C Candy store (closed w/Klayko

David- 25 years old
6ft tall with blonde hair
Thin frame with little muscle

David was walking as quietly as possible behind the dark building.  He still couldn't believe he had to do this job.  Bills have been piling up and he couldn't keep up with them after he got laid off.  He had to team up with his childhood friend who was in the same boat as him.  He leaned against the dumpster behind the building awaiting his partner to join him.  David was still hoping the Intel he got on this place was accurate and this candy store still had money stashed in the back.  David was getting tired of waiting on his friend he is five minutes late already and it's nearly midnight.  "Come on hurry up already." David said under his breath looking at his watch.

Cody - 27 Years Old
6’2” with Brown Hair styled as a Fauxhawk
Muscularly Lean Physique, ideal for Parkour and breaking and entering

As much as he hated the idea, he couldn’t pass up an opportunity to wipe his ledger clear of the debt piled against him. When information was received over a Candy store, he found it hilarious, but the blue eyed male figured if there was any value into it, it was worth doing. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t have a vehicle, so free running across the city when taxis and buses failed him were ideal. Late, but ideal.

“Sorry about that,” he said with heavy breath. “Traffic.”

"did you run here Cody?" David asked watching his friend pant. David was ready to break into this building already and get out. He was not the type of guy to steal but times are tough and he needed the money bad. "Did you remember the crow bar? We can break the hinges on this door." David asked Cody

“Yea,” Cody said, regaining his composure. “Moment I made it out the apartment, the streets were already piled up.”

He fully pressed the beanie over his hair as he reached into the bag on his back for the crowbar.

“We could pop the door,” he continued before looking up. “Or, I could climb up to the window there and pop it to get in and open the door from there.”

It looked like a basic mom and pop shop. There was no way it had that detailed amount of security.

David stood there and thought about it a second. "Yeah that may be best, there could be alarms or something." David looked up at the roof. " Are you sure you could make it?". David questioned " we need to make this quick Cody. In and out less chance of anything going wrong." David stated looking over his shoulder as he heard cars driving by in the distance.

Cody nodded with a smirk across his scruffed face. “This is cakewalk.”

He hopped on top of the large dumpster before gripping the pole. As he climbed up, he gave himself enough room to jump off the grab the ledge of the window itself. Once he eased up on it, he exhaled before using the crowbar to pop the window itself. From there, he slipped inside and went for the back door.

“Like I said,” he said with confidence. “Cakewalk.”

David chuckled at how cocky his friend was. " You always did like the theatrics Cody." David walked in. The room was pitch black. David tripped over a box as he was reaching for his flashlight in his back pocket. "What was that?" David said pointing his light at the box. David saw it was a box of chocolate bars. David shone his light all around them noticing different kinds of crates and boxes of candy. "Is this a candy store?" David asked cody

Cody chuckled. “Oh, David boy, what’s the point if we can’t ever go over the top once in a while?”

Point in case being not to make an obvious scene in cracking the door itself open. He digressed, however. They were in and so were their prize. That in itself happened to be an array of candy.

“I guess so,” Cody said inquisitively. “The job said something about candy, but I thought it was code for drugs or something, not actual…chocolate.”

Why were they there, exactly? It’s not like they could run off with all this candy on their own.

David picked up a chocolate bar. " How can a candy store stash away money?". David asked Cody wondering if the Intel he got on this place was bad. " I was told something very valuable was stashed away in the vault at the back office." David pointed the light to there left down a long hallway. A old wooden door at the very end said manager across the class window in the center of the door. " Let's try this one." David said slowly walking so as not to trip again. As David slowly opened the office door he noticed a small safe behind a desk. " Hey Cody do you think you might be able to crack this safe.". David whispered behind him

“I mean, it’s a Candy store. I’m sure they make a ton of profit every day from people with a sweet tooth.”

What Cody didn’t understand was why this store and for what purpose. He clicked his flashlight on and looked over every product. His hands reached into the crates and supplies for good measure, only finding just chocolate, jawbreakers and other sugar coated sweets.

When David mentioned it, Cody glanced over at the safe after he checked the cash register to find it empty.

“Yea,” he whispered back. “It’s worth a shot to crack.”

He reached into his bag for the kit needed. Once he pressed the stethoscope against the safe, he began to twist it around until he could hear it crack with the corresponding numbers. From there, he began to make note of which numbers reacted and began to try them in as many patterns he could before the latch itself finally unlocked.

“There we go!”

David heard Cody crack the safe. "Great job Cody you are the best!" David said walking over and swinging the safe door open. David was practically drooling at the mouth to see big stacks of money or even gold valuables packed into that little safe. David's mouth sunk into a frown though as when he opened the safe only to find it empty with the exception of a small rectangular pack of something sitting neatly in the center shelf. David picked it up and read the front. "Womba gum ". David couldn't believe it at all. He risked going to jail for a lousy pack of gum. "I don't believe this." David said again not able to comprehend what he was holding.

Ugh, this was a complete waste of time. They spent an entire time fretting over getting inside a building, browsing around for anything they would need and the end result of it was a pack of gum that didn’t even have an appealing name. What did Womba even mean?

He glanced it over, trying to see the ingredients as well as the catchy image most gum brands had.

“So we go through all the trouble just to not get what we need,” he said in fury. “Let me read this read text over again.”

He pulled out his phone, trying to make sure he understood the exact details of this robbery.

David sat in disbelief what was so valuable about this gum that the owner of this candy store would keep it in a locked safe. David looked it over as he rotated it in his hands. It just don't make any sense. David ripped open the top of the pack of gum and pulled out two sticks. Everything seemed normal so what made it so valuable. Was it long lasting, the best tasting, able to make the biggest bubbles. Something had to make it valuable. David noticed it did give off a pleasant smell as he help it in his hands. David reached out and handed Cody a stick. " Here maybe you can see something that I don't. Something has to be different about this gum to make the owner lock it up in a safe." David said hoping that this was worth something for all there time and planning

The message only left more questions about their hit. There were to obtain something of value from the Candy store. No full specification. As he looked it over, he caught the aroma of the gum from the pack being opened. He had to admit, it did hit his gum appeal a bit, even if the name was bizarre.

“I don’t know what to say,” he stated. “I don’t know why boss man wanted us at this store or why gum is in a friggin locker, but…”

It couldn’t hurt to chew it, right? After all, they were in a candy store.

“Let’s just call this one a bust and take as much candy as we want. We can probably sell it like those candy and snack stores some people have in their apartments or houses.”

He sent a text out demanding their client contact them as this job wasn’t rewarding them at all. Without care, he unwrapped the thick gum before popping it in his mouth, the taste of watermelon greeting his tongue as he chewed and blew a bubble.

“Kinda weird there’s only two sticks in a new pack of gum.”

David gave up trying to figure out the gum he just opened it up and put it in his mouth and began to chew. Getting up he began picking up handfulls of candy bars as he walked out into the hallway. "I can't believe we wasted our time doing this.". David said blowing a huge bubble and letting it pop. "We should load up my car down the block with as much of this candy as we can I guess and try to sell it.". David said to Cody as he blew another bubble. " Got to admit though it is good gum at least ". David admitted heaving a box of chocolate bars up and heading for the back door.

As Cody began to pack his bags full of candy he could grab, it hit him.

“Duh,” he said as if coming to a realization. “That’s why the gum was in the safe. It’s a prototype for a new brand or flavor.”

That probably explained why there was only two and there they were just casually chewing on it. He would spit it out by now if not for the fact that it was not only enjoyable, but he would be disappointed if he spat out gum that had yet to lose its flavor. He hefted up the pack of gum and turned it around to take pictures of its ingredients and anything else.

“We could always say the gum was just missing or something,” he said. “Or just let them run tests on what’s exactly in the gum if they’re really desperate for it.”

He hummed to himself as he found a dolley to heft some of the larger crates into the back of David’s car. Take enough to make a profit, the way he saw it.

David thought on that for a second. The flavor was good and long lasting. "You maybe on to something." David said blowing another bubble. As they packed his car up David went over to get in his car. As he sat down he noticed a bit of pressure around his waste. "Hmmm." David said to himself "when I get some money from this candy I'm going to have to get new pants these must be getting snug.". David said leaning back in his seat to help with the pressure around his waist. " Get in Cody you can stay at my place tonight and tomorrow we can figure out where to sell this candy." David said feeling slightly bloated now.

While Cody wasn’t the sort to usually dote over how pleasant candy tasted, unless it happened to be cruel as black licorice, he really found enjoyment in chewing it. Popping it, letting it roll around the teeth and even blowing it; It felt like a victory, even if he felt a snug feel against his waist from his capri blue jeans. He had to pull his pants up and his shirt down a bit just to escape that feeling like his pants were secure around his waist as well as they should and that his shirt wasn’t riding up the back for that matter.

“Yea, I could stand to go for some new clothes myself. Running around in these are starting to wear thin.”

He eased into the car, shifting past a sense of comfortability in his jean’s button. Once it was over, he exhaled, feeling a small amount left of pressure in his stomach and around his waist.

“Thanks man,” he said in regards to crashing at his crib for the night. “That would certainly save me the trouble of having to hop a few rooftops to get to where I need to go.”

And that was probably a good thing. He never realized just how winded he seemed to be until he began to remove his gloves off his hand.

Getting to his house on the other side of town was scary to say the least seeing nearly five cop cars along the way. David hated being under pressure it made him nervous driving around with stolen goods. It wasn't helping either that the pressure his jeans were causing were starting to hurt David now. David turned left and was two blocks from his house when all of a sudden a small pop could be heard and David's button on his jeans burst of his pants and hit the windshield causing David to swerve slightly. Looking down David noticed a small belly sticking out of his now ruined jeans. " What's going on ?" David said looking at Cody

The feeling was always one with stirred with anxiousness. Cody could never get used to hearing police sirens or seeing blue lights as much as he always found it freeing whenever he slipped loose beyond their clutches. What stirred a panic however was when something popped off like a bullet, hit David’s window with enough force to cause it to crack and then the vehicle itself beginning to swerve as a result.

The culprit was none other than Davis’s jeans beginning to give way as a soft bump poked from beyond his jeans.

“I don’t…” Cody was at a loss for words. As long as he had known David, the other male had never put on weight, to say the least. To see that, it was as perplexing as them subconsciously still chewing on the gum. Cody winced a bit at the feeing of his skin pinching cruelly against his own button. Even folds of his shirt were filled out or on the verge of filling.

He looked out the window, seeing the sights of David’s apartment complex within few.

“Let’s just forget the candy in the trunk right now,” he stated. “We need to get you inside before any more of your clothes give out.”

And trust, Cody did not want to see David potentially naked. Well, not publicly. While Cody’s clothes had yet to reveal what was happening to him, the time was definitely counting down to when it would unravel.

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