C The experiment

Ry nodded leaving it for now before grabbing a towel and lovingly wiped down his thighs and legs getting rid of as much of the fluid and gunk as he could. He looked up at Amadeus’ comment and shook his head before leaning forward and gently kissing his distended stomach “I don’t think so, it’s natural and beautiful, soon our baby will be here because of this and that simply makes me happy” he said standing back up putting the towel aside.

Amadeus looked at him with a slight smile. Ry was really looking forward to the baby. Joy emanated from him. He had definitely become a lot more human, or maybe he was just noticing it until now? With a soft expression on his face, he watched his stomach as it bubbled slightly, and then he looked at Ry. "Theoretically I know everything about childbirth, but practically I am dumbfounded and don't know what to do now.... Why don't we just talk? What do you want to name our baby?"

Ry smiled gently at him “I’m not sure as of yet, I wish to meet the child first before I decide their name” he smiled gently “And do not worry, your body will know what to do and I am here to help as well” he said gently before helping the man lay back down on the bed and Ry laid down next to him “You should rest now” he said gently “With your water broken it may be shorter than you think until you birth”

"Do you think he won't call the police? I mean Thomas," he said, and then lay on his side toward Ry so he could make eye contact with him. He couldn't believe that any moment now there would be a baby in the world. Still, he felt tremendous pressure. After all, he had never been pregnant or given birth.

Ry sighed a little “I have ways to stop them if need be” he said softly “I have the capability to make people forget and I have the technology to shut down the cell towers around so he can’t get reception” he said and gently ran his fingertips over Amadeus’ cheek lightly looking up at the screen noticing that Amadeus was about to have another contraction “Okay, deep breath in and then short pants through the pain” he said softly taking his hand for him to squeeze

Amadeus' heart beat faster when he felt Ry's fingers on his cheek, and then he let out feeling a strong pressure in his lower abdomen. Tears came to his eyes. He took a hard deep breath, then moved his legs restlessly. " It hurts... It hurts so badly. Ry, I would like to push... Please," he begged, feeling confused

Ry rubbed the back of his hand gently and shook his head “They aren’t close enough together yet, or long enough, you’ll be pushing for no reason and tire yourself out” he said gently and wiped the tears from Amadeus cheeks gently “They’re about eight minutes apart and lasting fifteen seconds, they need to drop to just two minutes apart lasting thirty to forty five seconds” he said rubbing his cheek gently

"Ry... Why is it taking so long?" he said weeping, and then cuddled his face into his hand. Eventually through the crying he grew tired and lay half asleep. He woke up an hour later, grabbing Ry's hand. "Can I go in the tub? I'd like to get in the water for a while "

Ry sighed softly “Labour always takes quite a long time, your body is trying to get ready to birth something, it’s almost not natural, well I mean as a male it is even more so unnatural so I’m unsure how long it will take” he said softly. Ry nodded at his request and quickly went and filled the bath before returning to help Amadeus into it “When your contractions are five minutes apart I will give you something similar to an epidural to reduce your pain”

Amadeus stepped into the tub with Ry's help. On contact with the tub he gasped. His ass was baking and his poblite seemed to be tearing. The child moved restlessly in it. He felt tired, and hadn't even begun to push. It was weird. Really. He stared at Ry with misty eyes. "I wonder who he or she inherits looks from," he muttered quietly, feeling faint. He immediately coughed, and blood appeared on his hand. It didn't look good. Not to mention that the water in the tub had turned a cloudy color. Amadeus was frightened, then suddenly convulsed. However, they passed quickly. But it was no longer Amadeus. His eyes changed shape and color. It was Niveron, a member of his former planet. He took control of Amadeus's body. "It's been a long time, Ry! Or rather, Daddy!"

Ry smiled gently and touched his cheek “I hope they look like you so they remind me of you when you’ve gone” he said sadly before freezing and pulling his hand away quickly as he convulsed and suddenly his eyes changed and he exactly who it was “Niveron…let him go” he said angrily scared for both his child and the man “What do you want?!” He asked angrily, but also with a tone of desperation knowing what he could do and how he could hurt Amadeus or the child.

"Just a moment ago you were so tender... Ry you're completely crazy about this man! Crazy in love," Niveron snorted, and then as if nothing ever happened, he got up and stepped out of the tub and stood in the mirror, looking at Amadeus' body, "Mhm. It's not bad. You must have inserted your penis perfectly into his asshole. Mine will fit in there too," he said, smiling mischievously, "You'll give that boy to me when he successfully delivers your baby. Otherwise I will kill him before he is born and you will lose your baby mother forever. What do you choose... Daddy? - he asked, sitting Amadeus' body on Ry's lap. He also put his arms around his neck.

Ry’s heart beat quickly in his chest as he listened to him silently. He whimpered hearing the options as he draped Amadeus’ body over him, he wrapped his arms around the body gently making sure to keep him steady even with Niveron inside of him, he knew if he fell it would only hurt Amadeus. “Are you asking me to choose between Amadeus and my child?” He asked weakly, how was he meant to make a decision like that. He watched as Amadeus’ stomach tensed up at another contraction even though he was being controlled.

"Fuck," Niveron muttered, "That brat is busy... Anyway. Make up your mind otherwise I'll cut open this belly in a moment, take this brat out of my womb and kill him" he growled and then clammed up, being really surprised "This boy is fighting me, what the po-" and then Amadeus returned to his body for a moment. "Ry, please don't make him kill our baby. I beg you. I don't want it to die. You've waited so long for them. You were so lonely..."

Ry could feel tears in his eyes just thinking about his baby being torn out but either way he would lose Amadeus. He smiled sadly as Amadeus appeared “I can’t let him take you either” he said shakily “He’s right, I love you” he said touching his cheek gently. He scooped up Amadeus while he was still in control of his body and ran to the bedroom laying him on the bed “I’m sorry, this is all I can think of” he said before grabbing chains with handcuffs and chained his wrists to the top of the bed and spread his legs and chained them to each of the opposite corners “These chains can hold my kind so even if his strength comes through he won’t be able to break free and hurt the baby unless he was here physically” he said and leaned in kissing him trying to convey what he felt in the kiss before Niveron took back over.

Niveron appeared after a moment. He looked at Ry with disgust. "That was disgusting! How could you become so human? Terrible," he said, and then tears began to flow down Amadeus' cheeks, "Oh shit, you moved him. Oh, good. That low-life told you to say that he loves you and that he's talking about moving in together or something" he rolled his eyes "I don't give a fuck about your feelings. You'll make a decision. Him or the baby. Take your pick," he growled, and then with a spasm a black ooze appeared from his anus. "The birth doesn't seem to be going according to plan, does it?"

Ry gently wiped his anus of the black goop trying to think of a plan to keep them both safe. “Why? Why after all this time have you come here to try and take the little happiness I’ve found?” He asked desperately and reached over for the inducer hoping it would work, he placed it on his lower abdomen and turned it on watching as he immediately got a contraction from it.

Niveron jumped from the feeling, then looked angrily at Ry. "Your father needs a new baby for the collection, and when he found out about this boy, he had me move him... Oh fuck, it seems to be going downhill! Fuck it! I'm coming out of his body," he said, and then appeared next to Ry in human form, watching as Amadeus returned to his body. "I'll deal with that later. First, bring that baby Ry into the world... There are complications with this man. I think it's too tight"

Ry stood protectively in front of Amadeus “My father is not getting my child and you are not getting him” he said angrily, his body shaking a little. “Leave my house now!” He said raising his voice, he had never really shouted in front of Amadeus before but when he did, his voice was strong and deep. He picked up a piece of metal and pushed it onto Niveron’s forehead “Forget everything you’ve seen here, you will not report any of this to my father and you will tell him your information was incorrect” he said before wiping the metal down his face watching as he fell unconscious before picking up a blue stone and throwing it away from him to create a small portal that he pushed him through. He sighed turning to Amadeus “I’m sorry, that’s the memory modifier I made, he won’t remember any of this I think” he said nervously “I usually only do it to humans if they discover so it may only work on him for a shorter time but you should still be safe to birth” he said pushing his hair back from his face before unlocking the chains so his hands and legs were free again. He went to remove the inducer just as another contraction tightened Amadeus’ stomach.

Amadeus looked at Ry, but then clenched his hand, feeling a cramp. He hissed loudly, then grabbed the man's hand quickly for luck. "Ry... Protect our child, I beg you. I'm too small. Cut my belly open. Please," he said in a weak voice

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