C The scientist and his patient (with justpush)

Damien place a cushion under Nick hips to help him to feel better and push deep into Nick. «place your legs around me », said Damien.

«Many between six and ten », answered the nurse.

Nick puts his legs around him and then they move. Heavyweight is panting and moaning into Damien's ear. 《Ahhh... Harder!》 gasps

Carsen opens his eyes shocked, then scratches the back of his neck
《And now someone is giving birth?》 he asks, wanting to see it from one side

Damien smile and push harder into Nick and caress his naked body.

«Yes, they are many place for the birth », answered the nurse.

Nick screams in delight and then pushes against Damien with his belly. He looks at him licking lips.

《Could I see from a distance... If I may,》 asks the woman timidly

Damien push in Nick round belly and smile as he eat him scream like that.

«Of course come on », answered the nurse with a smile.

Nick comes first and cries out feeling an orgasm. He scratches Damien's back. He kisses his lips. He is sexually unexcited.

Carsen hears the screams from afar and stiffens. Daniel's entrance there. Oh...

Damien respond to the kiss and come very deep in Nick womb. «do you want more? » Ask Damien.

The nurse take him to the observatory so no one can see him.

Nick nods while smiling broadly 《Not a bad fuck...》 compliments him

Carsen sees the boy who gives birth is exhausted and has no strength. And they force him to push

«You’re mine now! Open your mouth », add Damien as he take a toy in a box.

«This is Brian, he give birth four times already and he love when his scientist force him to push », explain the nurse.

Nick obediently opens his mouth and looks happily at Damien. He loves sex and pregnancy...

Carsen blushes, hearing and seeing how it looks. At one point he touches his stomach. He stares absently at the floor

Damien push the toy in Nick mouth and tie it around his head. «Do you want to be mine? » Ask Damien to Nick.

The nurse smile when she see him touch his belly.

Nick nods excitedly and then moves his hips encouragingly 《Y-yes》 he says and lets go of his eyes.

Carsen feels dizzy and falls to his knees. Then he sees darkness. 《D-daniel...》 says barely

The nurse call Daniel quickly when she see him fall on the ground and she take him into her arms.

«Move the toy in your mouth and focus only on my voice », said Damien.

Carsen is weak. He opens his eyes, only seeing Daniel above him. He looks at him with a slight smile. 《D-daniel...》

Nick nods with understanding and then waits for his cue

Daniel smile and take him into his arms. «Drink this slowly it’s gonna help you to feel better », said Daniel gently.

«Play with the toy in your mouth », repeat Damien to Nick.

Carsen sips the drink slowly. He feels nice around him. Carsen blushes softly.
《I'll go back to the room, sorry for the inconvenience》 he says and then gets up.

Nick sucks on a toy and then gropes his belly

Daniel take him to the table and make him lay down. «Stay there for a few minutes until you feel better », said Daniel.

«Do you need to push? » Ask Damien to Nick.

Carsen lies down obediently, then places a hand on his stomach. Pleasantly guillotined. His body becomes hot.

《Push?》 he asks without knowing what he means

Daniel massage Carsen belly and give him more the drink.

«yes push just like if you give birth », answered Damien.

《What kind of drink is that?"》 Looking at him with a smile. In the spirit he feels fear

Nick grabs his arm and spreads his legs wide. He's starting to push

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08-27-2020, 06:16 PM

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