C Neighbours

Jace nodded smiling gently “What sort of masseuse? Like do you have a specific type you do?” He smiled gently and pulled off some of the garlic bread happily and ate it humming happily.

“I do all types, it’s actually quite satisfying when clients tell me how much it helps them” Ally paused “if you ever want one I can give one for free, just visit me whilst I’m at work!” Ally noticed that her and Jace had both finished off the nachos so she took the plates into the kitchen. “Would you like some cake?” She called out to where Jace was still sitting at the table.

Jace laughed and then playfully pouted “You mean I have to travel to get one of your massages, you couldn’t just do it here?” He said pouting more before chuckling “I’m just kidding” he said happily and looked at the cake “I mean, I can’t say no to cake when the twins are demanding it and it’s definitely the twins and not me”

Ally thought for a second, she did have the oils to massage in her apartment. “I could do do it here, if you want, just let me know when” Cutting the cake to get two slices, she hands Jace the larger one and sits back at the table with him. “Yeah, definitely the twins” she agreed sarcastically. She handed him a fork and used her own to take a bite.

Jace laughed liked “I’m not going to use you like that, I’m not that type of friend” he laughed gently and took the fork thanking her before happily eating the cake humming happily “Obviously, the only reason I wanted to be pregnant was to blame them for food” he joked and rubbed his stomach gently

“It’s fine, I try to do one good deed a day and that can count as one” she laughed. She smiled hearing Jace’s joke “that was a good idea, no one’s going to starve a pregnant man”. Ally thought for a sec “if your stomach is so big, does it not get itchy? Because I know that stretch marks can be. You don’t need to answer if it makes you uncomfortable, I’ve just never actually been around a pregnant person”

Jace laughed “I’ll be your deed for the day, that’s kind of sad” he grinned at her and sighed rubbing his stomach “I use coconut oil a lot, you kind of get used to it as well” he said and shrugged a little smiling over at her and continued eating his cake happily

“I hate coconut oil, I love coconuts but hate the oil. Especially when it’s on my hands” Ally shuddered imagining it. “I don’t mind the oil I use for massages as it smells nice” She chuckled. “Have you finished your cake yet?”

Jace shrugged “It’s good for stretch marks and the itchiness so I cope with it” he laughed gently and finished off the cake “Now I am” he grinned “It was really good” he licked his lips playfully

Ally smiled “of course it was good, I wasn’t the one that cooked it, shop bought cakes are life savers” giggling at her own joke she added “pass me your plate”.

Jace smiled gently and passed the plate “I mean, I could make a better one” he winked playfully “Maybe I’ll make you a cake sometime” he grinned at her and sipped at his water

“You probably could” ally said as she took Jace’s plate. She walked into the kitchen to put them by the sink. “I’d love that!” She smiled at Jace’s offer. “What should we do now?” She asked

Jace laughed gently and rubbed his rounded stomach “Maybe when I have more room to move” he chuckled and winked playfully at her, “I’m not sure, you can stay for a movie if you want?”

(Sorry, I’ve been hectic the last few weeks)

Ally laughed, “I’ll hold you too it!”. She thought for a second “only if we can watch a horror film” she laughed afterwards to show she was joking.

(It’s fine, I’ve had exams to revise for).

Jace grinned over at her and stood slowly before heading over to the couch and settled into the couch humming happily as his body relaxed a bit “Well, I could watch a horror but I feel like nightmares aren’t your thing” he teased

“Yeah right, I bet your just scared” Ally chuckled, teasing him back. She sat down on the couch next to Jace leaving a gap, so their bodies didn’t touch. “You can choose what we watch, I don’t mind”.

Jace chuckled softly “I honestly love horror so if you’re up to it we can” he chuckled “But if you want something lighter we can do some Disney or something” he said shrugging

“I honestly don’t mind, it’s your house so you can choose!” Ally chuckled. She sat back further into the couch to get comfy.

Jace bit his lip before going onto Netflix and finding a random fantasy movie before playing it and leaning back against the couch

“Ooh this looks good”, Ally commented, before silencing to focus on the film.

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