Closed Royalty.
Edward wasn’t sure why Henry suddenly wanted to see him. Nether the less, he showed up.
He was wearing one of his nicest suits and his shoes were shined as always. He was driven in a carriage to go and meet him and was dropped off in front of the palace where Henry was waiting.

Henry stood at the palace steps with his hands clasped together in his nicest suit and shoes. Nodding his head to him Henry extended his hand outward to greet him.

"Your absence has bot gone unnoticed."
Edward held out his hand to shake Henry’s, he wondered what he meant by that. As in he missed him or was he just annoyed at him for leaving him that night?

“I’m terribly sorry”, he apologised, “I just panicked”.
"It goes without consequences. Tell me Edward, do you fear what we've done? Your philanthropy exposes uour strength and love. Parts of you I still carry in my heart. "
He looked around, not wanting to have the conversation outside. He answered either way, “I don’t fear it anymore, in fact I miss it”, he murmured the last part, it was more of a private conversation. “Why don’t we go inside and discuss this?”, he asked.
"Come with me."

Henry led Edward into the palace.
Edward followed him, taking in his surroundings which were familiar. He could remember seeing some of the things in the hallways on the night of the ball. They ended up outside a door and Henry opened it, leading them inside.
Henry closes the door behind them, turning to Edward with tears in his eyes.

"Edward... I've missed you terribly. I haven't been the same since you left."
He stepped forwards and held onto Henry’s hands, “I miss you too, my love”, he murmured and pulled him into an embrace. He could feel his stomach pressing into his own and frowned slightly, his stomach had grown a little since they had last seen each other around 5 months ago now. He pushed the thought aside, assuming he had gotten a little sad without him.
"You're doing great things, Edward. All that I have managed to do is gain weight."

Henry spoke as he held Edward. Pushing his protruding belly into the duke.
He looked down and saw Henry’s belly, it was sticking out quite a lot. It looked swollen more than anything. Edward couldn’t help but put his hand on it, feeling it, he moved his hand around and rubbed it. “Have you been to the doctors?”, he asked, “your belly is firm”.
"I... haven't. I haven't had the courage to do this on my own."

Henry answers as he takes Edward's hand to his belly,  pressing firmly against the taut surface of his tummy.
Edward enjoyed the feeling of Henry’s bump and didn’t let go for a minute, rubbing his thumb back and forth.

“Shall we go now?”, he asked, “now that I am back”.
"Yes, we shall."

Henry then shudders as he took a sharp breath.
“Are you okay?”, Edward asked, putting his hand on Henry’s arm. From the look of his stomach and the firmness, he couldn’t help but assume he was pregnant which reminded him of the night they met and the dream that Henry mentioned of being pregnant. Hopefully this meant that he would be happy if he was.
"I'm fine. Fatigued is all. Occasionally I am sensitive to some tastes and smells. Yet, I am sure the castle doctor can make sense of what's happening to me."
As they began to walk through to halls to the castle doctor, Edward raised his eyebrow at Henry, surprised he hadn’t realised what all the symptoms pointed at. “Henry?”, he said, questioning, “do you not think you’re pregnant?”
Henry feels his blood rush to his face and his insides flutter with movement.

"Were that to be true, that would make me an unmarried prince who's carrying someone's child. That someone would be you. Edward. Would you be there for me, and this baby? Or am I to wait for your return with a swollen belly and a hopeful heart?"
Edward stopped walking and held onto Henry’s hands, he pulled him close and then put a hand on his cheek, “of course I will be here for you Henry, we must arrange some things though”. He ran his thumb along the princes cheek, “such as who would be moving in with the other and perhaps we do get married?”, he asked, “maybe just before the baby is born?”
Henry smiles as a tear falls from his eye only for Edward's thumb to meet it. He holds Edward close a.s he tenderly sways with the taller man.

"Not too close, less we risk the child being born during our reception. I want to dance with you on our wedding day just as we danced on the night we met. I've never been pregnant before, and I am certain that the closer to my due date the more I'm going to need you, Edward."

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