Closed Royalty.
The moon hung in the sky like an ocean’s pearl shimmering upon the earth below. There was a soft wind pushing through foliage scattered across the prestigious kingdom. This night was going to be very special as the crowned prince was holding a gala, inviting nobles and dignitaries from across the land. The castle was at the center, looming over cottages and estates alike and inside there was flurry of activity. The confines were illuminated unlike the mid morning sun, particularly in the dance hall. Bustling with activity, patrons dressed in their finest attire and even danced as the band played an elegant tune. The host of the soiree was the crowned prince. This was a celebration of continuous peace, but to him this was an opportunity to find a potential suitor for marriage.

This was exactly why the Duke of the next county found himself forced to attend. His parents wanted him to finally find the perfect match and marry- eventually producing an heir. They believed that 28 was far too old to remain unwed.
The prince spent most of the evening enjoying pleasantries. Sharing his knowledge of his kingdom and the culture. Complimenting on the accomplishments of his honored guest. Yet, as the hours progress, the prince found himself denying dances. It was clear that his status was the topic for conversation, yet he wanted to spend at least one night away from politics. It was then that the Duke entered the ballroom.
Edward hadn’t wanted to be late but he wanted to see who was attending the ball first. He didn’t want to have to spend the night nearby his annoying cousin, who enjoyed bragging his wealth to anybody that would listen.

He entered the massive room dedicated to having balls, a ballroom if you want. He chuckled to himself, feeling peoples eyes watching his every move. As he descended down the stairway he also noticed that the prince was watching him- so he flashed him a grin. He may as well make the night interesting.
Prince Henry was full of his pallet of partrons. Ranging from backgrounds and ethnicities, yet ultimately they all fell into the same category of "business as usual". Yet, out of everyone attending one person caught his gaze. His steps were metered and meticulous. Henry met his sly smile and turns his face to hide his blush, but remained looking at him. The space between them began to dwindle, as party-goers appeared the clear a path directly to Henry. With Henry's heart skipping a beat as the man made his way to him, Henry turns to meet his guest, clearing his throat before he spoke.

"You certainly can command your presence. May I say, that your demeanor is unlike other attendees. Now tell me, who might you be?"

Henry stood with his feet firmly as the band continues the serenade the room with lovely music. Conversations blend into the background, although between Henry and Edward, it was as if they were the only ones in the room.
As the crowd parted he found himself following the pathway towards the host of the ball. Edwards smile remained on his face as he found himself complimented by the prince. “I am Edward”, he began, “the Duke of Norwich”.

Throughout the night he found that the prince attached himself to his hip, he seemed almost eager that they got to know each other. Edward wasn’t one to lie to himself and he knew he was attracted to him, the way his body reacted certainly told him so.

As the night went on, Edward found himself feeling the desire to dance and so he asked the person he very much wanted to dance with. Prince Henry.

“Would you care to share a dance?”, he asked, politely.
Edward was certainly forward. From his inquiry, other patrons shot curious glances, which only encouraged Henry to maintain his composure despite the flip he felt in his stomach. Henry was surprised that the man didn't want to dive into conversation pf politics or public affairs. Extending his hand out to him, Henry took Edward's just as the music shifted its tune.

"...Certainly. Edward."

Then, in a fluid motion, the two began to waltz. Their movements flow into the dance floor, catching the attention of everyone there. This would make the first time that Prince Henry had danced all evening. This gave everyone the same question on mind. Who was this Duke of Norwich? Edward. Henry held the base of Edward's spine with one hand and held Edward's hand with the other.
As they graciously moved around the hall, Edward began to notice how everyone watched and seemed surprised. “Why is everybody so shocked?”, he questioned, looking directly into the princes eyes. Even some of the more important men in the room had stopped their conversations to watch.

Edward moved his attention away from everyone else and brought it back to Henry, “so”, he began, “what encouraged you to throw a ball?”
Keeping with the rhythm of the music, Edward and Henry swam with to the sonnet. Edward could feel the Henry's hand was smaller than his own and the his grip was considerably weaker. The palm of Henry's hand a stark contrast to his own. Soft. Tender. Delicate. Henry met Edward's inquiry with almost disbelief.

"Do you not know? This marks the anniversary of renewed peace. Yet..."

Henry rubs his other hand against the length of Henry's back.

"I'm confident you already knew that tidbit. In truth, I'm looking... for someone."
Edward chuckled, “I did not believe it was just to celebrate the peace”, he claimed, “however, I do not blame you, my parents have been trying to encourage me to marry”. The music slowly came to a stop and the couple pulled away before bowing to one another. It was a sign of mutual respect.

He pulled Henry’s arm into linking with his own and led them back over to where they were standing, “my my, isn’t it getting warm now?”, Edward asked.
Henry could feel his collar was hot. The hairs on the back of his neck stood, as he could feel Edward's hold of him was strong, firm. Henry felt that he was an extension of Edward. Their prior dancing made sure of that.

"Our swaying has certainly elevated my temperature. Have you found anyone that would sate your parent's demands for a suitor?"

Henry inquired as the mood in the room calmed and patrons occasionally shot daggers towards Henry and Edward.
Edward shook his head, “as of late, they have not but they have decided to leave it up to me”, he explained, “I do feel grateful but rather stressed as I am being rushed”. He paused for a moment, “I would not mind marrying someone like you though, poised and well mannered.”

Edward began to fan himself with his hand, “is there anywhere cool where we could talk instead?”, he inquired, the heat becoming too much. “I do apologise, the heat is just becoming unbearable”.
As the applause died down, the crowd continued to convene, Henry caught a gasp and held himself in a dignified manner despite his urge to make his knees weak.

"I may say, I am hot under the collar myself. I feel that everyone until this point has failed to meet my expectations. Could you perhaps be intrested to a rendezvous in my private quarters? We will find comfort there."

Prince Henry's inquiry left the man's heart racing. To think he would retire early wouldn't go unnoticed. Edward's grip made Henry's hold flaccid. The dance they shared proved that Edward made Henry fluid beneath him.

"Shall we?"
The offer was truly tempting. The crowd of people was almost suffocating and the stares they revived after dancing made him feel uncomfortable. Nonetheless, Edward smiled and replied, “we shall”, and allowed himself to be led towards the princes private quarters.

The palace was absolutely massive and expensively decorated. The walls had a gold rim, no doubt real gold. The hallways had old paintings up of old royals and other dignitaries, similar to a history museum. There were potted plants scattered around; likely to bring some colour to the building.

The two men walked through the hallways, Henry’s hand entrapped in Edwards. He noticed there was no complaint though.
"These halls... I rememeber running through them to my Nanny's dismay. I was often stir crazy, you see. My parents were adamant  on keeping confined to my bedchamber."

Henry then stops a set of double doors. Before he continued his story, he opened the doors to reveal a lavished bedroom. Henry's mattress was draped in a curtain and the blanket was a regal finish. There was a balcony behind two glass doors. Opposite of the bed was a seating arrangement. Henry's closet was opened revealing an variety of suits and attires fit for a prince.

"I spent most of my days here."

Henry continues with a flushed in his face.

"I would play alone. Often pretending to be a lady. A lady who was... with child...waiting for her husband to return from serving the kingdom. I would take my pillows and hold them beneath my pajama top, rubbing the shape it made, speaking of how I was doing despite my husband's absence and thinking of what it would be like to welcome him home. A child is each arm."
Edward felt a little sad hearing that Henry was confined to his bed chamber, he could never imagine having the same upbringing. “I am sorry to hear of this,” Edward said, “my childhood was the opposite, my parents would often spend time with me and took me out”.

He looked around the bedroom, it was massive, he had visited people with homes smaller than this. Edward did love being a duke as it meant that he got to live a lavish life although it was nothing compared to this.

Edward chuckled at Henry’s admission and decided to tease him. He pulled Henry close and rubbed his hand over his flat stomach, “and do you still dream of this?”, he purred out. Edward leant down closer to the princes face, seemingly about to kiss him.
Henry could feel Edward's warm breath close to him. The press of Edward's hand against his abdomen gave the young prince knots in his stomach and made his pelvic muscles flex. Henry then leans his forehead onto Edward's before taking a soft breath.

"Certainly. Yet, I fear I'm past dreaming any longer. Now I envy what you've done and the world you've seen. To know that life can be so much more than I've ever experienced rattles me down to my core."

Henry then places his hand atop of Edward's. Pressing hard enough that Edward could feel the drumming of the prince's racing heart. Henry tilts his face towards his, planting a soft kiss to Edward's lips.
Edward savoured the kiss and even deepened it, he enjoyed the feeling of their lips moving together. “Maybe we can experience it together then”, he murmured, his voice husky from the kiss. He never would have imagined that he would meet the prince tonight, let alone be kissing him on his private quarters.

He took Henry by the hand again and led him towards the bed, “let me explore you”, he asked, hinting for more than just a kiss.
Glancing to his veiled mattress, Henry swallows the previous kiss he shared to pave for another. Henry met his mouth, taking his tongue to Edward's, tangling his words as he pulls Edward into the bed as Henry then spoke.

"Were you- to explore me. What do you ever hope to find?"

Their kisses resonated with wet smacks, ringing in Henry's ears. Henry could feel his libido begin to flicker. This ignited by Edward's presence and body heat, soon to roar from their intimacy.
“I hope to find your unclothed body”, Edward growled out, feeling himself become hard from the sheer intensity of their kissing. He lowered the Prince onto his bed and removed his own shirt, helping Henry to remove his own, “is this okay?”, he asked, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

Edward briefly remembered that he would need some protection but pushed the thought aside - he would find something closer to the sexual act.
Henry could see that Edward's sculpted body loomed before his own delicate frame. It was clear in Edward's trousers that their throws certainly piqued his intrested. Bitting his bottom lip, Henry reached to his own leggings and removed them in a fluid fashion, thus proceeding to tug at Edward's, pulling the man's waist.

"Yes.... Take me Edward. Duke of Norwich."

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