Jeremy was an ordinary high school senior. He had plenty of friends, played video games, and even went for the occasional camping trip. However, Jeremy was by no means the skinniest kid on the block, he was actually quite overweight. Little did he know, he was 41 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. He was so big already, that neither him or his mother noticed...they both just assumed that Jeremy was gaining quite a bit of weight over the last ten months.

It was 8am and Jeremy seemed to be a bit sluggish this morning getting out of bed and dressed. He noticed that his clothes weren't fitting as well as the day before. He shook it off and walked into the kitchen and greeted his mother. "Hi, Mom." he said almost waddling towards her. "What's for breakfast?" he asked with a smile on his face, he was never able to pass up her cooking.
"Morning honey. Eggs, sausage, and toast," she says setting, the plate in front of him, and kissing him on top of the head.
"Awesome!" he responded as she set the plate in front of him. He finished his breakfast just as fast as his mom put it in front of him. He got up and brought his plate to the sink and rinsed it out. "I'm going to stay after school today. I have a few things I need to go over with Mrs. Watkins." Jeremy said. He was doing some last minute chores before school when he caught a glimpse of himself in the hall mirror. He noticed that he was a bit...rounder...than usual, and couldn't figure out why.
"Ok, honey, just call me if you need me to pick you up. Finish getting ready, you're going to be late!"
"I will, but I'll probably walk home with Taylor. I should be home around five or six." Jeremy said. He couldn't help but notice it was becoming slightly difficult to move around. Jeremy's belly seemed to be more in the way today than yesterday.
"Ok honey, have a great day!"
Jeremy finally made it out of his house and caught the bus to school. It wasn't until his first class that he started feel weird. It wasn't anything bad...just weird. His stomach was feeling kind of uneasy, so he decided it was best to excuse himself and head to the bathroom and sit on the toilet. Jeremy sat for quite some time. After about 20 minutes, he took his cell phone out of his pocket and called his mom. "Hi, Mom...I'm don't feel so good today. Can you come pick me up?"
"Yes honey. Go to the nurse, so you'll be checked out, not absent for the rest of the day. I'll be there in about an hour."
Jeremy got up and slowly made his way to the nurses office. He felt massive now...almost like he was twice the size he was earlier. Now, more than ever, his belly looked quite round. He was still feel as constipated as before, so he spend most of the time waiting for his mother in bathroom.
Amanda enter the nurses office, and sits and chats with the nurse while waiting for Jeremy to come out. When he does, she says, "You don't look good at all, we're going to the ER. Let's go."
"I feel fine, I don't need to go to the hospital." Jeremy said quickly, not thinking that his situation was anything. He was now waddling instead of walking. "Can we just go home. I want to lay down." he asked.
"I think we should go, but ok, I guess we will go to the house."
"I just have an upset stomach, there's no reason to jump to conclusions yet." he said waiting for Amanda to fill out the necessary paperwork. Jeremy started to feel a little more uncomfortable. The baby descended slightly inside of him, and rested directly on his prostate...causing quite an intense erection. It made it very hard for Jeremy to walk right.
"Come on," she says, walking him to the car. "Want me to stop at the store and get some ginger ale?" she asks, buckling in and starting the car.
"Sure, if you think it will help my stomach." he said as he tried to put his buckle on but was too big to fit. They weren't even in the car for five minutes "Mom, my stomach hurts again."
"Are you sure you don't want to get checked out?" she asked, parking at the store. "I'll be right back out, just relax for a bit."
"I don't want to go to the hospital. Not to mention it's like 2 hours away...there's no reason to go if I don't have to yet." he continued, watching his mom get out and get him his gingerale. By the time she got back he took off his seatbelt and was lying down on the back seat.
"Honey? Are you ok?" she asks, opening the back door worriedly. "What is going on? What hurts?" she asks, flashing back to her nursing days.
"My stomach" Jeremy said shortly. He was laying on his side, so Amanda wouldn't see his hard penis. Jeremy was also beginning to feel slightly constipated again but he thought he'd be okay with that once they got home.
"Ok, we'll just go home," she said, driving quickly but safely. "I really wish you would let me take you to get checked out."

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