C The experiment

Ry laughed softly “I am over two hundred years old, in that time you learn a lot” he smiled kindly “I know you’re smart in a lot of other ways, I mean you made the rose bush come back to life” he laughed softly “No matter how many books I read I couldn’t figure that out” he chuckled softly before getting out from behind Amadeus and gently felt his lower abdomen just as it tensed up with a contraction.

Amadeus bit his lip, then instinctively grabbed Ry's hand. It hurt and took his breath away. Childbirth had been painful, he had to admit. When the contraction let go he leaned against Ry's torso. "I didn't expect it to be today.... Our child is impatient"

Ry looked down at Amadeus shocked that he had grabbed his hand and almost cuddled into his chest. His bit his lip a little “I suppose but often children come early or late and it’s only 3 days before I suspected you would go into labour” he said gently before gently feeling his abdomen and hips lightly “I think you still have quite a while before birthing it, your contractions aren’t lasting very long, only around ten seconds and are about 10-15 minutes apart, so it will probably be a few more hours until you birth, perhaps you should try and rest for a while in between pains”

Amadeus agreed with Ry. He gently lay down on his side, feeling more secure as Ry was next to him. He didn't know if it was a momentary infatuation with the man, but his heart fluttered as he got closer. I think he's in love. He wasn't sure. But it's probably just a one-sided feeling. With thoughts like that, he fell asleep slightly, still holding Ry's hand.

Ry was surprised that his hand was still in Amadeus’ as he fell asleep and laid down next to him making himself comfortable trying to make sure he was there for Amadeus as much as he needed. He didn’t often rest but having his hand held like that and being almost cuddled up to Amadeus Ry felt himself falling asleep, and he dozed off snoring softly right behind Amadeus

Amadeus woke up three hours later. Ry was still asleep. He gently extricated himself from his grasp and then stood up, going to the kitchen to get more water to drink. That's when someone rang the bell. The pregnant man shuddered. Who would visit them? The viewfinder showed Thomas. The pregnant man panicked. He slumped against the wall, the ringing still annoying the house

Ry sat up at the ringing and looked around panicking for a moment when he didn’t see Amadeus. He got up and walked out to the kitchen and saw Amadeus on the floor and went to him quickly ignoring the ringing sound for a moment “Are you okay?” He asked gently

Amadeus looked appalled at Ry. He took his hand and with the other pointed to the door. "Thomas wants to come in here... What if he sees me now? Are they going to take our baby away?" he asked, losing his breath

Ry shook his head “Calm down” he said gently and easily lift the other man up and carried him laying him down gently “Just stay here, I’ll be right back, no one will be taking our baby” he said softly and went to the door opening it “Hey Thomas, how are you?” He smiled gently at the other man “Amadeus is just sleeping at the moment”

As Amadeus lay on the bed, afraid of what was going to happen, Thomas looked at Ry intrigued. " I haven't seen him in a long time. And as a neighbor, I'm a little worried. I know you two are a couple, but I don't think things are working out between you. A month ago, Amadeus looked bad and I'm afraid you accidentally hurt him. I want to see him now... Otherwise I'll call the police "

Ry frowned a little “Do you take me as someone who would hurt someone Thomas? We have been neighbours for a long while, it makes me sad that you would think of me like that. I assure you Amadeus is fine and you can even come over tomorrow when he’s rested up and I’m sure he’ll tell you himself, I’m sure that even you know how creepy you coming in and seeing Amadeus sleeping would seem” he said softly folding his arms

"People are not as they usually seem.... I'm serious. Show me Amadeus. I want to make sure he's okay. It seems delicate and fragile." he said, and then intertwined his arms across his chest.

(I'll be later)

Ry stood a little taller trying to show his dominance “I will not have you demand things in my own house, I told you he is resting, when he wakes up I’ll have him call you and then tomorrow you can come over and have breakfast with him, I think that is plenty fair and if you ring the police you will be wasting their time and ours as he is perfectly healthy and normal” he said annoyed he was being questioned, he wanted to be with Amadeus knowing he was in labour now.

Thomas, however, continued unabated. Ry's behavior was strange. Like he was in a hurry somewhere. "Let me see him for a moment. Then I'll leave and leave you alone. As a good citizen, I have a right to be concerned, and your behavior is overly strange. I have more doubts "

Ry frowned “I don’t want you staring at my partner while he sleeps, I think that’s a pretty fair thing for me to ask. As I said, you can either return tomorrow and I can get him to call you this afternoon when he wakes or go ahead and call the police and waste their time and ours” he said standing his ground.

Thomas continued to stare at Ry uncertainly. Finally, he gave in a little. " I'll come tonight and hope to see him," he said, and then left the house without a word. Amadeus sat on the bed nervous even more. He was afraid that their secret would come out after all. Their child could not be taken away.

Ry closed the door sighing in relief, glad he bought them a little time. He returned to the room and knelt next to Amadeus “It’s okay, I dealt with it” he smiled tightly “He said he would return tonight so hopefully the baby will make its exit before then or we may be in some trouble” he said frowning a little he got up and went to the medicine cabinet “I do have a type of inducer that should speed the process along but I don’t know if it will make the contractions worse or if the other medicines will work with it”

"Ry," he said to the man who was at that moment busy looking for that inductor. When their gazes crossed he pointed to the floor by his feet, which was filthy with blood and fetal water. "I got nervous and... My water's gone"

Ry nodded and brought the inducer over anyway “Okay, that’s a good sign but that doesn’t necessarily mean the child is coming soon, so you want to use the inducer or would you prefer to wait and see if the contractions come together on their own?” He asked gently putting it on the table next to the bed for Amadeus to decide

"Maybe without the inductor for now.... I don't like being strapped to a lot of equipment..." he muttered, then pulled his clothes up, wanting to see how it looked. Her thighs and ass were covered in water and black slime. It didn't look interesting, but Amadeus tried to assure himself that it was temporary. He looked at his belly, which had sagged a bit, and then at Ry. "Disgusting, huh? "

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