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Ry shook his head “I can’t do that” he said shakily “I can’t keep you alive like that, I don’t have blood or anything like that” he said nervously “You’re at about five minutes apart now I can try to give you something for the pain but I need you to be strong and try to birth naturally when it comes to the time”
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Amadeus looked at him with seriousness. He had no choice. Okay, he'll do it. He gripped his hand tightly. "I love you, Ry... Remember," he replied, and then shakily knelt down on his knees, placing a towel between his legs. Mucus and blood dripped from his ass. He breathed steadily, stroking his stomach. A little more. He corrected his disheveled hair. "Do you have anything for reinforcement? Please give me something "
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Ry smiled gently at him “I love you as well” he said gently before going to a shelf with vials, he grabbed one with a needle and moved sitting behind Amadeus “Okay, you’ll feel a tight pinch when I put this in, it should relieve most of the pain but it may also make your lower body feel numb so if you can’t feel your lower half tell me so I can help keep you steady” he said before he pushed the needle into his spine and released the liquid “It should work fairly instantaneously”
(Sorry, I have to go to sleep I have a headache, I’ll be on tomorrow :) )
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Amadeus shouted through clenched lips. The pain spread throughout the world. But nothing was improving over time. Only he couldn't keep his balance, Ry said. He leaned against him, grabbing his hand. " I will suffer, but... We're gonna see our baby, right? Oh... I feel them low. Please hold me tighter. "
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Ry wrapped his arms gently around the other man holding him steady, he pushed his sweaty hair back from his forehead “Soon we will see our child” he said and rubbed his belly gently “You’re not at the stage where you have to push, would you like me to try and stretch your hole to help with the process?”
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"Stretch me, yes..." he asked, looking into his eyes. He kissed his lips briefly, he needed it. No deep breaths, feeling the contractions getting closer and harder. It hurt like hell! He didn't know it would be such an effort. He gripped Ry's hand tighter, feeling how low their child was
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Ry hummed lightly when he was kissed, not used to that feeling before he gently removed himself from Amadeus and helped lie him down before spreading his legs. He rubbed the back of his hand as he painted through a contraction and waited patiently for it to finish before pushing a finger in and then a second and started to scissor him trying to stretch him as much as he could.
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When he did, more fetal water and slurry poured out of Amadeus. The pregnant man screamed, feeling the burning and pain. He squeezed his beloved's hand tightly, and sweat ran down his body. He wanted their baby in his arms already, but it wasn't that easy. As he panted after the contraction, he felt something, like a pulse. "I have to push... Ry, it's coming!"
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Ry looked up at the screen and was surprised to see that his contractions had come together quite quickly “Okay, just push when your body tells you and I’ll help when the child starts crowning” he said smiling encouragingly at his partner as he quickly replaced the towel under him with a fresh clean one.
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Amadeus looked at Ry and nodded. He leaned against the Ry's torso, holding his hand tightly. He opened his legs more and thrust, sweat running in streams down his body. " AGRHH!" shrieked, feeling how the child was causing him pain
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Ry took a damp cloth and gently ran it over Amadeus’ face to cool him down a little “You’re doing so well, nice short panting breaths when you have a break in contractions, like this” he said panting quickly to show Amadeus, he was so excited to meet his child but knew how much pain Amadeus would be in.
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Amadeus panted after the contraction for as much time as he had left, then pushed again, but this time shorter and weaker. He felt dizzy and was very weak. Pregnancy was too hard for him though, or maybe it was just the way childbirth was and it was damn hard? With such thoughts, he grabbed a piece of bandage and put it in his mouth to be less loud while giving birth. "MHMM!" he pushed, squeezing Ry's hand
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Ry moved off the bed for a moment letting Amadeus’ hand go and grabbed an IV he had before taking his hand and putting a needle in the back of it for the IV “It’s just to give you some more energy so you don’t tire to fast, you didn’t eat much earlier so it’s pretty much sugar water to help you” he said before returning to his spot behind Amadeus and took his hands again so he could squeeze when he needed to.
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Amadeus nodded. He hoped the drip would work quickly. During the next contraction, he heard as if someone was walking around the garden and peeking into their bedroom, which was closed with curtains. He looked briefly at Ry, then at the towel under his leg dirty with mucus. " I'm weak, Ry, but somehow I can hold on... See what's happening," he asked, and then pushed, feeling how already low their child was
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Ry kissed his head gently “Do not worry, my whole house is sound proofed, no one outside will be able to hear you and all the curtains are closed as I do not like anyone looking in, I will stay here with you” he said softly and smiled gently at him “I don’t want our baby in you longer than it has to be”
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Amadeus smiled pale, and then pushed for another fifteen minutes, but felt no result. He was afraid he would fail and die or have a stillborn baby. " I can't do it... I feel so weak "
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Ry pushed his sweaty hair back from his forehead gently “You’re okay, just nice panting breaths so you get enough air in, sometimes babies take their time coming out due to stress so I need you to just focus on me and nothing else happening in our lives, you need to let your worry go for the baby”
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Amadeus looked at Ry, breathing evenly and calmly as usual, and that's when he felt something approaching his anus. He gripped the man's hand tightly and pushed hard, all red in the face. He bit the bandage in his mouth to muffle a scream. "FUCK!" the curse came out of his mouth
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Ry rubbed his back gently as he screamed out and removed the bandage from his mouth “Whatever you need to do to get the baby out you can. The house is soundproof, you can make as much noise as you want” he said and moved down to check while still holding his hand “Okay, you’re starting to bulge, you’ll be crowning shortly
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When the contraction ended Amadeus took deep breaths as fast as he could. Slowly he felt how his body might fall inertly to the floor. He struggled to maintain his position. He wrestled with his legs and then pushed, feeling lower and lower for the baby's head. "You said it wouldn't hurt much!" he shouted when he could catch his breath again.