C The experiment

Ry pulled the other man into his arms gently and rubbed his back as he cried “I…I don’t know if they would bring you back to me and if we say yes now they might come again and again” he said sadly “I don’t want them hurting you” he said softly

"It's so hard, Ry... I'm scared. What if they take our son?" he asked still having tears in his eyes "What do we have to do to make them let go? You know more, tell me"

Ry rubbed his back gently “I will do anything not to let that happen” he said softly before sighing a little “Maybe…maybe we should talk to them and try to make a deal, maybe if you do breed for them they’ll let you stay with me for the birth and after and they’ll just pick them up”

"If it is to free us from their influence and action then I will do it.... Talk to them, Ry, please" asked him, hugging him tightly "I don't want River to be left alone one day.... I will bear them offspring"

Ry hugged him back tightly and kissed his head softly “Okay, I will communicate with them, how about you rest for now” he said gently and helped him lay back down stroking his cheek gently “I love you both very much” he said gently

Amadeus looked at him with a small smile and kissed his hand. "I love you too... And I'm very happy to be here with you. You gave me happiness. I also want to give them to you" he said, and then he calmly lay down and slowly fell asleep "In a few years... We can have another child if you want," he muttered, drifting off to sleep

Ry smiled gently at him and then pulled the blanket over him gently before going and making contact with his father and Niveron offering up the deal he had proposed. They agreed and immediately were inside his house grabbing onto both Ry and Amadeus, Niveron held Ry back as their father grabbed onto Amadeus “No! He just birthed! He has to heal!” He said struggling against Niveron

Niveron held Ry tightly, trying to pull him away from his lover. "The sooner he gets pregnant, the sooner he gives birth... Think Ry. You did the same to him after all, you idiot," he told him sharply. Amadeus squealed, feeling foreign hands on his body. He started to pull away. He didn't know what was going on. Is that them? That fast? The boy was really scared, and tears started dripping down his cheeks. "Ry do something... I'm not ready right now... Ry!"

Ry struggled against Niveron “I didn’t do it straight after he had given birth!” He said angrily looking worriedly at Amadeus. The alien hadn’t even changed to a human like figure, he was large and green, almost how a Bigfoot would be described to humans as he tightened his hold on Amadeus before turning him over so he was on his stomach and ripped off his pants “Shhh child, it’s okay” he said in a soothing voice that had an almost magic touch to actually soothe the man as well.

The soothing words paralyzed his body, but he continued to cry. Despite his will, he was just being impregnated. "No, I don't want to! Not now! Please!" His breathing was heavy and semi-conscious. He felt as if everything had congealed and burst inside him. He couldn't look at Ry. Through his shame as well as his lack of opportunity. He hoped he didn't find him disgusting. Niveron meanwhile was scanning Amadeus' body with lust in his eyes. " You had a nice ass at home, did you take advantage of the opportunity at least once?" he asked amused.

Aradius stroked the boys back gently before spreading his ass cheeks and pushing himself against Amadeus hole, his girth was probably similar to that of a horse, about twice the size of a human. He pushed himself in quickly grunting in pleasure at how tight the space was. Ry scratched at Niveron’s face “Don’t speak about him like that”

Amadeus screamed in pain. Aradius' penis was tearing him hellish from the inside out. He could feel his muscles as well as his nerves radiating pain and how far his penis reached inside him. He could feel it in his stomach. He felt a gag reflex. Sex with Ry wasn't like that, it was gentle and tender. Now he was being raped and in front of his beloved. Niveron readjusted his embrace and watched as Father Ry inseminated the boy

Ry froze hearing his partner scream and doubled his efforts to get out of Niveron’s arms “You’re hurting him! Let go of me! Stop it!” He yelled struggling to get free. Aradius stroked his back sending his calming magic through the boy as he continued to move in and out of him quickly grunting quietly at the pleasure it caused

Amadeus was already tired of the constant shouting. He fell silent accepting his fate with difficulty. He cried quietly as Father Ry continued to rape him. He just wanted it to be over quickly. He dreamed of nothing else... He wanted to disappear from this room, this house, and escape. Now he was really thinking seriously about running away. He'll take River and they'll be happy together. Because it's all too hard

Aradius cried out in pleasure feeling himself shoot his semen into the hole, making Amadeus’ stomach bloated with how much he had released in him. He pulled back smiling a little and stroked his back once more before nodding at Niveron and leaving the room first before Niveron threw Ry to the ground and disappeared after. Ry scrambled up going to Amadeus’ side immediately and got some of his machinery to heal him as much as possible.

He lay motionless, staring dumbly into space. His ass was gaping, and he felt a filling in his belly. Raped and impregnated without consent. Even tears refused to fly down his cheeks from the drama. River cried loudly awakened by the uninvited guests. He was scared.

Ry stroked his partners back as his machines worked to heal him before gently turning him over “Amadeus, look at me” he said gently holding his cheek before going and grabbing River and returning “Hey, look at us, we’re right here” he said gently

Amadeus looked at them dully. And then his lip began to quiver. He looked fearfully at Ry.
"Ry... I thought we were going to approach this calmly, and I was raped... I-I... I don't want to be pregnant. Not so. Please do something," he said and desperation was beating from him. His mind was destroyed and numb. Now he still had the image of rape in front of him


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