C My brothers best friend

Liam smiled gently at him “Well I mean, at least we found out now so we know to prepare” he chuckled lightly (want to skip a couple of months? Maybe one of them has a different partner and some jealousy happens?)

(Sure! That could be what makes Liam really start questioning if he's actually straight)

"Yeah, we'll be able to handle this" Steve smiles a bit.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

(Yeah, would you like to start or do you want me to?)

Liam smiled “Did the doctor give you something for the nausea? You seem peppier than when you left earlier, not as drained”

(You can if you want to )

"Yeah, it's helping already"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam sighed a little finishing up an assessment before laying back in bed. Apparently Steve had someone coming over to chill with him, Liam wasn’t sure if he was dating the man or what but Liam didn’t understand why he was so annoyed about it, it was both of their rooms and Steve was free to do whatever with whoever he wanted.

Steve is sitting on his bed studying while he waits for his childhood best friend to show up "Finally finish your assignment?" He smiles over at his roommate.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam smiled lightly and nodded “Thank god, it was due in two hours” he laughed a little and ran a hand through his hair as he grabbed a casual reading book and returned to where he was up to “When’s your friend getting here?” He asked absently

"He should be here any minute now" Steve says, grinning excitedly "I haven't seen him in years"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam nodded “That’s cool, why are you connecting all of a sudden?” He asked curiously looking over at the other man not being able to concentrate on his book and the conversation at the same time

"He's moving to live a few minutes outside of campus, his parents stopped us from seeing each other after they found out about my sexuality. But now that he's not living with them anymore, we can be friends again!" Steve grins, nearly bouncing in place with excitement.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam nodded a little “Did he know about your sexuality? Was he cool with it?” He asked lightly leaning on his hand. He heard someone knock at the door “Guess that’s him”

"He knew, but he didn't really care about what my sexuality is" Steve says as he gets up to let his friend in

(You can be Steve's friend and choose who he is if you want, I'm not great at playing more than one character at a time)

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam nodded and sat up a little looking at the door

Dale grinned and moved in hugging Steve tightly “Hello you!” He said happily and spun him around a bit chuckling before putting him down “Sorry, I probably shouldn’t have done that with a bun in the oven and all” he grinned (should he be gay? And have a crush on Steve maybe?)

"Dale! It's so good to see you again!" Steve grins and hugs him tightly "It's okay, it's not big enough to get in the way yet" He chuckles and gently pats his tiny bump.

(Yeah, but he's still in the closet)

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam frowned a little at their interaction, he didn’t like the way Dale was looking at Steve, it made his belly do little flips.

Dale grinned “Yeah but I know the nausea has been affecting you, I don’t want to make it worse” he said softly and hugged him again “I’m so excited to be close to you again” he said happily

(So should he be out just to Steve or to no one?)

(Just to Steve for now)

"It's been getting better, slowly" Steve chuckles and hugs Dale again "I'm so happy that we're able to hang out again"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Dale smiled brightly “Do you want to go out an get something to eat?” He said happily

Liam stood “Eating sounds good” he said grinning and going over holding out his hand “I’m Liam” he said grinning at the other man and took his hand a little tightly shaking it.

Dale smiled thinly “Oh, hi, yeah, I kind of meant just Steve and me but sure I guess you can come” he said awkwardly before turning back to Steve and putting an arm around him heading out the door

Steve grins and wraps an arm around both men "Let's go! Papa is craving Chinese food!" He laughs and practically drags his friends out the door.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Liam chuckled softly and ruffled the shorter mans hair lightly before they headed to the small Chinese shop not far from their campus.

Dale grinned as Steve talked to him and pointed out a bunch of things as they went along. Once they got to the restaurant they got a table for the 3 of them and Dale sat beside Steve with Liam on the other side.

Liam took a menu just looking through it quietly, he didn’t like how close the two men were sitting and chatting and he was pretty sure they were flirting right in front of him, he didn’t know why it made him so mad.

"You okay, Liam? You're starting to tear the menu..." Steve points out the small tear that Liam's tight grip was causing in the paper menu "We can get our food to go if you're not feeling well"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

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