The weekend

Every Friday night he blacks out and wakes up the next morning pregnant, not knowing what happened. Everything is over by the next day but men are missing. No one knows why but Adam. Its part of the curse put on his family centuries ago.

Name: Adam
Age: 23
# of weekends: 2

Adam wakes up and feels the weight of his pregnant belly and sighs. It's Saturday again and he doesn't remember anything from last night... again. He gets up and waddles to his living room and looks for any sign of what could have happened the night before but cant find anything. Honestly he knows all about the curse put on his family but he doesn't like the thought of his body was doing something his mind cant remember.

Name: Saya
Age: 28

Saya walked into Adam's room with a concerned look on her face. Working with the family for almost a decade she knew much about the curse and was the only person outside the family to have inside knowledge of it. It was her duty to ensure Adam was well taken care of no matter what.

"Adam- umm, I mean, Master Adam?" She says. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Call me Adam, Saya. I told you that. And yeah I'm ok just thinking about everything. I don't like not being able to remember anything from last night"

"My apologies Mast-shit." Saya mumbles. "I mean Adam. I understand that Its hard." Saya could not remember anything from the previous night either, presumably an effect for having connections with the household. "Is there anything I can get you?" She asked.

"We should start getting everything ready for the next child I suppose. Especially since we have to trek all the way to the secluded light house so I can give birth without people being aware"

"As you wish." Saya says. She bows. She was known to be a little too formal when it came to serving her superiors.

"Saya please stop with the formalities. Its not needed." Adam says waddling around the house and gathering up the necessities

"My apologies m-uhhhh, Adam." She cussed under her breath, this would take some getting used to. She helped Adam with gathering the necessities. She had helped him give birth before but was secretly annoyed that she had to do it every weekened. Of course it could not be helped, however.

Adam sighs as he finishes gathering up the stuff and pulls on his layered coat to cover his rounded belly "You ready?"

"Yes." Saya said. She escorted Adam out of the house. Their walk to the lighthouse had begun.

"Look, I know this isn't the ideal situation for you to be in. I mean I don't like having to give birth every weekend either. But thank you for not leaving me to do this alone. You really have been a good friend to me."

Saya turned to Adam and smiled. "Your welcome. It is my duty to serve you at my best potential." She said. "But, we should maybe look towards purchasing a car soon." She said jokingly.

"Yeah I was thinking the same thing. I mean we cant just stay at the light house. People would start asking too many questions. They already are even with our cover story for all the babies" Adam had told people in town that he became a foster parent to newborns. It wasn't that great of a story but it was the best he could do

"I agree." Saya would often speak to reporters to explain Adam's story to give it some credibilty, and if it got too annoying would kick the media out.

"We need to figure this out maybe there is some way to stop it" They had tried before by locking Adam away on Friday but still had woken up the next day pregnant

Saya listened and nodded. "We tried that before. I dont know what else we could do." She says.

"I don't either. But we have to do something. I cant keep doing this every weekend" He rubs his belly through his jacket.

Saya's face grows mire concerned. "Yes, but what?" She asked.

"I don't know yet. But there has to be something." Adam knows this will be a difficult task but he is determined

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