C Arranged Marriage

Name: Steven (Steve) Smith
Description: Steve has brown eyes, freckles across the bridge of his nose and cheeks, and short wavy brown hair with bangs that are swept off to the side of his forehead, he's around 5'3" and has a decently muscular build.
Brief history: Steve is the right hand servant of Jace's arranged fiance and is pregnant with said fiance's illegitimate child.

"To my dearest Jace. Meet me at the northern ship port at midnight tonight, I have a ship prepared for us to leave the kingdom and a map to guide us to our new home. Do not worry about supplies, I had a few trusted friends help me pack everything we will need for our journey. We should arrive at our safe haven in a few weeks, hopefully before our little one decides to make their entrance into the world. I'll be waiting waiting for you at the docks. Sincerely, your dearest Steve"

That was what the letter Steve had slipped under Jace's bedroom door said. The two of them had grown extremely close since Steve had been assigned to look after his king's fiance, quickly falling in love with each other the two of them were planning to flee the kingdom to live a peaceful life together as a family with Steve's soon to be born child, the king's child, in a far away kingdom where nobody would know who they were or where they had come from. They would be free to raise their child to live a normal life together, maybe even have more children later on if they desired to.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Name: Jace Kingly the Third (I couldn’t think of anything regal hahaha)
Age: 25
Description: Pale skin with a natural blush on his cheeks, blonde wavy hair cut at his shoulders (due to his lineage, he has always wanted it shorter), often considered feminine in his build due to his thin frame and features with plump lips and wide eyes, though considered reasonably tall sitting at just under 6”.
Brief description: Jace grew up knowing he was to be a trophy husband at some stage and accepted this until Steve showed him life could be different.

Jace had received the letter and sighed dreamily thinking of his love. He held the letter close to his chest as he packed the very few items he wished to take with him, a locket from his mother who passed when he was a baby and a book his sister used to read to him when he was young before he learnt of his place in the world. He waited impatiently for the time to move and continued with his daily tasks and duties as best he could trying to keep up appearances before nightfall.

He couldn’t help the glee he felt slipping past the guards wearing a beggars cloak he had bought from a local man knowing the money would help more than the cloak. He got to the dock and stood near the port waiting patiently for his love.

Steve quietly slips out of the servant's quarters after saying his goodbyes to the other castle staff members that he had befriended during his time working with them, making sure not to be seen by any guards that might be patrolling the castle grounds. Sneaking through the narrow staff passageways proved to be difficult due to the size of his round stomach, which he kept hidden under a cloak that had been given to him by Jace shortly after they had started sneaking out to see each other in secret.

He was quite worn out by the time he arrived at the dock with a single sack full of his few belongings such as clothes, a few books, and painting supplies that his best friend had given him before he left his home kingdom with his king, but seeing Jace waiting for him brightened his spirits and gave him a rush of happiness that he could only dream of feeling during his time with his king. He quickly makes his way over to tightly embrace his lover.

"You made it" He grins, hands cupping Jace's face.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace smiled brightly placing one hand over the one cupping his cheek and another on Steve’s rounded belly. “Of course I did, sailing off with you to a new adventure for us to start as a family, it’s all I never thought I could have but always wanted” he said lovingly. He followed his love onto a ship carrying his belongings tightly to his side. He was wary, he trusted Steve with his life but was never quite sure of his friends and worried they may betray him. The king was not a kind man and he knew they could both die if found.

(Should he have the baby on the ship?)

(That's what I was thinking would happen lol)

"I feel the same way, I'm looking forward to what the future has in store...I haven't been able to do that in a very long time. Thank you for giving me hope for a happy life and for accepting the baby as your own, I hope we'll give them siblings someday after we're settled into our new home" Steve grins, pulling Jace into a loving kiss as they board the ship together and greeting his friends and their crew.

"Do you want me to cut your hair? I remember you telling me that you've always wanted it to be shorter" Steve asks his love.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

(I assumed when you said he was nearly due but was a few weeks on the ship but just wanted to clarify)

Jace smiled warmly at his love “You are my family and that means your child is too, not matter who’s biologically their father” he said softly against his mouth and stroked his cheek gently “Perhaps, when we’re settled in our new home we will think of extending our family” he said softly.

He followed Steve onto the ship relief washing over him as soon as he walked onto the wooden planks. He smiled brightly “I would love that” he said happily, excited how it would be to have shorter hair that wouldn’t stick to his face or his neck.

(Ah, okay. I probably should have been more specific about that ^w^; )

"Take a seat, I remembered to snatch a pair of scissors before we left the castle" He grins, walking over to a small stack of crates to sit on while he cut Jace's hair "How short would you like it?" He asks while fishing around in his cloak pockets for the scissors, pausing slightly to hold onto the crate he sat upon and steady his balance as the ship started to move away from the port and out to sea.

Steve grins brightly as he watches their old home shrink in the distance behind them as they sailed away toward the open ocean, finally on their way to a new life together, free of the worries and responsibilities of their pasts.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace bit his lip “I don’t know, however short you think will look good on me?” He grinned brightly automatically reaching out to put a hand on his love to help steady him.

Jace watched the place shrink, he had never really seen it as home, he had barely lived there and the fact he was there was not of his own choosing but he was so glad that he had been sent there otherwise he would have never met his love. He squeezed Steve’s hand gently smiling over at him

"Hmmm, I'll surprise you" Steve grins and gets to work clipping away at Jace's hair, making sure to be quick but careful as he cut his love's hair. He steps back after about half an hour and circles Jace to admire his work "All done! I'll go find a mirror so you can tell me what you think" He says before going below deck to find a mirror or some other reflective surface.

"Found one!" He calls out when he comes back a few minutes later, waving said mirror around before handing it to the former prince "What do you think?" Steve asks.

(I don't know why but I'm imagining that Jace's hair looks similar to Leonardo DiCaprio's hair in Titanic lol)

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

(Lol, sure haha)

Jace ran a hand through his hair grinning from ear to ear as he looked at himself in the mirror “It’s amazing baby!” He said happily and stood kissing him gently before pulling back “I look like a whole different man” he said winking

"I'm glad you like it, I think you look sexy" Steve chuckles and kisses back "That's probably a good thing, people aren't as likely to recognize who you are" He says with a sigh "I know that there probably isn't anyone that would know either of us where we're going, but it's still possible..."

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace stroked his cheek gently “Don’t worry love, no one will know us, we’ll start a whole new life together” he said gently. Deciding now was a good time he pulled a chain out of his pocket with a silver ring on it “I know you said your fingers are a bit swollen because of the baby but…when I was younger my father gave me a small block of silver, I could never decide what to do with it until I met you” he said gently and put the chain over his neck while also pulling one out from under his shirt “I got two rings made for us from the same block of silver so you know, no matter what I love you and we’ll always be together”

Steve gasps and tears well up in his eyes "It's beautiful, I love it!" He smiles brightly and pulls Jace into a tight hug, kissing him deeply once the chain and ring were settled around his neck "I'm never ever taking it off, a necklace is much more unique than wearing a ring on my finger anyway" He chuckles "Harder to damage or lose too"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace smiled gently “I’m glad you like it” he said softly and stroked his cheek gently “Come, we should rest” he said gently and took his hand leading him to the bedroom on the ship “I’m sure you’re tired and it’s late now”

"Good idea, I'm exhausted from all of the walking I had to do today" Steve says, gently squeezing Jace's hand "My back has been aching all evening" He huffs softly, placing a hand on his lower back as the two of them head to the bedroom together.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace smiled gently and helped him get comfortable on the bed before sitting behind him and gently began to knead at the muscles in his back “Does that help?” He asked softly kissing his neck gently

"Mmm, it's helping alot" Steve sighs happily and leans back into his love's touch "That feels absolutely amazing" He grins, shutting his eyes and relaxing as the pain in his back is eased away by Jace's gentle hands.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace smiled feeling his partner relaxing slowly into his touch “I’m glad” he said gently and kept massaging him for a short while feeling Steve relax more and more and knew he was sleepy so helped him lay down gently and ran a hand through his hair gently humming to him.

Steve yawns and snuggles in close to Jace "Goodnight" He mumbles, quickly dozing off into a peaceful sleep to the sound of his love's humming and the ocean waves gently rocking the ship as they continued to sail through the night.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace smiled gently down at his love pulling him gently in his arms before falling asleep to the gentle rocking himself.

(Do you want to skip some time or just til the next day or have any plans?)

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