C The experiment

Ry smiled gently and rubbed his side gently watching him sleep and ensuring their baby didn’t wake so he could rest properly.

When Amadeus fell asleep Niveron decided to enter their home again. The alien in human skin was right next to River's crib, watching the baby. "He inherited his beauty from Amadeus, which is good. Don't you think, Ry?"

Ry stood protectively in front of Amadeus and little River laying on his chest. He was ready to fight Niveron if he needed, he would not let the alien come near his child and his mate. “Leave now or you will be sorry” he said angrily

"Ry, my friend... Why are you acting so nervous?" asked the alien, and then walked past the cradle calmly, looking at the man with a cynical smile "Your dad wants a descendant, I came for Amadeus. Clearly you made a choice when Amadeus took the baby into the world. I won't do anything to him, but give me Amadeus. Your father listened in awe as he fought the contractions and then as he delivered your baby. Then we'll give it back to you, unless there are complications

Ry growled and launched himself towards him grabbing onto him and slamming him into the wall “I told you, you’re not taking either of them” he said menacingly

— Stop being so good. You kidnapped him yourself, didn't you? You've dragged him along in spite of himself. You're just like us..." he said quietly in his ear with an amused expression on his face

He grabbed him around the neck angrily trying to choke him “I’m different now” he said tightening his grip “If you try anything with him I will kill you and my father”

"I don't advise you Ry," he said barely through a tightened throat, "He has already decided and will do what he wants. You won't know the day or the hour when your lover will be taken away"

Ry growled a little “He’s not touching him, I can promise you that” he said angrily before throwing him to the ground “Leave. Now!” He said menacingly

"He will carry your father's child... Agree with it," he said, and then as he passed by the cradle he touched the child, looking at Ry, "It is very delicate.... It would be bad if something ever happened to him..."

Ry moved quickly grabbing him and throwing him out of the room “Don’t touch my child” he said angrily shaking a little

"This is a warning Ry... Say goodbye to the happy end," he said, and then pushed his hand away and disappeared, leaving him alone

Ry looked back at Amadeus and River worriedly before picking River up gently and sitting next to Amadeus trying to think of a way around this.

Amadeus woke up, not knowing what had happened. He looked at Ry and the baby. He kissed River tenderly on the forehead. "Is he a good boy? Do you need help?" he asked, touching his partner's hand

Ry shook his head “No, I’ve got him” he said gently looking worriedly at both his son and Amadeus “We need to leave…now” he said softly

"Get out? But where? What's up?" asked Ry, having no idea what was going on. It was evening, and he was resting after giving birth. River was literally born a few hours ago

Ry sighed gently “Niveron wants to take you to be impregnated by my father and himself” he said “He threatened to kill River. I have to keep you both safe” he said sounding a little scared.

Amadeus flinched upon hearing those words. He froze, feeling his body go numb. It was horrible... But they were aliens. I'm sure they'll find them easily. The boy took a big deep breath and looked at his beloved. "Ry... I'll do it. I have to. Otherwise they will continue to harass you, you and River. They'll give me back afterwards, right?" he asked, and then got up on trembling legs

Ry looked at him shocked “No! You’re not doing that” he said shaking his head quickly before pushing him back to sit on the bed kneeling in front of him “I’ll keep you both safe, I swear” he said nervously knowing the same as Amadeus that the chance of his father finding them was pretty high but he didn’t want to scare him either

Amadeus was tired of it all and cried. It was too much. And now their child was still in danger. He hid his face in his hands. "I don't want to be abducted... I'd rather go of my own accord. I beg you, Ry," he said in a shaky voice

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