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Name: Ryvellion ‘Ry’
Age: 210 (Looks 22)
Looks: Though no natural form and able to make himself appear however he would like, Ry takes the form of a young man, just above 6 feet tall, broad shoulders, pale skin with freckles along his cheeks and brunette wavy hair cut short on the sides, normally wearing shorts only as he doesn’t feel any variation in temperature.
Ry sat in the corner of the cold white room, all walls were white and on the roof was a painted night sky with various constellations that moved like magic. He waited patiently for his chosen to wake up from his sleep, he wanted to explain everything that was to happen as it was happening to the man, he quite liked the idea of torturing him a little more with the knowledge of what would happen before it did. The man was on a bed similar to that of one in a hospital and arms and feet were held down with metal bars so they couldn’t try and escape or attack, although any attack would most likely be inefficient against him.
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Name: Amadeus
Age: 20
Appearance: He is of medium height, has dark hair and blue eyes, his thighs and buttocks are really well sculpted, he is slim
Amadeus couldn't remember exactly what had happened. He knew as he walked back to his apartment through the side streets after dark. He was very tired after work. He longed to be in bed as soon as possible. Then he smelled a strangely soothing scent and passed out. Now he heard... nothing. Practically silence. Maybe a little peaking, like something was working. However, the chill on his skin drew his attention more. He was cold. Is he naked? Drowsily he opened his eyes slowly. It wasn't his room and it didn't look like a hospital. Where was he? The sight of the bars around his arms and legs stressed him out. The first thing he did was start jerking off.
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Ry stood as he saw the man start to stir and went over to a tray about a metre away picking up a large needle flicking the top and making sure the liquid would easily release. “Calm down” he said in his soothing voice moving over and gently running his fingers down the man’s cheek gently smiling down at his little experiment. His fingers moved down his body over his chest and abdomen, across his length and down his thighs and legs smiling a little sadistically. “You’re a very pretty man, our baby will be beautiful” he said before splitting the end of the bed and pushing it apart so Amadeus was spread ready once he wanted to begin the procedure.
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Amadeus looked at the stranger in horror. What child? What pregnancy? Who is he? His face frozen in fear. His effort was causing him pain. Nothing was able to free himself. "Please let me go... What did I do to you? I beg..." he cringed frightened, and then tried to increase his range of motion a little with his hips. He groaned with exertion.
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Ry reached across and slid a belt around his hips before tightening to ensure that he stayed nice and still. “You personally didn’t do anything to me. I want a child, you can bear one for me. And I know what you’re about to say ‘I’m a man, I can’t bear a child’” he laughed maliciously “But you can. As I am not human all you need is a bit of help to carry my child” he said holding the syringe up with a deep purple coloured liquid inside. He began to rub the man’s stomach gently “You were so pretty I had to take you” he smiled “Now just take a deep breath and relax, you need to relax if you don’t want the needle to hurt” he said and continued rubbing the mans abdomen for a few seconds before jabbing the needle in and pushing the liquid inside him.
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The boy tried to cry for help and get out from under the bars, though he was weak. His pulse quickened. How would he deliver a baby? It was a sick joke. Paranoia. With a tremendous scream he accepted the needle with its contents. He clenched his hands tighter into the table he was lying on. He felt a bitter smell in his mouth. He looked at him with weak eyes. His hips widened slightly and his bottom increased in volume. "My stomach..." he gasped, and then felt his belly button vibrate. What was going on there?
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The man laughed gently “It’s just you and me, no one is going to rescue you” he said smiling gently removing the needle and rubbing the spot he had pushed it in gently before tossing the empty needle aside “It’s making you a womb for our child” he smiled proudly “It’s my own invention, a lot of my breed were killed and I’ve helped restore us with this but now it’s my turn to have a child”. He pulled his own member out from his shorts and stroked it, it was quite thick and longer than an average man’s penis “The other side effects just help me” he chuckled softly before pressing himself against his exposed anus and pressing himself in grunting loudly, he hadn’t used any sort of lubricant or prep work so he knew it would be painful for him.
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Amadeus felt himself dying. The big penis ripped his hole and made his stomach contract in a painful way. Loud moans and gasps escaped his lips, and he moved his legs and arms, wanting to escape. He raped him. And best of all, he had fun doing it. Through tears and quickened breathing, all the boy could see was the stranger's smile. He wanted it all to be a nightmare. A loud bubbling in his stomach, however, revived him instantly. It's like someone put rocks inside him. "Take him out! It hurts... Fuck!"
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Ry reached up and stroked his face gently as he rocked himself quickly and deeply in the man, uncaring of the way he cried and tried to writhe despite the restraints holding him down. He could feel himself getting closer and moved his hands digging his fingers into the mans waist as he pounded him relentlessly until he cried out filling the man with his seed, so much so that his stomach looked incredibly bloated already. He smiled pulling out and cleaned them both up rubbing some ointment on his anus haphazardly to heal him. He smiled brightly up at him “I’m so excited for you to carry and birth my child” he said rubbing the bloated stomach grinning brightly.
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Amadeus heard the rapist's words and was about to reply, but felt numb. He felt drowsy, and then he saw darkness. He drifted off slowly, feeling his stomach turn slightly blue. The baby... He was fucking pregnant. Fuck... He didn't know how much had passed when he passed out, but he was no longer on the table.
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Ry had a proper bed now in the room that he laid on, the hospital bed removed as it was only for the original procedure for accuracy and to help performance. He flipped through a screen in front of him checking vitals via an implant in Amadeus’ body so he wasn’t hooked up to any machinery to keep track of that. He looked up at the sudden rise in heartbeat knowing he was waking. He stood grabbing the tray near him and brought it over “Food for the baby” he said laying it on the end of the bed, it was a plate that looked similar to the consistency of mash potatoes but was a bright blue and a glass of bright orange liquid. He returned to his position in a chair across from him scrolling through his data.
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Amadeus looked at it all in silence. What was that? How does it work? He wondered, and when his gaze rested on the tray of food he longed to throw it at the stranger. But then he felt hungry and unfortunately had to consume strange foods. Surprisingly they even tasted good. He didn't know what his current situation was, so he decided to pretend to be obedient. Then he will start working. "I, uh... Could I get some clothes" he asked quietly, and then covered himself gently with a thin cloth. He didn't know why, but he felt like everything was visible anyway.
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Ry looked at the man up and down before shaking his head “No, I prefer you this way” he smiled over at him happily. He stood and exited the room for a second before returning with a second plate of food as he had finished the first plate quickly. He gently stroked the man’s cheek possesively “I really can’t quite believe how pretty you are” he said running his hand along his chest and over his slightly rounded stomach happily.
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It was then that Amadeus looked at his stomach for the first time. It was bloated and different... Slightly bruised and smoother. His skin glowed and was a nice color. His navel hurt a little. He would think he had put on weight, not that he was expecting a baby. He looked at the man. "I, uh... I can't have this baby... How do you figure that?" he asked shakily. He can't do that.
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Ry laughed lightly standing back up looking down on the man that was quite a bit smaller than him “You will have my child, the same way he or she was put inside you is how they will come into this world” he smiled proudly “I injected you with a potion that made a womb that connects to your anus and then I put my seed in you to grow” he grinned patting his stomach lightly “You may feel some stretching burning pain every now and then, human males’ stomachs weren’t meant to stretch like women’s so it will be painful for a few minutes, I’m assuming this will happen every few days as my child grows in spurts, looking at your vitals one should be happening very soon”
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Amadeus was too terrified by this vision. He was afraid. He was silent. He had to think through a plan of action. He doesn't want to have a baby, much less one like this. He must get rid of baby quickly and efficiently. Only how? With such thoughts, he turned his back to the stranger and curled up into a ball, as much as his stomach would allow. This is sick...
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Ry collected the empty trays and disposed of them in the other room before returning and sitting down “You’re going to be very bored if you stay silent forever” he smirked a little before going to a closet and grabbing a dressing gown throwing it over to him with a flick of his wrist. “You’ll be full term in approximately three months by my calculations, I haven’t done this with a human before but it seems to be all working nicely”
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Three months? Fuck... Quickly. Which means it has to run smoothly. He has only a month or even less. As he obtained a robe he put it on and then slowly stood up. He took a tentative step toward Ry. The first thing he did was slap him hard on the cheek angrily. How could he do this to him? Without any permission. Psychopath.
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Ry laughed at the slap and took his wrist easily before pushing him up against a wall and pinning his hands above his head smirking at him “You can’t hurt me. But try anything and I can hurt you. I promise you that” he said smiling maliciously before letting his hands go and stepping back. He went opening up a wall “There are books if you want to read since you don’t like talking” he said smirking at the other man before returning to his chair watching the man and waiting for the first growth spurt, curious how his human body would take it.
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That's when he felt the pulsing. And it's strong. His legs gave way under him and he found himself on the floor. He clutched his stomach in pain. Tears streamed from his eyes. He was dying... His organs were shifting making room for the baby and causing him pain and harm. Amadeus looked at the man imploringly. "Do something... T-that hurts"