C My brothers best friend

Owen smiled brightly up at him. Another few months went by and Shawn was at work. Owen was at home with the kids making them some lunch when he felt the first pain wincing, they were stronger than he remembered but he thought that might be due to the baby being big like Jay instead of a bit smaller like the twins were. He looked at the clock and decided not to worry Shawn as he thought he would have another 9 hours or so and Shawn finished in five. By 4:30pm Owen was really struggling, the pains getting worse and closer together, his mum had picked the kids up at 3 so he was just waiting for Shawn to get home to go to the hospital together. He held his stomach tightly crying out a little as he heard the door open

"Owen? I'm home!" Shawn calls out as he shuts the door and slips off his shoes and jacket "Sorry I took so long, it's snowing like crazy out there" He says, looking around the house for Owen.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Owen sighed in relief getting up and waddling out as the contraction ended “Thank god, we need to go to the hospital now” he said holding his stomach tightly “I’ve been having contractions since 12 but they’re so bad and I want an epidural four hours ago” he laughed awkwardly. Owen hasn’t realised how much faster a second labour goes for and presumed he had at least another five hours to go.

"O-Oh, can I check you before we go? The last thing we need is to get stuck out in traffic in the snow" Shawn chuckles anxiously "Second births are usually much shorter than first timers so I want to make sure you're not close to delivering already"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace shook his head “No no, we’re not doing that again, last time you checked me and I had to have the twins at home, no thank you, I’m getting an epidural and pain meds this time” he said before gasping and grunting grabbing onto the wall as a contraction hit holding onto his stomach tightly

"Baby, me checking isn't what made that happen" Shawn chuckles softly and shakes his head "If you're that far in then it'll happ Sleepy regardless of whether I check you or not"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Owen whimpered and shook his head still panting through the pain “Please don’t check me, I just want drugs” he said starting to cry desperately because he knew he would be too far gone if Shawn checked and he knew he would be having another baby in the house.

"Okay, okay. Please don't cry, baby" Shawn sighs softly and hugs Owen close "Let's get you dressed and ready to go, alright?"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Owen held onto him tightly “I love you” he said quietly before gasping as he felt his water break and blushed a little “Okay, now we goth need to get changed” he laughed awkwardly before crying out in pain at another contraction grasping onto Shawn desperately “Ow ow ow ow” he cried out

"I love you too" Shawn smiles softly, freezing up when Owen's water breaks "Th-That's okay, let's just get changed and get out of here before we get snowed in" He chuckles awkwardly, letting Owen hold onto him.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Owen whined a little through the contraction holding tightly to Shawn before nodding as it eased, he turned and waddled to their room, his legs spread more apart than usual getting ready for the baby to drop, he quickly grabbed some sweat pants and a loose jumper starting to get changed quickly before crying out at another pain leaning down on the bed, his bare butt in the air as he rocked his hips painfully crying a little

Shawn follows Owen in case he needed help, noticing the way he was walking. He goes to Owen's side and holds his hand "Breathe through it, baby. You're okay"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Owen squeezed his hand tightly panting heavily “It hurts so much worse than the twins” he cried painfully “Why does it hurt so much more” he sobbed

"Because this baby is bigger than the twins were" Shawn says as he wipes away Owen's tears.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Owen stood back up as the contraction ended breathing heavily tears still running down his face a little as he dressed himself slowly

Shawn helps Owen get dressed "Are you sure it's still a good idea to leave...?"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Owen looked at him tearfully “I need the drugs Shawn, I can’t…I can’t, it already hurts so bad and I’m not even birthing yet” he said terrified

"Okay, let's get you to the hospital then" Shawn sighs and slowly guides Owen to the car, hating having to see the other man in so much pain and not being able to help him.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Owen held onto him tightly as they walked before stopping just as they got to the car as a contraction came, he cried out painfully and swore as he felt his body telling him to push, so he bore down hard

"O-Okay, we're not going anywhere" Shawn sighs and scoops Owen up into his arms after the contraction ended.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

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