C My brothers best friend

Kyle stroked his hair gently “Yes you are, you’ve been ready to be a dad for forever” he said and rubbed his back as he breathed through his contractions “Since we were young you’ve always been paternal and this baby will be so so loved and you’re so strong, I know it hurts but I know you’ll be amazing”

"I-I just want this to be over so w-we can finally hold our baby...why does this have to hurt so damn bad?" Steve whimpers out.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle rubbed his back gently “I know baby, I know, you’re so strong” he said softly “We can try to get to a hospital so you can get some drugs but I don’t think you’ll be able to” he said sadly. He heard his phone ring and reached over grabbing it, frowning a little “Oh, okay Hannah, well, hopefully you can get through soon” he said before hanging up “Hannah is stuck in a traffic jam because of an accident, she doesn’t know how long she’ll be”

"I-I don't think that's a good idea...better to be here than stuck in a car on the r-road..." Steve says, finally catching his breath "Just our luck..."

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle laughed softly “Yeah, I’m not sure I would be helpful on the road trying to help you, at least Hannah will be here to help you more so than I can” he smiled gently watching his stomach contract harshly again and holding his hand before wiping his face gently with a cloth trying to rid him of his sweat

"If she g-gets here in time..." Steve groans and takes deep breaths through clenched teeth until the pain fades.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle pushed his hair back gently “She’ll be here, you’re doing so well” he said smiling gently rubbing the back of his hand “Do you want to move around or position?”

"Can we walk around for awhile?" Steve asks as he slowly sits up.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle nodded and helped him stand slowly wrapping an arm around his waist gently and began to slowly move around stopping whenever Steve stopped but holding him steady

Steve smiles a bit and rests his head on Kyle's shoulder while they walk around the house.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle turned kissing his head softly smiling gently as he walked slowly with him, stopping again when he saw his belly contract violently “Just nice short pants, you’re doing so well”

Steve lets out a low groan as he tries to breathe through the pain, yelping in surprise and stumbling a bit when he feels a sudden downward shift inside him.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle held him steady “You’re okay, just keep panting” he said softly holding him upright, he leaned down kissing his head softly “You’re so strong”

"S-Something feels different..." Steve groans out between shaky breaths.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle held him steadily “What feels different?” He said a little worriedly as Hannah wasn’t there yet “The pain feels different?”

"Th-The baby feels lower than...ah...it should be..." Steve says, looking worried himself.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle rubbed his back gently “Let’s get you back to the bed for now, I’m sure Hannah will be here soon and she’ll know how to help” he smiled a little, trying to be encouraging

"Sh-She better hurry...I'm not sure if this baby is willing to wait much longer..." Steve sighs anxiously as Kyle guides him back to bed.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle smiled gently “You’re amazing, you know that? You’re handling all this so so well, I’m sure I would be in pieces right now” he laughed softly as they got to the bed “Do you want to lay on your back, your side or do you want to be on all fours?” He asked gently feeling him tense up again

"W-Well you can...ngh...find out if we decide to...h-have another kid, I'm not...doing this a-again..." Steve teases his boyfriend as he carefully gets up onto his hands and knees "A-All fours, I can breathe b-better like this..."

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

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