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For those of us who dress/pad/inflate/spontaiously impregnate :P and the such like, how do you take to getting comfortable at night?
I know a few of us have mentioned sleeping is one of our favourite things to do while dressed up because we can drift off into our own little world :P
I can start off very comfortably on my side, but eventually the back pain becomes a problem so I sleep on my back trying to flatten the muscles instead of twist them, all this leads to some very realistic back pain side effects...
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ill sleep on my sides sometime and put a pillow between my legs, and a couple behind my back. Or I prop myself up and sleep on my back like that
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I have to sleep on my back coz of the pain (will try the pillow thing though) but I know that technically pregnant women aren't supposed to sleep on their back when they get to a certain size as it's puts too much preassure on the nerves and blood vessels underneath...
I was always one to sleep on my front before I got 'pregnant' ......ha ha that's gone right out the window!
Sugar Kitten =^_^=
Usually I'll spend some time on my back just relaxing, and then I'll switch to one side, having plenty of pillows around me to build a kind of cocoon and then I'll usually end up flipping over to my other side before getting comfortable enough to sleep.
Doing so, however uncomfortable is also kind of comforting as well.
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I've tried sleeping dressed I usually only managed a nap before having to give birth in the middle of the night to get some rest.
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Pillows - yeah the thing with pillows is I don't have the ability right now to use anything to add weight to my bump, so using pillows (except between the legs which I tried) doesn't work too well for me - instead of being supportive they prop me up to a weird position I can't sleep in where i'm neither on my back nor on my side. I think the pillow between the legs thing worked the best for me, I tried it a few days ago and I think with a bit more practise at finding just the right position, that'll be the way to go from now on.
Sugar Kitten =^_^=
I guess through pregnancy the woman develops gradually and has time to adapt and refine the methods rather than having just one night. If you were to do it every single night for a month I bet you would find a way to get comfortable enough to get some kind of sleep, but my sleep had reduced efficiency and I did wake up sore, stiff and groggy.. which is great because that is what pregnancy does to people!
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Yeah, believe me if I could simulate being almost full term for a month I would but I literally cannot cope at work with no sleep and seeing as i'm in control of the store's non food stock.....that could go very, very badly.
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So lastnight was the first time I had the chance to sleep whilst pregnant and I tried out the pillow thing when I woke up realising my back was sore again.
It's actually pretty impressive how much difference it made ......unil I wanted to turn over, then I lost it :(
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This thread reminds me that I have yet to try sleeping with my water filled belly.
Cause when it came to sleeping with my old method belly [a half filled beachball underneath one of those foam belly forms from a Halloween store], I could get comfy easy!
But back to the water filled belly.... Sleeping would definitely be a challenge. Like I said, the weight of the water already adds a natural waddle to my walk and its the closest I can get to a heavy pregnant belly!
I cant wait to try it!
Sugar Kitten =^_^=
I don't think I would use water again :)
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In a way, there's no real relaxing when it comes to anything that involves water...
The risk of an explosion would kind of keep me awake...
Sugar Kitten =^_^=
Trust me, this is the future of pregnancy simulation, so much safer than water and cheap!
Weight bags
And for fun you can use in conjunction with this
Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator
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I've tried sleeping with a water-filled belly three times in my life, two different methods. The first one was very successful with no popping. I used a thick beach ball and filled it a little over half-way with water. I slept two nights in a row with it and not so much as a droplet of water got out. The other, unfortunately, did not work as well; a punch-ball balloon filled with water. It popped the first (and last) time I tried to sleep with it. I'm considering trying to sleep with a triple-layered punch-ball balloon, with only the inner-most balloon filled with water to give two safety layers of just air, and if so much as one pops it's coming off! Hopefully I can eventually convince my Domme to at least try it again... She was quite traumatized the first time it happened!
Kilix stockpiled 3!
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well due to having to move back in with my mother about 2ish years ago I don't have anywhere near the privacy to try anything water filled unless she's away on holiday (next time will be September) however, i've come to love my current bump,
it makes me 51'' around, it's air filled and firm so if positioned just right it presses on my bladder and the bottom of my lungs leaving me slightly breathless and bathroom restless! Also because it's rubber after a while it gets really warm.
Woke up this morning after a blissful sleep (found the right spot for the pillow - NO back pain) drenched in sweat lol.
So i'm pretty proud of my bump atm. I also think it's just the right size to look real enough on webcam, not outrageously big and not tiny and hardly there.
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sweet dreams! I know that sleeping with my bump can be challenging but when ever I wake, having my bump with me makes it all ok!!
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I have found that if you sleep with a water filled belly in kind of a reclining "hospital bed" position, you can catch some awesome pregnant "Z"s!
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sadly I didn' find he sweet spot lastnight :( guess it's luck of the draw...