What's Your Pet Peeves?
(08-23-2012, 05:37 PM)KPepper Wrote:
(08-15-2012, 11:59 PM)Mark Wrote: People who ask me, "Can I ask you something?" Wow, didn't give me much of a choice there, did you?
That's when you have the right to be a total smart-ass and say "You just did" and walk away. :D

Usually I do say "Wow, didn't give me much of a choice there, did you?" to them (sometimes, I'll also keep on walking - a lot of the time I get asked that at the local mall by those who run those small booths that sell things like herbal teas, lotions, and cable/satellite TV subscriptions) - their reaction is so often absolutely priceless. :D

(08-23-2012, 05:37 PM)KPepper Wrote: 1: Pro-Life Advocates -- This seems to be a big one here, and I'm not going to argue ideology. If it's to cover-up an affair or something like that, I'm against abortion. Those bitches should own up to the fact that they screwed around and were total idiots and now have to live with consequences.

I feel very much the same way. If a woman who's old enough to understand where babies come from willingly spreads her legs for a guy who's also old enough to know where babies come from but who sticks it in anyway, and neither one even so much as uses protection, they deserve whatever happens. If even one of them didn't want her to become pregnant, that's something they should have thought of before getting it on (I view the guy as being equally responsible in this regard).
(08-24-2012, 04:41 AM)Mark Wrote:
(08-23-2012, 05:37 PM)KPepper Wrote: 1: Pro-Life Advocates -- This seems to be a big one here, and I'm not going to argue ideology. If it's to cover-up an affair or something like that, I'm against abortion. Those bitches should own up to the fact that they screwed around and were total idiots and now have to live with consequences.

I feel very much the same way. If a woman who's old enough to understand where babies come from willingly spreads her legs for a guy who's also old enough to know where babies come from but who sticks it in anyway, and neither one even so much as uses protection, they deserve whatever happens. If even one of them didn't want her to become pregnant, that's something they should have thought of before getting it on (I view the guy as being equally responsible in this regard).

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Beware of the Cute Ones!!!!
They usually have the ax up their sleeves.
Mine are a bit odd, but they're pet-peeves nonetheless:

1) People who drink half a bottle of beer and leave the rest for me to pour out the next morning. (I guess if they're staying sober for driving I can support this, but I wish they had better self-control.)

2) Joggers who continue running in place while stopped at a curb. It just looks silly.

3) Drivers who honk at bikers as if they oughtn't to be on the road.

4) Straight men who hit on me when drunk and want to pretend it didn't happen later.

That's just a few off the top of my head.
(08-25-2012, 02:37 PM)sgonvw Wrote: 3) Drivers who honk at bikers as if they oughtn't to be on the road.

Mine is kinda a bit of the opposite - bikers who plop themselves in the middle of the road like they own it, especially if there's already a designated bike lane avaliable for them (seriously, "sharing" the road doesn't mean bike riders get total control - for both our safties, stay in your own lane!).

Also, runners/joggers who insist on running/jogging in the road when there's a perfectly good sidewalk available.
(08-24-2012, 04:41 AM)Mark Wrote:
(08-23-2012, 05:37 PM)KPepper Wrote: 1: Pro-Life Advocates -- This seems to be a big one here, and I'm not going to argue ideology. If it's to cover-up an affair or something like that, I'm against abortion. Those bitches should own up to the fact that they screwed around and were total idiots and now have to live with consequences.

I feel very much the same way. If a woman who's old enough to understand where babies come from willingly spreads her legs for a guy who's also old enough to know where babies come from but who sticks it in anyway, and neither one even so much as uses protection, they deserve whatever happens. If even one of them didn't want her to become pregnant, that's something they should have thought of before getting it on (I view the guy as being equally responsible in this regard).

Wow, you mean you're not going to call her out on that? You AGREE????

*in complete shock*

You think it's okay for an unwanted baby to be brought into the world just because someone didn't try hard enough not to get pregnant? It is our job to try to prevent pregnancy, but you can't just punish someone because you think they lived their life wrong.

Even if that were a logical thing to say, where do you draw the line? You can't just say, "Oh, you didn't try hard enough. He pulled out, instead wearing a condom," or "Well, you used a cheap condom and it broke so you have to have a baby now," or whatever.

And of course we all know that birth control is going to fail some of the time. There's nothing we can do about that right now.

And maybe you THINK a woman who has an affair should suffer the consequences (problem is that it doesn't just affect her. It affects her husband, her lover, her family, whoever has to raise the baby, and THE BABY) but to legally enforce that? Way too messy. Not to mention the fact that a man can't get pregnant, and so he can cheat but not have to suffer the same consequences as a woman does for the same behavior????

You just can't control people like that. It's sexist and it's illogical.

As bad as I am, I am proud of the fact that I'm worse than I seem
Well this is getting into the realm of personal ethics and religion so we shouldn't argue about it. Let's clarify why this is not worth arguing about before it becomes a needless debate.

On one side, you can say that we live in a world where everyone has choices... and the price for that is that other's choices can harm us. You don't want to risk crashing into a family and killing innocent people do you? If your answer is "I'd never drink and drive" then can you vouch for the rest of the population or should I take all their alcohol, barring you? Even though I believe in accountability and I do think that if someone risked a baby intentionally, while being afraid to have one, they have erred and -should- suck it up. Some people pay big for some seemingly small mistakes - but they have the RIGHT to make them... and deal with the results. It's fair when you realize what you sacrifice when you take choices away from others.

On the flip-side, we can't see the future, and deciding if a child would be better off dead is as bad as assigning their gender for them. Just ask the unhappy kids who were "fixed" at birth with ambiguous genitalia. Now I think that if I were going to be born badly damaged by fetal alcohol syndrome, I'd rather be dead. On the other hand, I wasn't and I'm damn grateful for all the screaming arguments my grandmother engaged in with my mom that saved me from being nothing more than rotting flotsam in a hospital drain-pipe.

But if we made women carry unwanted children to term, we'd have more orphans than China, and a country of people raised by spiteful parents... wreaking havoc on the world with their emotional baggage... and yet, when a sperm and egg stand alone as incomplete strands of DNA, just jumbled bits of the parent, and come together they form a single-celled Human, who is scientifically and ethically HUMAN from that point forward. Depending on the God you believe in or your own personal code of ethics what a person does with that life could be a grievous sin, or eliminating it could be for the better of the gene-pool of our species by ensuring that competent people are the ones who reproduce.

It's nobody's right to decide right or wrong for another person. That's why the world's in it's current state, bad or good, so I'll share MY peeve with y'all. I am peeved by negligent idiots who's crappy choices hurt their children and fellow Human-kind. ...'Cause idiots have the right to live and harm others with their bad choices, and they have the right to try to rectify it before they die. (EDIT: I hope it was clear to all that that was mock name-calling, everyone makes mistakes.)
Throwing my two cents in here... I have to say I agree with Goddess. One bad decision does not always equal a lifetime of punishment. Sometimes it does, but sometimes, we can also fix it.

I also want to point out that abortion is NOT a new thing, not even a 20th/21st century thing. Women (and sometimes men) have been performing abortions for a thousand years. Midwives used to be taught the right kind of herbs and techniques to get rid of unwanted babies. I wouldn't go so far as to say that abortion was considered okay, but most governments didn't actively go around hunting down doctors and midwives who performed them.

Making it illegal isn't going to stop abortion. There will always be rogue doctors out there to stick their necks out. And there will always be women (and their men) who are also equally willing to take matters into their own hands. Ever wonder why some people make clothes hanger jokes when they talk about abortions? Because girls used to do it. And some of them died.

Abortion is not something I could ever do, but I would never EVER think that it was okay for me to tell the girl next to me that it wasn't right for her either. It's not my body, and it's not my child, and it's not my decision.

If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here--> thekicking@gmail.com
(08-27-2012, 03:41 PM)Jesse Wrote: Throwing my two cents in here... I have to say I agree with Goddess. One bad decision does not always equal a lifetime of punishment. Sometimes it does, but sometimes, we can also fix it.

I also want to point out that abortion is NOT a new thing, not even a 20th/21st century thing. Women (and sometimes men) have been performing abortions for a thousand years. Midwives used to be taught the right kind of herbs and techniques to get rid of unwanted babies. I wouldn't go so far as to say that abortion was considered okay, but most governments didn't actively go around hunting down doctors and midwives who performed them.

Making it illegal isn't going to stop abortion. There will always be rogue doctors out there to stick their necks out. And there will always be women (and their men) who are also equally willing to take matters into their own hands. Ever wonder why some people make clothes hanger jokes when they talk about abortions? Because girls used to do it. And some of them died.

Abortion is not something I could ever do, but I would never EVER think that it was okay for me to tell the girl next to me that it wasn't right for her either. It's not my body, and it's not my child, and it's not my decision.

Yep, people will be finding ways to do it... far more dangerous ones without a doctor, especially if they are young, desperate and surrounded by oppressive relatives. An innocent teenage girl could kill herself. I don't want to come across that I think it's always wrong, it's case-sensitive. But if we make hasty decisions we pay for it, either with a lifetime of guilt or sacrifice. On one side, it's a spiritual decision, on the other, a quality of life/species decision. We must respect people's right to use their own judgement, even if they regret it.
I have family members on both my dad's and mom's side of the family who are adopted, and I've known of many other people who have also adopted children or who are adopted themselves (or both!). I've seen the joys that these "unwanted" children have brought to the families who have adopted them, as well as the amazing people those children became. Does that influence the way I view abortion? Yeah.

I perhaps should expand my earlier comment to say that my pet peeve is that there are people who are far to quick to use abortion as an excuse for insisting that they can do anything they want to without consequenses.

Faunus is right - getting into a debate over religion or ethics is just needless, and a debate nobody's going to win. We'd all just wind up walking away with hurt feelings (because even if we had a debate on it, I somehow doubt anybody is going to change anybody else's mind on the subject, so I think it's best if we just agree to disagree).

If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here--> thekicking@gmail.com
I thought of another one.
I have OCD, so if that says anything ........ Yes, the one I just thought of:
"What's your pet peeves?" -> What IS your pet peeves?
Gah! Mismatched sentences!! Correction: What ARE your pet peeves.
Not to be harsh, or to call anyone out, but I had to say it. Sorry.
My friends and I say CDO instead of OCD. CDO is in alphabetical order. :)

This space intentionally left blank*

I had decided not to say anything about KPepper's post, but with two people sharing the sentiment I couldn't help but chime in lol. Didn't want to make this a debate thread either.

And, Faunus, your thought was well though-out.

Jesse, that's another hugely important point - that abortions will always be done, just not as safely if it's illegal.

Another pet peeve - IMing someone and they just disappear at some point every time you talk to them, without saying goodbye.

(08-28-2012, 08:01 AM)Goddess Wrote: I had decided not to say anything about KPepper's post, but with two people sharing the sentiment I couldn't help but chime in lol. Didn't want to make this a debate thread either.

I guess for me your comments admittedly did come as bit of a surprise. I couldn't help but wonder why my stance would apparently come as such a surprise to anyone who'd read my stories and as such would have seen my in-story "we believe abortion is a last resort" style comments in two of them.

But yes, abortion is a difficult subject to talk about sometimes. Many different people have many different viewpoints, and many very good reaons for those viewpoints. (One of the sadder and more thoughtful songs I've heard in my life is "In The Ghetto" by Elvis Presley. For anyone unfamiliar with the song, there are quite a few videos on YouTube done to it.) It was certainly never my intent to start a debate thread, either. This is, after all, a thread about pet peeves, and that means we're talking about things that are more often than not more emotion-based than logic-based.
Well... to get this thread back on track...

One of my peeves is when people don't park in the middle of their parking spot.

You see all them scratches in your car door? Maybe it's because you pulled in 6 inches away from my car. You're not supposed to park ON the line, you jerk.

It happened to me the other day when I was coming out of the store. My hands are full of bags, of course. Do you think I have the hand capacity to make sure that my door doesn't scratch yours? I can barely get the key into the lock (not automatic locks in my junk on wheels) let alone make sure that YOUR door is okay when I open it.

I'm a nice person, so I set a bag down before I opened the door, but seriously...

If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here--> thekicking@gmail.com
(08-29-2012, 03:56 AM)Jesse Wrote: Well... to get this thread back on track...

Yes, thank you.

Add another to my list: Someone who preaches at you like you're a terrible person just because you venture an opinion they don't agree with. And yes, I do mean the reaction to my post. I said I WASN'T going to argue ideology and I still won't because I am a 22 year old virgin and have never been put in the situation to contemplate abortion. I feel abortion is justified in some situations (rape, incest, endangering the mother or child, or if the child has a disease that will effect its quality of life), but it should not be a "morning-after" option. That's all I'll say on that. Don't like it? That's why it's my OPINION, and I'm a stubborn little Scorpio who won't change her mind no matter how much you preach at me or try to make me feel like I'm in the wrong. The Creator/God/Allah/Whatever you call your deity gave us free will for a reason. Discussion from me is closed.

.... and dammit, I had another one but it slipped my mind. Oh yeah!!

Murphy's Law -- Murphy, whoever you are, you are a bitch. -.- Murphy's Law is followed better than laws in totalitarian states. I can be running late and have a travel time of about 15 minutes and it'll take me 45. Or I can be insanely early and make the same drive in 10 minutes. Murphy, I repeat, you are a bitch.

EDIT: I'll probably stop venturing opinions now. Thnx.
Beware of the Cute Ones!!!!
They usually have the ax up their sleeves.
1: People who eat food/chew gum with their mouth open: The worst part of is that they are jerks, even if you ask nicely if you ask them to stop.

2. When people talk: Let me explain this a bit. Most of the time, people keep talking about subjects that have a 0% interest factor (I'm not into gossip). And it is in a place, that is supposed to be silent and sacred. And even if I move, they are everywhere.

3. When I'm ignored or mowed over for something more interesting: I don't wanna be an attention whore. I just want to breathe out a paragraph before being ignored for something else. For instance, I was about to say that the literacy world has taken a nose dive when the '50 shades' series is considered good literature. Instantly, I was ignored when the two people I was talking to started to talk about the series and how they loved it (I don't wanna offend anyone who likes the series; it's just an example).

4: The argument about abortion and the death penalty: I wish people would put a lid on it. And when ever I argue about it, they have to twist my words away because they somehow figure out I'm gullible.
Here's my response: Less people, less problems. Evil, true. But that will shut them up long enough for me to run three blocks.

5: Those video gamers that;
A. Demand more realistic video games
B. Take video games more like a second job
C. Have to be freakishly good, as in "I've been doing this for most of my life" good.
Sheesh. I thought video games were a small escape from reality, not an enforcer of how bad it sucks.

6. Those intolerant for the majority of everything outside their field : A human is a human, no matter the belief, preference, gender, or race. We all bleed red, right? We all have our wants, needs, and we all want to be happy. Why hate?

Sorry for this upload. I gotta stop here, I just don't like a lot of things these days.
(08-31-2012, 03:41 AM)DeadSakura Wrote: 6. Those intolerant for the majority of everything outside their field : A human is a human, no matter the belief, preference, gender, or race. We all bleed red, right? We all have our wants, needs, and we all want to be happy. Why hate?

I have to agree with you on this one which is why I wrote what I call an opinionated essay called "What's the Difference?" based on just this thing (it was a spur of the moment type of thing in all honesty) that I posted up on my blog/website (yes I have a blog/website). If you want to (you don't exactly have to), you can check it out for your self (I'll post it in the "Other Sites" thread).

Anyway, I'm glad to know someone else shares my viewpoint on equality among all peoples!
(08-29-2012, 03:56 AM)Jesse Wrote: One of my peeves is when people don't park in the middle of their parking spot.

You see all them scratches in your car door? Maybe it's because you pulled in 6 inches away from my car. You're not supposed to park ON the line, you jerk.

Well, hopefully they can at least otherwise drive where you live, which is more than I can say sometimes where I live (honestly, would it kill people to use the freakin' turn signal?!?!).
(08-31-2012, 04:34 PM)Mark Wrote:
(08-29-2012, 03:56 AM)Jesse Wrote: One of my peeves is when people don't park in the middle of their parking spot.

You see all them scratches in your car door? Maybe it's because you pulled in 6 inches away from my car. You're not supposed to park ON the line, you jerk.

Well, hopefully they can at least otherwise drive where you live, which is more than I can say sometimes where I live (honestly, would it kill people to use the freakin' turn signal?!?!).
Sadly, Mark, I think turn signals are overlooked in Driver's Ed. I estimate I get passed by four people every day who change lanes without one. Swerving is another thing, but c'mon, people! It's not that hard to say "Oh, I'm gonna turn left. Better use my signal and not stop in the middle of the road like I'm having car trouble and piss people off".

EDIT: Oh, and the people who go 35 on the Interstate. v.v
Beware of the Cute Ones!!!!
They usually have the ax up their sleeves.

I'm not sure if it went unnoticed or if I'm must being overly paranoid, but I did try to "get it back on track" by adding a pet-peeve of mine at the end of my last comment. Like I said before I didn't want to add to this being just a debate thread.

I hate it when people say things without saying them, or do things while saying they AREN'T doing them.

Or, like my husband saying he loves me while smashing my favorite objects on the floor in front of me.

I guess in short, I don't like deception.

It's something we all have to deal with, since even kind people deceive and manipulate each other, but it's those little things you can't really do anything about, yet really hurt you inside, that drive me crazy.

Another, gentler example, is my mother. "You know I don't care if your house is messy!" *comes over* "Oh, sweetie, why are all those dishes in your sink? Isn't your dishwasher empty??"


The joys of family, I guess....

As bad as I am, I am proud of the fact that I'm worse than I seem

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