C My brothers best friend

Kyle gently took his hand to touch the babies head “See, they’re right there, not long til they’re in your arms, just the shoulders okay?” He said trying to avoid the question as he didn’t want Steve panicking like he was.

Steve freezes for a moment when he feels the baby's wet hair brush against the palm of his hand "Heh...hey, baby...your head is freaking massive, y'know that?" He says weakly.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle laughed gently “I’m sure the baby will apologise for that later but for now, let’s get them out of you, nice big pushes to get the shoulders out” he said and gently pinched the teared skin together to hopefully not make the tear worse.

Steve gasps and yelps "A-AH! It's stinging!" He whimpers.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle winced a little and decides the truth is the best way to go “You tore a little bit but you’ll be okay, I just need you to get the baby out” he said softly knowing his boyfriend was in terrible pain but he was worried for the baby as well “The longer th baby is in, the more painful for you and the worse for the baby, your hole it around it’s neck right now and we don’t want that”

Steve nods a bit, softly gasping to catch his breath while he listened to what Kyle had to say "O-Okay...okay. We can do this...r-right?" He asks anxiously.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle smiled over at him “Of course we can baby, look how far you’ve gotten without help, I’m just holding you up and holding the head steady, you’re doing everything and you’re so amazing at it” he smiled brightly, glad his Steve was back even just for a moment before another contraction took over

Steve takes a deep breath and pushes hard, screaming until the contraction faded.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle gently tried to pull on the baby as he pushed hoping to get it out as much as possible in each push “You’re doing so so well baby” he said happily holding the baby steady

"G-GET IT OUT! PLEASE JUST PULL IT OUT!" Steve sobs, his body trembling violently with exhaustion.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle winced a little, hating to see his boyfriend in that much pain “Baby, you’re doing so well, I love you so much, just keep pushing and they will come free, just the shoulders baby and they’ll slide right out”

(I was thinking for Kyle that they get in a fight and Kyle storms out and gets in the car then gets in an accident and that’s when they find out he was pregnant with twins but lost one so they say due to the possibility of bleeding they have to do a c-section he can’t have it naturally but then Mark comes back in and says he believes the baby is his (who is a few years old now) and they go over to his a couple days before Kyle is due to suss him out and see if he’s being honest but he’s gone off the deep end and locks them in the basement where Kyle goes into labour. Super dramatic but fun, haha)

"J-Just the shoulders..?" Steve asks breathlessly.

(That sounds really fun! Nothing wrong with some drama lol)

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle smiled lovingly and nodded “Yeah, just the shoulders and you can hold your baby” he said happily holding him up still with one hand knowing how tired he was and holding the head with the other.

(Always ;) )

"O-Okay...we've got this...almost there" Steve mumbles to himself before taking a deep breath and pushing as hard as he could.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle smiled “You’re so so amazing” he said encouragingly as he gently tugged the baby, one shoulder popping out, he let go holding Steve up so he could use both hands to grab the baby.

Steve groans and keeps pushing, just wanting this all to be over.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle hooked his finger under the baby’s shoulder and tugged as Steve pushed finally getting the baby free. “It’s a girl babe” he said happily and held her up rubbing her back a bit until she started to cry before helping Steve to lay on his back and laid the baby on his sweaty chest.

Steve gasps, too tired to even scream anymore and goes limp, his body slumping against Kyle as he pants heavily to catch his breath "A-A girl?" He asks weakly, raising his head to look for her until she's laid down on his chest.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Kyle wrapped an arm around Steve helping him sit up just a little “She’s beautiful babe, you did so so amazing” he smiled brightly kissing his head gently just as he heard the door open and Hannah racing in.

"Hi" Steve chuckles tiredly "I did it" He smiles at Hannah.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

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