Closed Royalty.
He felt as if he was having a moment of déjà vu whilst they swayed, smiling at the memories of them dancing the night they had met. “I’ll make sure you get treated the best you’ve ever been”, Edward said, “especially as it’s my baby and you are mine now too”.

“I deeply regret leaving that night but I’ll make it up to you”, he promised, still swaying with the Prince, content to have him in his arms again, finally.
Henry felt his heartstrings from Edward's words. Taking his hand up and down Edward's back, Henry continues.

"There were nights I would gaze out my window and take my hand to my belly. Saying your name pndering your return. Every time I call out your name, I would feel a tender touch inside my body. My kingdom needs me to be their prince, Edward. What of your estate?"
Edward fell silent for a long moment, thinking about the future. Their future. “We can have it as a holiday home”, he stated, “if you like, I will move in with you”. He thought about the nights he spent alone, wishing to have Henry’s body beside him, warming his bed.

He took one of Henry’s hands, “shall we continue to the doctor?”, he asked, “they can check on the baby”.
"Then we must announce our union. More  importantly that the kingdom has an heir."
“We shall”, Edward repeated, leading him over to the doctors offices. “Let’s see if they are healthy”, he said before opening the door, squeezing Henry’s hand.

Henry squeezed Edward's hand to the thought of carrying twins or even triplets. Henry was intimidated by the prospect of giving birth naturally to one child. Two or three would certainly be difficult.
Edward nodded, “well, we don’t know the gender or the amount yet, so we?”, he asked, chuckling. They sat down in the office and waited for the doctor to arrive. “Do you want a boy or girl?”, Edward asked Henry.
Henry took his hand to his tummy, stroking slowly up and down.

"I want a son and a daughter. I would keep trying until I have one of each."
“That’s sweet”, Edward mumbled, “I think I’d like the same”. He sat there looking around the office still, “where is this doctor? You’d think that you being royal would speed him up”, Edward joked. He put a hand on the bump once again, rubbing it, “you must be like almost halfway through by now”.
"I feel as if I'm ready to pop."

Edward's touch made Henry's hairs stand on the back of his neck. Henry salivates, anxious to kiss Edward once more.

"We certainly didn't make an appointment. The doctor may be making house calls."
“Ready to pop?”, Edward laughed, “I mean you have gotten bigger but I bet you’ll grow a lot more in the months to come”.

As they were talking the doctor came in and greeted them, apologising for the wait. Edward stood and shook his hand and then explained why they were there.
Henry can feel as if he has butterflies in his stomach

"I have you yo thank for that."

Henry leans into Edward just as he hears the chamber door begin to creak open.
Edward sighed in disappointment when the doctor walked in because he knew what Henry was about to do. Either way, he was thankful the doctor showed up to look at Henry. He still couldn’t believe he has waited this long to see someone about the weight gain.
"Prince Henry? What a pleasant surprise. What brings you here?" 
The doctor inquired as he then turns his attention to Edward. 
"Who might this be?"
Henry answers.
"This is my companion, Edward. We need your help. I think I may be... pregnant."
Edward also introduced himself, “I am Duke Edward”, he announced, “please to meet you”. The next thing the doctor did was pull out a ton of equipment and began checking Henry’s blood pressure and heart rate, it all looked so foreign to Edward who had never had health problems.

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