it hurts to walk?
Jethro Grantham: Yeah you don't has to walk cause I can push you in the wheelchair..
Austin Mahone: And Our Place is Wheelchair Accessible and Our Place is so big that we got a Elevator in our house so you don't has to walk one bit...
Jethro Grantham: So Mark what do you say? We will understand if you want to be independent... Our Feelings won't be hurt....
Austin Mahone: We are your friends and We want to help you out?
Austin Mahone: Hopefully My Twin Boys won't kick me that hard like your boys can...
Jethro Grantham: So Mark all you has to do is Take It Easy... And We can be your Family since your other family disowned you?
Austin Mahone: Yeah that's mess up I can't believe they disowned you while you are pregnant...
Jethro Grantham: We got 10 Bedrooms so you can stay with us until you can get back on your feet again...
Austin Mahone: Mark if you want We can talk some sense into your family of taking you back?

Mark shakes his head no "no guys I can't do that I'm sorry I don't want to be a burden to you and my family won't even talk anymore every time I tried they just ignore me also I have a little kitten to take care of

Jethro Grantham: Okay then Sorry to brother you then...
Austin Mahone: Yeah Sorry but We were just trying to help you out...
Jethro Grantham: Mark here is Our Number so You can call Us anytime you want and We be right there...
Austin Mahone: Your Family are Bitches and they are gonna regret disowning you and missing out on their grandkids...
Jethro Grantham: So let's continue eating and then we can go our separate ways...
Austin Mahone: And Mark we are sorry to brother you again...
Jethro Grantham: Mark are you sure that having a kitten is okay after you have the babies?
Austin Mahone: Because I heard that Cats don't do well with babies? But i don't about kittens though....

Mark doesn't looks up wiping his eyes "I just don't know what to do I'm just scared of being rejected again

*Jethro's sitting next to Mark*

Jethro Grantham: There There Mark You got us now...
Austin Mahone: And We won't reject you like your family did...
Jethro Grantham: Yeah You don't has to be scared about being rejected again because We got you....
Austin Mahone: Yeah when the babies come We can help you raise them...
Jethro Grantham: Yeah 6 Kids is gonna be alot of work so we can help you raise them if you want?
Austin Mahone: See Mark My Fiance is so nice & sweet that He helps Everybody that needs our help...
Jethro Grantham: So Mark Do You Want Us to help You out? Because Raising 6 Kids and a Kitten will be alot of Work...

Mark nods his head tears falling down his face smiling gently "t thank you

Jethro Grantham: There There Mark from this day on You will No Longer be Alone as You got us now....
Austin Mahone: And We won't let you down like your family did...
Jethro Grantham: Yeah Mark We count you as Family...
Austin Mahone: Yeah You Do for Family and Mark we count you as being in Our Family...
Jethro Grantham: Our Family Loves each other no matter what...
Austin Mahone: So Mark what do you say about after Brunch we go back to your place so we can meet your kitten?
Jethro Grantham: Yeah We Love Cats/Kittens and We are your New Family... And We will treat you with Respect not like your other family did...
Austin Mahone: So Mark Welcome to Our Family..

Mark smile gently "my kitten she love everyone she train for the litter and everything

Jethro Grantham: So Mark are you happy that We are going to help you out?
Austin Mahone: Mark I thought you was having Brunch with your other friends?
Austin Mahone: Yeah I don't see them nowhere?
Jethro Grantham: Did They Leave You?
Jethro Grantham: We can't wait to Meet Your Kitten Mark...
Austin Mahone: Yeah Your Kitten is gonna fall in love with us...
Jethro Grantham: Mark remember We are your Family Now so don't be ashamed to give us A Call when you need help?
Austin Mahone: Yeah Mark we are there for you no matter what....

Mark smile gently "well I left actually I didn't want to disturb them

Austin Mahone: But I thought your friends was going to support you no matter what?
Jethro Grantham: They were?
Austin Mahone: Don't Worry Mark You got us now and You can't disturb us...
Jethro Grantham: Yeah We are your Family now we are gonna support you No Matter What?
Austin Mahone: Mark remember we got you...
Jethro Grantham: We Will NEVER go away...
Austin Mahone: Mark we are gonna prove to your family that Disowning You was a Big Mistake...
Jethro Grantham: So Mark do you want to tell us something about yourself?
Austin Mahone: So we can get to know you better...
Jethro Grantham: Yeah We love to help out People so don't be too ashamed to call us to come & help you....

Mark looks up "well I'm a bank manager

Austin Mahone: A Bank Manager that's nice....
Jethro Grantham: If you don't mind what was your boyfriend like before he passed away?
Austin Mahone: Because Talking about it can help give you closure...
Jethro Grantham: So what was he like?
Jethro Grantham: Before I got Rich i was working at Walmart...
Austin Mahone: You was working at Walmart before you was rich?
Jethro Grantham: Yep then I become Rich I decided to Quit My Job so i can focus on My Family and My Boyfriend...
Austin Mahone: Oh Jethro that's so sweet....
Austin Mahone: I was working at Goodwill before I met Jethro...
Austin Mahone: To this day I still work at Goodwill and engaged to Jethro...
Jethro Grantham: and My Family were nice when I came out of the closet and they also approve when I told them that My Fiance Austin was pregnant with Twins...
Austin Mahone: Yeah Jethro's Family were very supportive of Us..
Jethro Grantham: Until Recently when I lost My Father to a Heart Attack and i still cried about it to this day....
Austin Mahone: Jethro there there He's in a better place....

Mark looks up "well Jimmy was fun to be around he love animals he actually got me the kitten for our 3 year of dating he used to work at the shelter in town everyone love him he love helping people as well each week he go to the military to help the soldiers like a doctor and come back to the shelter so he had like two jobs but he love them both he couldn't pick one to have so he choose both he was supposed to come back the day his base was ambush

Jethro Grantham: He's in Heaven now with My Father and You got us...
Austin Mahone: Yeah and We won't go away...
Jethro Grantham: So if there's anything you need We be there...
Austin Mahone: And if you need any help We also be there...
Jethro Grantham: I wonder what your boyfriend and My Father doing right now in Heaven?
Austin Mahone: Yeah I was wondering the same thing.....

Mark rubs his stomach feeling lots of kicking tears falling down his face "I miss him ever since he died I won't have sex ever again Jimmy was my mate if I have sex I cheated on him

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