Miracles amongst misfortune

an Elven boy has been lost in a forest poor around a year he was taken captive but because he is not of noble blood nobody even noticed he was missing.he's been missing since late winter and ask such it's late winter time where he is at. his captor hasn't been back to see him in months and the firewood and food are all gone he has choices to make and his child in mind yes he's nine and a half months pregnant he's half a month overdue. in a last-ditch effort minitemp to save not only his but his unborn child's life. he decides to go out into the woods away from the cabin that's been his prison for the last year and try and find food maybe people and possibly firewood if anything he will go hungry. while trying to find anything to help keep him in his child alive..
name Cyprus
Age 20
appearance short 5 6 with long dark blonde hair with black tips pale with green eyes and freckles across his cheeks. Wearing a tartted sky blue tunic.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Name: Vax
Race: Goblin
Age: 21
Pregnancy: 6 months, 3rd pregnancy
Appearance: 4'3", green skin, lightly build, black hair, green eyes, clean shaven, dirty, uncivilized appearance

It was late at night, and Vax the goblin was out checking his snares and gathering what he could find. In one hand, he held a crudely fashioned flint spear, as he picked raspberries. Goblins had excellent night vision, at the expense of red-green color blindness: Vax was completely ignorant of the fact that his brown clothing was repaired with green and red patches, and could not be persuaded otherwise.

Suddenly, Vax saw movement in the corner of his eye. He drew his spear, and shouted "Who go there!" It was an humanoid, male, and apparently heavily pregnant.

Cyprus came out face flushed he feel to his knees. He cluched his abdomen piba radiating across his muddle. "Help me please i have no idea where i am!"

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"Drop weapon!" shouted Vax, as he nervously approached the pregnant humanoid. Walking closer, he could see that it was an elf. Why would a lone elf be out here at night? And why did he look so ragged? "What name? And why here?" Vax asked, in his goblin accent.

"Im cyprus and i was kidnaped from my kingdom." Just as he spoke a large cobtraction rocked him to his core.

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"You OK?" asked Vax, lowering his spear. He could tell that the Elf was in pain.

Im response his water broke spilling hot fluds down his thighs and soak the back of his tunic. He griped his sides tighly tears forming in his eyes.

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"DAMMIT!" shouted Vax in frustration. "This first baby?" he asked, hoping the answer was no, as he pulled up Cyprus's tunic and removed his undergarments.

"Yes." The small elf boy was terrified. He didnt know how to react. Such ill will only made his feelings more adept.

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Vax was nervous, he had been through the process twice before, but had never seen an Elf, or any demi-human give birth, and he had heard that they were much more difficult than goblin births. He took off his own tunic, exposing his own pregnant belly, and laid it underneath the Elf's head. "No push, wait," he said, as calmly as he could, as he quickly built a campfire to keep the Elf warm.

He noticed the bump but said nothing he was sceared. He layed back pain radiating across his back and abdomen. He plaved his hand on his stomache feeling the muscles tense. One realy bad one made him spread his lefs wider in and effort to ease tbe presure and pain. It only grew as time passed he could keep silent. "So youv done this before i assume. So were is your signifigant other." He was trying to distract his mind from the task at hand.

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"Am not midwife, but had two babies," said Vax, as he placed his hand on Cyprus's forehead after hastily making a fire. "Clam, clam," said the goblin, wanting the Elf to stop pushing until it was time. "Have mate, am birthing mate," Vax said, trying to make small talk with the elf.

"A mate how nice it must be for you." He said eyes soft. Just then a very strong cobtraction caused him to crie out suddly. It streched for nearly two minutes the pior elf was nearly left breathless. He had tears running down his cheeks.

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"You no have mate? Why pregnant?" asked Vax, as he poured a little water on the Elf's face to calm Cyprus down. He then Cyprus's cervix to see how far along the labor was.

"I was held captive by a person i dont know for months then some time ago he just stoped coming to the cabin. I ventured out to find help after food ran out. I was tortured and beaten and repeatdly raped but i neber saw his face he always had me bond and blind folded." He stoped more trars running down his cheeks both from his tale and the dusconfort that vax wad causing in his rear. He had no one else to place his trust in at the moment so he breathed out slowly anther god awful lenthy contraction ravaged his body and he wimpered.

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The Elf was further along than Vax thought. This made his anxious, but he knew that the sooner the birth started, the better. He took Cyprus's hand and said, "Push! Push!" telling the Elf to start pushing.

Cyprus pulled him self on his elbows and pressed his chin to his chest besring down. The pain now no longer subsided it was constant and nagging. He pressed his chin to his chest letting out a low moan of pain. "Haaaahh!" For over an hour this presisted and it seemed no pregress was made. His hair stuck to his sweary neck and face and arms. His eyes read exughsted.

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Vax tried to remain calm, but he grew more and more worried as Cyprus made no progress with the birth. He tried to comfort the Elf as best he could, holding his hand and wiping the sweat off of his face, but he could see that Cyprus was exhausted.

"Im geting no where what do i do now. I hurts and im not making any pregress at all!" He was crying fresh tears of fustration. Layed back down his one hand on his belly the other over his forehead. He was at the ponit whete he wanted this to be ovet.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


"Move, maybe?" said Vax, as he positioned himself behind Cyprus, and helped moved him into a squatting position, hoping that this would help the labor along. We supposed Cyprus's body as best he could, but being pregnant, he was careful not to over exert himself too. He hoped that the baby would come soon, he was afraid that Cyprus might die in child birth.

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Fortune Misfortune
Last Post by SeanWoods221
12-25-2015, 03:09 PM

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