C My brothers best friend

(Okay, sweet)

Name: William (Liam/Li) Bakerson
Age: 19
Studying: Secondary Maths teaching
Looks: Deep green eyes, black hair, slight stubble around his chin, pale skin with freckles along his nose, slightly taller than 6”

Liam chewed his lip as he walked towards his assigned room. He knocked as he got there just in case before entering. He saw someone had already set up a bed but wasn’t currently in the room so he quickly set up his side before jumping on his bed and pulling out a book, he put his wide rimmed glasses on and began to read

(I'm going to use Steve again lol)

Name: Steven (Steve) Smith
Studying: Art and Graphic Design
Looks: Steve has brown eyes, freckles across the bridge of his nose and cheeks, and short wavy brown hair with dyed light blue bangs that are swept off to the side, he's around 5'3" and has a decently muscular build. He can usually be seen wearing either hoodies or baggy sweaters along with jeans or jogging pants and sneakers or mismatched socks.

Steve walks into the room, balancing his bookbag and his latest art project in his arms as he uses his foot to push the door open then kick it shut behind him. He doesn't yet notice his roommate with his project blocking his view.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

(I was thinking of using Jace again but it felt kind of weird lol)

Liam looked up over his glasses and put the book to the side hopping up “Hey, do you need help?” He asked awkwardly trying to grab something to help the other boy. (I’m thinking maybe they don’t get together straight away like maybe Liam has a girlfriend and then he breaks up with her and gets drunk and they experiment?)


Steve yelps in surprise and jumps "Y-Yes please. Sorry, didn't see you there" He chuckles awkwardly
(Sure, sounds good to me Thumbs Up )

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam smiled brightly and took some things setting them down on the other boys bed before holding his hand out “Hi! I’m Liam, I guess I’m your new roommate” he smiled down at the other man who was almost a head shorter than him

Steve smiles and shakes Liam's hand "I'm Steven, but most people just call me Steve" He chuckles.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam grinned brightly “Pleased to meet you” he said before going back and hopping in his bed opening his book back up and reading again

"Thanks for helping me out, that stuff was getting heavy" Steve chuckles and hops onto his own bed.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam looked up and smiled brightly his dimples showing “Not a problem” he said happily before closing the book and sat up smiling at the other man “I like your hair man” he chuckled “Are you going to the party tonight? You know, the welcome one or whatever?”

"Thanks, I had to dye it myself" Steve grins "I'm glad that I'm not the only one that likes how it turned out" He chuckles "Of course! I'm not super social, but it'll be good for me to get out of my comfort zone for once"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam chuckled and nodded “Cool, well my girlfriend is coming down from her college to go as well so we can all go together if you want?” He said smiling

"Sounds good to me, the more the merrier" Steve smiles, hiding the slight disappointment he felt at learning that his roommate has a girlfriend.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam chuckled softly “Maybe we should get to know each other a bit. I’m studying to be a high school maths teacher, I came from a small town about 3 hours north of here, that’s where my girlfriend is, we’ve been dating for about a year and a half so we’re trying the long distance thing”

"I'm studying to be a graphic design artist, I came from a somewhat closed minded town a couple states over where I'd been living with my mothers" Steve says.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Hunter nodded “Wow, a few states over, what made you come all the way over here for college?” He asked smiling gently “Why do your mums live in a homophobic town?” He asked confused “Wouldn’t it be easier to live elsewhere? Was that hard, growing up with 2 mums as in school wise?”

"Local colleges wouldn't let me attend because I'm bisexual and my parents are lesbians. They stayed in that place so I could get an education, and because we couldn't afford to move somewhere better. It was hard sometimes, the teachers actually treated me worse than the other kids did. Seems like our generation is turning out more accepting than their parents"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam nodded and hopped up “That would suck” he said softly “I’m sorry you had to go through that” he said softly before smiling gently “Don’t worry, I’m a cool straight guy, I’m one of those accepting ones” he said winking and grinning

"Hell yeah, I like you already" Steve laughs "I have a feeling that this could be the start of a great friendship"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam grinned widely “Definitely”. A couple hours later Liam was frowning on his phone messaging quickly before running a hand through his hair, “What the actual fuck” he muttered to himself

"What's up? Your girl can't make it to the party or something?" Steve asks, noticing his new friend's distress.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

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