C Arranged Marriage

(Can we skip to about a week into their journey? I was thinking that they could be passing through some rough weather when Steve goes into labor)

Steve smiles in his sleep, hugging Jace close against him for comfort and security.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

(Yeah, sure! Did you want to start?)

Jace snored gently holding his love close


The first week of the couple's journey went about as smoothly as they could have hoped considering the circumstances of their departure from their previous home, Steve had been experiencing some seasickness as well as the usual aches and pains that came with the later stages of pregnancy but nothing too out of the ordinary had occurred...yet.

Steve sat in bed staring out the window into the night, cringing anxiously whenever he heard the rolling roar of thunder or felt the ship jolting with the rough waves that carried them along toward their destination. The uneasy tension of the situation didn't help to settle the discomfort and pain he'd been dealing with for most of the day, the longer it went on the more he was dreading what he now knew was happening to him. He was in labor during what was likely to be a forming hurricane.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

During the first week of their journey Jace had discovered a love for manual labour and often helped out on the ships deck during the day. He had spent much of the day helping weather the storm trying to outrun it. He entered the room drenched from head to toe. He ran a hand through his wet hair and went over to Steve kneeling next to him and taking his hand gently rubbing the back of his hand, his own hands rough from the new work. “How are you feeling?” He asked gently knowing he had felt unwell the last few days due to the rough weather and getting his sea legs.

"I-I think the baby is coming soon..." Steve admits nervously, squeezing Jace's hands tightly "Have we passed the storm yet?" He questions, already knowing that he wouldn't like the answer. He shifts in bed a bit to try and get comfortable, propping up the pillows behind him and tossing the blankets aside to cool off and relieve the hot flash he was experiencing.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace rubbed his cheek gently “It’s okay, everything is going to be okay” he said softly trying to avoid answering the question. “I thought we had some more time before the baby arrived but it’s all going to be okay” he said gently and moved grabbing a piece of material and dipped it in water before gently wiping at his loves face and neck

"I know it will be...you're here with me" Steve replies, managing a weak smile as he presses his cheek into Jace's hand "Mmmngh...that feels nice" He says softly, trying to ignore the storm by focusing on the wet cloth instead. He gasps and yelps in pain when he feels his stomach clench tightly.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace smiled gently and kissed his forehead gently. “It’s okay, you’re okay, just take a deep breath” he said gently “What can I do to help you?” He asked biting his lip concerned “Should I go and get the doctor?” He asked nervously

"D-Don't go...stay with me..." Steve whines, still squeezing Jace's hand as he takes a few deep breaths "...please stay" He whimpers, relaxing a bit when the pain begins to ease up.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace pushes his hair back from his face gently “Of course sweetheart” he said softly and smiled gently at him “Just think, soon they’ll be in your arms, have you thought of any names?”

Steve nods a bit as he catches his breath "Mmhm...Lilly for a g-girl...and Mason for a boy" He says tiredly "What about...you? D-Did you think of any?"

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace smiled gently and nodded “Well you will be having them on the sea so maybe something sea based? Like Caspian or Kaia?” He shrugged gently “You should try and rest up while you can sweetheart”

"Those are beautiful names" Steve smiles tiredly, turning over to lay on his side with his head resting in Jace's lap "You should rest too" He yawns as his eyes drift shut and he dozes off to sleep.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace smiled gently and ran a hand through his hair gently “Of course sweetheart” he said gently although he would stay awake making sure he kept an eye on his partner waiting til he could go and get a doctor to help

Steve whimpers and groans softly in his sleep still snuggled up against Jace, feeling safe with the other man being so close despite the jerking and rocking of their ship as the crew worked hard to fight through the terrible storm.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace kissed his head when he groaned and rubbed his back gently. He put a hand on his stomach rubbing it gently “Be a good baby, don’t hurt your daddy too much darling”

Steve mumbles in his sleep and grunts softly as his body tenses up, his belly becoming rock hard under Jace's hand as a sudden gush of warm fluid soaks his pants and the bed sheets beneath him.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace gently removed himself from his side and went grabbing some towels gently putting them under his partner trying not to stir him too much.

"Mmgh...J-Jace? What happened?" Steve mutters softly, not entirely awake and aware of what his love was doing "Why are my clothes all wet?" He asks sleepily.

I don't do sexual content, it makes me extremely uncomfortable as I am asexual.

Jace gently stroked his hair “Hey, it’s okay, just go back to sleep” he said gently “Your water broke but just try to continue resting while you can” he said softly trying to make him as comfortable as possible “I’ll go see if I can find a doctor” he said

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