C Neighbours

Jace struggled carrying his shopping up to his apartment. Jace had short brunette hair, was of medium height and quite skinny apart from his large belly sticking out in front of him, he was due in just two short months with twins, they were quite large according to the doctor and he was glad that he would be able to have them via cesarean wondering even if they would fit naturally and imagining the pain he would go through for that. He huffed and puffed as he made his way up to the apartment, it had become such an exhausting journey up the two flights of stairs to the apartment, his lungs felt compressed with the baby’s taking up so much room. He finally got to his door and put his shopping down panting a little as he fiddled in his pocket for his keys.

(Hope that’s okay?)

Ally had just moved in, she had had spent at least two hours getting her boxes inside the apartment, just for her to need to unpack them. When she heard someone coming up the stairs she hoped it was her neighbour, she wanted to introduce herself. When the footsteps came to a stop near her door she stood up from her new couch and opened hers. She didn’t expect to see a heavily pregnant man leaning again his door, trying to catch his breath. “Hey, are you alright?” Ally was concerned for the man who seemed to be all belly. He looked as if he would collapse.

(Perfect, thank you)

Jace looked shocked at the lady “I’m okay” he said catching his breath and rubbing his stomach gently “You must be the new neighbour” he smiled gently and held out his hand “I’m Jace” he said still breathing a little heavily “Sorry, the twins don’t like sharing room with my lungs” he joked. He had completely forgotten he was getting a new neighbour, the old neighbour had never had much time for him and hadn’t talked to him at all unless there was an issue in his apartment and wanted to check if Jace also had the issue.

“If you say so” Ally replied to him, not really believing him. She shook his hand, it was a little damp with sweat but she didn’t comment on it. Laughing at his joke, she picked up his shopping backs and ignored Jace’s confused look, brought it into his apartment and set it down on his counter. “Let me know if you ever need any help at all, it could be that you sat down and can’t get up or you ran out of toilet roll, anything” Ally practically demanded. “Actually pass me your phone”.

Jace looked at her shocked as she grabbed his things and brought them in blushing a little “Um thanks” he said, a little embarrassed at how he obviously looked like he needed help. He smiled kindly at her and began to put his shopping away as she spoke to him “I should be okay” he laughed gently and pulled his phone out and passed it to her gently “But thank you for offering…um? Sorry, you didn’t say your name” he laughed “You just barged into my apartment with my shopping” he teased

Taking his phone from his hand, she blushed, “oops, I’m ally”. She laughed at the teasing, although turning more red. “Whilst I’m here is there anything I should know about the other neighbours? Like who to avoid?” Ally asked, she didn’t like rude people, they really pissed her off.

Jace couldn’t help but smile brightly at the redness he had caused her, she was very cute when she blushed he noted to himself but knowing any likelihood of her being interested in him was probably low especially with twins on the way. “Nice to meet you Ally” he said happily before taking his phone back gently “Hmmm, well honestly it’s kind of a quiet apartment, I don’t really talk to or see much of my neighbours, I forgot you were even moving in because the neighbour that was in your apartment only spoke to me if the electricity went out or there was a problem with water to see if my apartment was the same”

“By the way I put my number on your phone, so you can contact me whenever” Ally commented. “I’m glad it’s quiet, I hate having noisy neighbours” she looked at the time, “oh! I need to go, it’s getting late, not to mention you need to rest!” She said as she kissed Jace on the cheek and walked towards the door, ready to leave.

Jace chuckled softly “I mean, I like a little drama in my life” he teased “And when there’s no gossip it’s a little boring” he joked “Okay, I’ll message you if I need anything” he smiled gently walking her out “If you need anything let me know as well okay? I may be pregnant but I’m still smart sometimes” he grinned and blushed a little himself at the kiss on his cheek. He smiled at her as he led her out and stood at his door grinning at her.

Ally chuckled as she shut her door, Jace was funny. ‘Hopefully we can become friends’ she thought. Ally groaned as she realised she hadn’t been shopping yet. She made herself a cup of tea and sat on her sofa, mentally preparing herself for shopping, she just found it so boring. Collecting her purse and her car keys she left her apartment and found the nearest shopping centre. Whilst walking around she wondered into the baby isle ‘oh, these are so cute’ suddenly thinking about Jace she decided to make him and little gift box full of baby clothes, toys and blankets. Whilst wondering around she saw a belly support. Thinking back to earlier and how Jace looked to be uncomfortable, she added it to her shopping.

Jace smiled brightly after closing the door, maybe he could have a friend in the building, he hadn’t had a friend in a while as most of his ex’s friends were his friends and they didn’t believe him when they split up so he ended up with barely any friends, and having someone so close would be nice too. He bit his lip and decided that Ally would probably be hungry after unpacking all day and decided to cook a dinner for them to share. He went over and knocked on the door but had no answer, he assumed she was out and messaged her ‘Hey, if you want because moving is exhausting I’m making nachos for dinner and you’re welcome to come and share’ he bit his lip before sending and then went back to his apartment and began to make a big portion of nachos.

Seeing the message sent from who she guessed was Jace, Ally smiled. She replied ’I’d love to! I’m just out shopping but will be back soon!’. She decided to buy some garlic bread and some chocolate cake they could share. Once Ally got home, she unpacked her shopping and brought out the food she had brought to share, she decided to bring over his gifts another day. Ally knocked on Jace’s door and waited.

Jace bustled around the kitchen humming quietly as he cooked and set it out on some plates for them sitting them on the table and grabbing sour cream, guacamole and some other condiments for on the side unsure if Ally would like those things with hers. He waddled over to the door opening it and grinning at her “Hello again!” He said happily and stepped back letting her into his apartment before leading her over to the table

“Hi, how have you been in the last hour or so? I brought some garlic bread and some chocolate cake to have as well!” Ally told Jace. As they walked towards the table she smelt the food “this looks and smells great!” She exclaimed, “I haven’t had a home cooked meal in ages”.

Jace laughed a little “I’ve been cooking” he teased lightly and took the garlic bread and cake and set the bread down and put the cake on the bench for the time being before returning “I’m sorry, I would talk more but these babies make me so hungry all the time I really want to dig in” he said laughing and pulled out her chair for her before going and sitting in his chair.

Ally laughed, Jace seemed to be a really sweet guy, she knew he would be a great parent. “That’s fine, I haven’t eaten all day” Ally sat down “thanks for pulling out my chair but I think I should be doing that for you” she laughed a little at her own joke. Taking a bite from the food, she groaned “this tastes so good!”

Jace rolled his eyes “I’m pregnant but I’m still a gentlemen” he said winking over at her and started eating his putting sour cream and a heap of hot sauce on his happily “I’m…well I was a chef” he shrugged lightly “Before all this” he said pointing to his stomach laughing “I’m glad you like it” he said and started eating his happily

Ally smiled and carried on eating her nachos, plain, because that just how she liked them. “That’s so cool, how long were you a chef for?” She asked interested, as she munched on her food. “Hang on a sec” Ally said as she rose from her seat, walking into the kitchen and came back with two glasses of water. “Here” she said as she handed one to Jace.

Jace cleared his throat “Thank you” he said smiling and sipping the water “I mean, I left school to work in a restaurant” he chuckled softly “So a long time” he grinned over at her “How about you, what do you do and for how long?” He grinned

“I am a masseuse and have been for about 3 years” Ally smiled, proud of her job, it had taken a lot of training. “Thankfully the nearest one isn’t too far away”. It was a 15 minute drive for ally and she knew because she had checked on google maps a week before moving.

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