C The experiment

Ry smiled at him “I can raise a child, human characteristics are easy to understand and manipulate” he said swiping through his information “I have been on this Earth for 100 years, I have had many different professions and blended in fairly seamlessly, including being a childhood educator so I’m sure I can handle it.” He went and touched his belly gently smiling “You are quite small at the moment, and it is not fat, it is your womb carrying my child” he stood and gestured to the cupboard “There are various ways to entertain yourself in the cupboard, I have stocked it with books, movies, gaming consoles and games, you have free reign of them”

"You don't manipulate your own child. You shouldn't do that. To hurt him psychologically. Besides, what will you tell him about me? Will you tell him how it was created and how it was born? Who gave birth to them?" he asked, and then walked over to that cabinet, looking at what the alien was offering. Seeing the typical board games and console, he smiled. He gripped the pad in his hands. He never played. He never had the money for it. "Think about it... Are you sure you'll be able to raise a baby..."

Ry frowned and stood, starting to get irritated “I will be perfectly able to care for my child thank you. I do not care for your opinion, I will raise them how I see fit and they will be happy and content with me” he said angrily his body shaking a little in rage at being questioned

Amadeus was frightened by his reaction. He hastily put the pad back on the cabinet and returned to bed, not knowing what the alien might do to him for those words. He wrapped himself in the blanket already speechless and tried to fall asleep. To exist quietly. He will no longer discuss such matters with him. Definitely not.

Ry sighed a little “I am sorry for my outburst, I apologise. I want a child and I do not have a partner like my species so I needed to find another way to get a child. Just because I don’t have the same emotions as a human does not mean that I do not feel and cannot teach a child how to feel”

"All right. I understand. I won't take up the subject again," he said quietly, and then snuggled into his pillow, "I don't like shouting... So please don't do it again. You've got me a bit interested and I'd like to get to know you, your life and skills more.... If you'll let me

Ry frowned a little “Why? Why would you be interested in me? Is this some sort of ploy to find a weakness for you to exploit? I can tell you now my life and skills will not give you this sort of information” he said firmly before picking his book back up to continue reading.

"Okay, I won't ask. You don't have to be afraid. I will live like a shadow." he said, and then pretended to be asleep. Not wanting to continue talking to him about it. Their living together at this point will be difficult.

Ry sat there and read his book for a while glancing up at Amadeus every now and then “You know I know that you are not resting” he said softly “Your heartbeat has not slowed to resting pace” he said and sighed softly “What would you like me to do to make your stay more comfortable?”

"I don't know what to expect. I don't want to cause problems... Take care of the baby, not me," he said, being insulted like some princess. He wouldn't talk to him

Ry sighed “Okay, whatever you insist” he said softly and went to get him another tray of food knowing he would probably be hungry again soon. He decided to stay silent until Amadeus chose to spoke to him, not often did he speak as much as he had in the past twenty four hours, he was often silent or kept talking to a minimum so it did not affect him that much.

And so the week went by. Amadeus ate, rested. His belly was expanding at a rapid pace. He only spoke when it was needed. Finally, however, he broke the silence. "We probably won't like each other, but at least let's talk on the level. No agreements"

Ry looked up at him from the book he was reading “If you do not wish to speak to me, that is okay with me, all I want is the child from you” he said softly before standing and moving closer to him “If you would like more than that and it will satisfy you then I will of course agree as I want the baby to be as happy and healthy as possible which means ensuring you’re reasonably happy”

"I honestly don't know what I want anymore... I wish I was already born and gone.... My life has been complicated by your dream," he said and then sighed heavily, "My job, friends and family... You don't know how you made it hard for me. I don't know if I can handle all this... "

Ry looked at him frowning a little “It will only be for a few months, your family and friends believe you are on an adventure with no reception, I made sure your job would remain when you return, money is a fickle thing so I just bribed your boss and I’ve paid your rent and bills for the next 6 months so you have plenty of time to recover and return when you wish. I am sure you can handle this, that is why I specifically picked you” he said

"Still... Besides, you didn't ask if you could use my body! You're treating me like some kind of hostage. You fucking raped me!" he said, overcome with emotion. He was furious at that moment. Ry didn't understand the difficulty from his perspective. He just impregnated him and monitored him.

Ry frowned a little “Would you have said yes if I had asked you? I’ve waited a hundred years to find a man like you, I couldn’t just hope you would accept, I want a child. I want you to carry it. That was the logical solution, was it not?” He asked tilting his head a little. This humans emotions were hard for him to comprehend, he knew the pregnancy may affect his hormones but he hadn’t realised how much.

"I don't... I would disagree... And children can be had in other ways too. You could have found the love of your life or whatever.... Or pay someone. That doesn't excuse you," he muttered, and then sat down resignedly on the bed. After a while he started crying out of helplessness. He didn't want to be pregnant. He didn't want to. He was forced. He was about to give birth to an alien baby. He'll never look at his body the same way

Ry sighed gently “My kind mate within the firs hundred years of life. When no one chose for me to be their mate and I reached over a hundred I knew I was to be alone so I came to Earth. No human would understand me enough to choose to love me so I am alone. I can pay you if you would prefer but no other person I have researched has the traits I needed to make this as highly possible as it is with you.” He sighed and grabbed a box of tissues bringing them over to him “I was just tired of being alone” he said quietly.

"Are you alone? All alone? I thought you guys lived like a family...," he said quietly, wiping his tears with his handkerchief. Another thing that shocked him. In a way he understood Ry now, but it still did him harm. He raped. "It still doesn't justify what you did to me... You took my virginity and impregnated me. How do I continue to live with this thought?"

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