C The experiment

Ry was rocking their son gently and was humming a lullaby softly to him dancing around the living room a little. He already knew he would lay down his life for this little thing no matter the decision, he would do anything to protect him.

Amadeus stood up carefully, putting his robe over his shoulders. Just as he thought Ry was with their son in the living room. At this lovely picture he smiled. They looked sweet. Father and son. "Can I hold him?" he asked, stepping closer

Ry looked up and smiled at Amadeus “Hi, how are you feeling?” He asked gently going over and gently passing their son to him kissing Amadeus’ forehead softly. “You’re anus will be tender and aching for a few days but I have creams to help, anything other than that?”

"It's not bad... I need a few days rest," he said, and then accepted the baby with a smile. He sat with the little one on the couch, watching his face. He kissed the toddler's forehead. "Is his belly button okay?" he asked, unable to gaze upon its beauty

Ry sat down next to him smiling gently “He’s perfect” he said softly and wrapped his arm around Amadeus shoulder happily. “We need to give him a name, do you have any names you would prefer to have?” He asked gently

"I have no idea, honestly... I thought you'd already picked name," he muttered, then rested his head against his shoulder. He felt safe with Ry. Now they were going to raise a son together... But they need to talk about their feelings again first. What they expect of themselves. Amadeus kissed Ry on the lips, stroking his cheek.

Ry kissed him back softly and reached up holding the back of his neck gently before pulling back smiling gently “I did have names picked out but I know that the situation is different now and you birthed the baby so I think it only fair that you could name them if you had names you liked. I like Alistair or River as potential names?” He said and hit his lip lightly

Amadeus looked at him with sparks in his eyes. He was really in love. He stroked his chin. " Our little River... Our son," he smiled, and then looked at the infant, who had begun to wail softly, so he drew him closer, and when he tried to suckle a nipple through his dressing gown, he slipped an armful of clothing off and drew him close to take a feed. The phone rang at that moment too. Ry returned it to him, but he used it rarely. " Ry, can you give me the phone?"

Ry smiled gently and touched his baby boys head “Hi River” he said happily before getting up and grabbing Amadeus’ phone returning to his side and passing it to him smiling softly. He then went to the kitchen assuming Amadeus would be hungry and made him a quick salad with chicken, something normal now he didn’t need to have as much caloric intake.

Amadeus answered in surprise, recognizing his mother's number. "Hey, Mom! Is something wrong?" he asked, not knowing what it was about. They usually talked infrequently, keeping each other informed of the most important issues. Since the argument with his father, their contact had been poor. With that, he looked at River with a smile on his face, stroking his head.

Ry looked over at him curiously when he said it was his mother, he tried to ignore the other voice as with his hearing he could hear both sides of the conversation and didn’t want to offend Amadeus’ by interrupting. He sat the salad on the table in front of him so he could eat it when he had finished feeding River and the conversation with his mother.

(Sorry, I’m going to bed, I’ll be back on tomorrow)

"I'm not home, Mom... I could say I don't live there anymore," he said and glanced at Ry, wondering if he could give his address to his mother. He gently stroked River's back, thinking what to do. The mother was due an explanation.

Ry smiled gently at Amadeus and nodded at his unsaid question allowing him to invite his mother over. He gently picked up River from Amadeus’ chest and started to rub his back in circles, burping him after having the milk

Amadeus gave his mother Ry's address and then said he would explain everything to her. By this time River was getting ready for his first nap. In his fathers arms he fell asleep peacefully. "Ry... Mom will be here soon. I wonder what to tell her... On the one hand, I wish she knew she had a grandchild," he said, standing beside him and watching their son

(I'm going to bed, I'll be in 5-6 hours)

Ry stood to go put River in his cot for his nap “You can tell her you have a child, just say that we adopted him, or if you would like say he’s my son from a previous relationship and the mother didn’t want him so I adopted him” he said shrugging a little “What would you like to do?”

(Okay :) )

"Of the two options... Adoption is probably better." he said, and then with a sigh he hugged Ry "Ready to meet my mom? This will be a new experience in your life," he muttered, and then looked at him with a small smile. This is the next stage of their relationship and he was very happy about it.

Ry smiled gently “Of course I am ready” he said softly “I have dealt with parents a lot in the past hundred years” he laughed a little and smiled at him

"You haven't met a person like my mom yet. I assure you," he said, and then stroked his cheek, "I love you Ry... And I will say it again and again today, because you made me happy by reciprocating my feelings"

Ry smiled lovingly at him “I’m glad you reciprocate the feelings I have for you” he said softly before kissing him lightly and pulling back rubbing his side lightly

"I should get cleaned up now, my mom will be here soon... Can I help you with something?" he asked, grabbing him by the neck and so standing leaning towards him "We don't have much time, but something has to be prepared so that mother doesn't suspect anything"

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