The Unwilling Host (closed)

Leo closed his eyes upon hearing the result of his ultrasound seeing as his breasts prevent him from seeing the screen.

"Fuck....," he groans, nipples throbbing. He wanted to say something and get them taken care of, but something prevented him from doing so. He hoped that this act of rebellion would prove to Kregan that he, Leo, is still in control of his own life and body. To hell with Kregan's people needing Leo and other humans as hosts for their young. They could all die off for all Leo cared.

In his cell, Leo was in constant pain as the movement from his young made his globe like stomach ripple. His groans echoed, and he was drenched in sweat
. Sometimes a Xeon nurse would come by and extract milk from his massive utters. He was thankful for this, as it would relieve the pressure building in his mammaries. As he felt his young move more, he found himself growing strangely attached to them

kik: jt_stevens94

Leo groaned as his young moved and kicked at his innards. A nurse had just came and relieved the pressure from his breasts, which he was thankful for, but still resisted as much as he could. He has been in the Xeon's possession long enough that voices in his head have begun to fight back and forth, giving him a headache on top of the pain from the young inside him. One voice wanted him to just willing submit and he'd get better living conditions. The other wanted him to continue resisting and to never submit, but the other kept interrupting and thus giving him a headache. He never told the nurse that came to extract his milk.

Then a thought hit him, silencing both voices. Why did the Xeons need humans to carry their young? Don't they have females of their own? The voice that wanted him to submit told him to not worry about it and to just let things be as they are. The voice that wanted him to continue resisting wanted him to ignore the submissive voice and cut the young out of him this time around no matter the consequences.

Instead, Leo turned to where he knows there is a camera with a microphone watching his every move.

"Why do you need us humans to carry your young?" Leo asked Kregan through the hidden microphone. "Kregan, I know you can hear me. Why can't you use your own kind? Don't you have any females to carry your young?"

Kregan replies "Our females arent very fertile and only 1 in every 5 pregnancies are successful. Humans hold the perfect genes to breed with."

kik: jt_stevens94

"I see," Leo said and flopped his head onto the hard rock they called a pillow. The voices started back up their argument causing his headache to return and he placed a hand on his belly to try and calm his young as they were being even more restless than before.

Later that day, Kregan orders for a xeon newborn of Leo's to be transported to his cell. Xeon-Human hybrids looked strangely human, with the exception of there pitch black eyes. A common trait amoungst Xeons. Leo is alone with one of many of his offspring since becoming a breeder. Also for the 1st time, whether it was his horomones or just his instincts, he actually felt an attatchment to the infant.

kik: jt_stevens94

Leo was confused when Kregan entered his cell with a newborn. Looking at the infant, Leo could tell that it was one of the ones that he had birthed. He immediately set it aside where he was going to ignore it. Unfortunately, the infant's insistant cooing/wailing eventually got on his nerves. Well, that's what Leo would tell Kregan what happened when, in actuality, something inside Leo (probably his newly acquired motherly instincts) broke and he picked up the infant, craddling the child in his arms under/around his breasts.

'Why do I feel this way towards this....abomination I was forced to create?' Leo thought to himself as he instinctively cooed at the infant.

As Leo pondered on why he felt this connection to his unwanted child, his belly emitted a deep ungodly gurgling and the young inside him began to pound his insides

kik: jt_stevens94

Leo groaned at the pounding of his inside the babies gave him. He then moved his one hand from his newborn in order to rub his belly.

"Are you babies hungry, hmm?" Leo muttered to his belly. He then sighed. Great. He's starting to get attached to the babies now and he didn't want to. Eh. Whatever. "Kregan, the babies are hungry and I am too."

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