Closed Moved to new thread ( A new Dawn)
"Sweet pet," Gregorio purred into the male dancer's ear. Shiro's uniform left very little to the imagination. Dark hands roamed over the human's pale body, admiring his flat chest and supple hips. Such a delicious combination. Gregorio's claws carefully swept up Shiro's spine, feeling his young body shiver excitedly. One of his hands came around to grip the boy's chin, tilt his head up a little, and then brought their lips together in a deep kiss. Yes, this one would do just fine.

Gregorio pulled back from the kiss, licking his lips as he savored the taste lingering upon them, and grinned. "Come along now, pet," he purred and led Shiro through the club towards a back exit.

- - - - -

Mahogany brown eyes widened at this information. "Wait, you mean there were wars before the Migration War?" That got him to officially close his game, shove it in his pocket, and then turn towards the stranger. Jared was a sucker for information and stories about times before the migration underground. History basically started over with the city's establishment, so the youth of the subterranean paradise knew very little about the world of their forefathers.

"So, wait, you've seen the above world? What's it like? What are the other great things that happened? Who got taken away? You're one of them, right? What happened to you?"
He stopped short and tripping landing on his hands quickly as his surprise passed.
"J-join me?...well I hadn't really planned for anyone to..." his voice trailed off seeing the mans odd appearance.
"wait a moment your one of them right? Those people in the forest?" hyden knew better then to address them as freaks or monsters afterall they were human once to.
"I knew I wasn't crazy, no one believed me when I said people lived out here."
He smirked at the many questions the kid fired off.
"One at a time....and to much happened to me, far to much someone of your kind would understand. As for the wars there were to many for me to count.. The world wars, vietnam, iran...we lost many people to all of them. you know now that I think about it I can't remember what it's like up there only the barrier desert it was when we's been to long." he lifted his head to see the flickering streetlight it caught his eyes just enouph for the man to see his silver iris's flashing in his eyes black depths for a couple decode before lowering his head again.
He followed without a second thought the cold air outside the club biting slightly at his warm skin but it felt refreshing breathing in the nonintoxicated air with relief.
"hope housing live to far or I'll be snaggen' that jacket of yours." he said with a wink to him.
He gave a longing glance towards the now barred window a small package clutched in his hands. Using his catlike agility he easily climbed to the window. He took a deep breath in and looked at the window glad to see it was slightly open and pushed the package trough hearing give a loud thump on the floor. He'd given him a collection of books he'd found. They were small but something memorable from the old days before the war.
"I hope you'll like them." he whispered before disappearing onto the roof.
"they were considere good in my day."
~Help me I'm human~
Ronaio nods "yes I live in the forest, I was getting lonly though. I was hoping I could come here without any troubles." He offers his hand for a shake. "I really have been woundering about this place it's so bright."

Kit looks up as he hears the thump. He hurries to the window and is surprised by the voice. He carefully opens the package and is suprised by the books. "Thank you, they are amazing. In such good condition dispite the war. Please kind sir tell me your name. I'm called Kit."
Jared leaned forward, wanting to ask what Vietnam and Iran were. Where they were located in the above world. Had Lyze ever been there. So many questions! But the man already claimed to have little memory of his time on the surface, so Jared knew his questions would go unanswered. "I want to go up there one day," he said, sitting back again and crossing his legs. "Everyone at the labs says there's nothing left, but there's gotta be something. Even ruins, you know? There could be all this cool stuff up there that got left behind, just waiting to be found again."

Jared caught a glimpse of the man's eyes and his chest tightened a little. Suddenly, he had a wary feeling about this stranger. "Hey, uh, mister... Your eyes..."

- - - - -

"Too cold for you?" Gregorio asked. Without waiting for an answer, he peeled out of the heavy leather jacket and draped it around Shiro's bare shoulders. "I don't mind the cold. In fact, I much prefer a dark night sky and a chill in the air compared to a warm sunny day." His black-painted nails skirted along the boy's jaw. Shiro had good skin, despite the drugs and whatever else he probably put into his body. "My home is a bit of a hike, but well worth it, you'll see." Besides, the long walk would help flush the chemicals from the boy's body. Gregorio wondered briefly if Shiro would have to go through withdrawal first. It would be inconvenient, but he'd be patient.

"So tell me, pet, are you one of those boys from the lab I hear so much about?" Gregorio asked and wrapped his arm around Shiro's waist.
He eyes seemed to sharpen a bit as he finally realized he was being called pet.
"It's Shiro." he said his voice a little lower then before when he spoke but his seriousness soon faded and he smiled again.
"nope just a street rat blessed with good looks and the 'fertile' genes most men have down here I was born with so I'm apparently a better breeder then the rest." he lifted a hand to clutch the jacket closer to him.
It smelled of the stranger and he felt himself relax more even though he didn't know him.
"anyway... You never told me your name kind sir." he chuckled.
He blushed hiding back in the shadows not to be seen.
"Ryder." he said quietly over joyed to be speaking to him his blue tail swishing behind him in exictment.
"um.. I've kinda been watching you so I wanted to find something you liked...your really a extraordinary human.." he caught himself and blushed deeper his slotted eyes looking away from the window.
"hidious aren't they? want to know more I can tell, your scientists did this to me I was a human experimen ment for war. You could say I'm no longer human even. Quite a stranger you met today huh kid." he stood wining slightly as he stood up pushing off his hood so Jared could get a good look at him.
He lifted a hand to his face surprisin himself when it came away red forgetting about the knife wound above his eye that was still painfully fresh.
His grey blue eyes widened and he shook his hands standing up straight With a confident smile on his face.
"incrediable." he said not knowing the elf like man was wearing a disguise but he was still quite the figure to look at and he found himself blushin at his gaze.
"Trust me those bright lights get annoying after awhile of living here... They are just a fake sky after all I bet the real one was more pretty." he said with a laugh.
~Help me I'm human~
Kit blushes "thank you Ryder, but I'm not that special. Books are an amazing gift though. "They contain so much knowlage. Even those of fiction." Kit smiles "oh! It would be rude of me to not give you a gift back. He glances around his room and grabs a plush toy that looks like a cat. Carefully Kit gets it through the window and the bars. "Is this good?"

Ronaio smiles "I wouldn't know about the sky but I know the plants where amazing. They had so many colors one was even the symbole of love or luck depending on the color." He blushes and glances down "sorry for rambling like that. Let me introduce myself I'm blade."
Gregorio chuckled. "Shiro, is it? Well then..." He ran his tongue over his fangs. This one was a little feisty. And fertile, as the boy was so willing to admit. Gregorio knew the breeder enhancement project was still fairly new. After the Noctra and other hybrid projects failed, the scientists simply decided to focus on boosting reproduction rates in the human race. It was so secret to the hybrids that the labs of Visteal were teeming with boys who received hormone injections daily since puberty. Those boys were the second generation of test subjects. It would seem young Shiro was the product born of someone from the first generation of breeding enhanced men. Shiro was a pure prize indeed.

Again, the Noctra laughed. "'Kind sir' is a bit of a stretch. I go by the name Gregorio."

- - - - -

The scared expression faded from Jared's face and instead became a bit curious again. "I dunno if I'd say 'hideous.' Different isn't always bad. At least, I don't think so. Different is interesting." He glanced up, watching the man stand and then frowning when he heard the pained noise. "Are you okay?" Jared's eyes widened when he saw Lyze's face. The man was obviously different, but not in any grotesque way. He was still recognizable as human. "You're bleeding!" the boy gasped.

Jared jumped up onto his own feet. "Uuuh... oh man..." He looked around for something to use, but then remembered the red bandana he kept in his back pocket. He whipped out the piece of cloth and then rose up on the tips of his toes so he could press it to Lyze's forehead. "That might need stitches. You'll have to clean it first, though." The boy glanced away and then back up at the stranger. "For what it's worth... I know what it's like being an experiment. I'm pretty familiar with scientists myself."
((Oo! I found what his eyes look like! ))
He hadn't expected Jared to get so close to him so quickly. He knew the pale skin of his cheeks was growing redder by the second from his touch.
" It's not as deep as it looks. I just tend to bleed a lot." He said voice quieter then the more authoritative tone he normally used towards people.
He was curious to hear the human was also a experiment,
" Oh yah? What they do to you kid?"
He smirked reaching out a hand into the light of the window. Today his nails were painted a light blue and like most other catonta his nails were naturally sharpened at the ends. He gently grasped the stuffed toy amused to see it's eyes were the same color as his.
" Looks just like me-"He quickly caught him self and added, "Well eye wise that is." He suppressed a purr that rose in his throat.
He flattened his ears against his head and wrapped his tail around his waist to make him appear more human. He frightfully stepped out from the shadows so Kit could at least see his face.
He thought over the name for a moment, 'Blade' didn't seem to fit the man before him but he didn't argue with what he got.
"Blade huh? Like the vampire hunter?" He chuckled a little at his joke the forest dweller probably wouldn't get and pushed his light golden brown hair back fixing his icy blue gaze on him once more.
" Hyden, And don't worry about rambling, I'd rather listen to others talk then have to talk myself...If you don't mind me asking what exactly are you? I can tell by a glance your appearance isn't that of a human."
He smiled hearing the name leaning his head up as they walked looking up at the fake glowing moon high above them with lights that resembled stars blinking out for a moment as a couple of the lights died.
"Gregorio," He tried out the name for himself finding that it gave him a small shiver as it rolled off his tongue , " I like that"
~Help me I'm human~
"Deep or not, bleeding is bleeding," Jared insisted. "At the very least, we need to keep pressure on it. I really think we should clean it, though. There's a drug store across the street. Hold this to your head and wait for me here." When Lyze took over pressing the bandana to the wound, Jared jogged to the other side of the street into the drug store. He was in there for about ten minutes before coming back out with a brown paper bag. "I got some stuff. Sit down again."

Jared starting taking things out of the bag, starting with a bottle of water and packet of tissues. He wet the latter with the former and dabbed them against the knife wound. "After the Migration War, there weren't a lot of women left. You probably already know that, though. Humans have to keep going, right? We can't just die out. There's this lab here in Visteal and a branch of it is dedicated to human reproduction. Scientists in there figured out how to use hormone enhancement and mutation therapy to grow a working vagina, uterus, and ovaries in guys. All the boys now are required to go through therapy. It starts when we're thirteen years old. We live in the lab because we have to get injections every day. I don't always know how to feel about it. I mean, I know it's important for our survival, but I'm also gonna get paired off with someone in the next year so I can start having babies. I can't go out exploring and learning new things if I'm cooped up like that."

- - - - -

"I should hope so." Gregorio wrapped his arm around Shiro a little more, pulling the boy in closer so he could purr into his ear. "Master will also do just fine, my sweet pet."

After a couple hours of walking, the pair found themselves in an older part of Visteal. "When humans first moved underground, the wealthy established their colony here," Gregorio explained. Much of the area was overgrown with vegetation. There were large houses set far apart from each other so that people could have their privacy, yet still feel like a community. "As you can see, they've all moved on, but the nice thing about rich people is that they spare no expense when it comes to their homes. I found this charming colonial style manor with a touch of farmhouse. I didn't think I would like it, but the style grew on me, I'm surprised to say." They came upon a set of gates to a long walkup leading to the large house. Vines, bushes, and trees crowded the lawn. The exterior paint was peeling and some of the shutters were falling off, but it still stood in one piece. Gregorio grinned. "Just wait until you see the inside."
Kit smiles seeing the male's face "your amazing. how did you get such interesting eyes?" He puts the books on his bed so he can get closer to the window without damaging them. "You seem nervouse. May I ask why?"

Ronaio blinks confused by why the human was laughing. "vampire hunter? I am confused by that, is that why you chuckled? I'm a noctura, or a human and nocturnal creature mixed. I'm not a pure human unlike you Hyden. You have a wounderful name Hyden."
He took a small step back a small blush gracing his cheeks.
"My eyes were made to look like this.. and um, i'm ne-..I uh.." He cursed himself for not being able to speak hating showing weakness towards a Carrier he was being to like.
" I'm...not that good speaking to people, Your the first i've been close to in well uh...weeks." He said hugging the plush cat close to him as he spoke taking comfort from it.

He chuckled again at Ronaio's response,
" It was a old movie back from before the wars....Wait nocturnal?." He scoffed slightly and disbelieving look on his face he'd run into a true creature of the woods but it did give him a thrill that made his heart jitter in excitement.
" Won't your eyes glow like a cats or dogs in the dark then?" He asked raising a eyebrow towards him his more stubborn side coming out now.

He blushed deeply as Gregorio said he could call him master and gave a slight nervous chuckle then gulped seeing the house his pale colored eyes widened.
" It already looks perfect to me....Master" It felt odd to say but he couldn't help but feel a jolt of warmth go through him from the title he told Gregorio leaning into him as he felt he arm tighten around his thin waist
The house may of had bad paint on the outside but then again anything was better then the two large boxes he took shelter in each night to hide from the rain.

He winced slightly as the cold tissue pressed against his wound but soon he relaxed feeling his shoulders slump back and unconsciously his wings loosened with the sound of a swoop the fine black feathers that looked like smoke brushed the ground by his back and he was glad for the moment he was sitting so Jared wouldn't be able to see them. He bit at his lip avoiding the side that was slightly swollen with the split.
"They lie you know...You boys weren't the only thing experimented on. That's why I said I was taking away after the war they took me to...But they did something terrible to me and the others turning us beyond human. We became different human weapon hybrids they tried to use to fight but failed and they cast us down here before any of you took up homes here after the war. The created monsters like us then went to torture younger boys like you, I feel sorry for ya kid..." He let his head rest rest Jared's palm as he felt the blood flow fade to nothing,his black hair covered his face so he couldn't see the sad expression he wore.
" Can't believe I'm telling a stranger like you this and I didn't even ask for a name yet."

((Sorry guys would of posted sooner but got caught up in online gaming, Work related....*Pushes newly bought games away* but I also have a art auction coming up I decided to enter and My pieces are due soon, kinda let the due date get away from me.)
~Help me I'm human~
(I'm sorry that took so long I couldn't find anything else to say with Kit and I got busy with chorse overload. DX)
Kit smiles "well I would be glad to talk to you when ever you come by. I find you very interesting and I hope to learn more. Maybe someday I'll even get to sneak out and see you with out the bars."

Ronaio sighs "yes if I'm in the dark looking at light but that hurts as well as blinds me for a bit. Also cats eyes glow more then dogs. Dogs tend to be a day time creature instead of night time. Cats dwell in day and night so they have better night vision. Creatures truly of the night are like bats, owls ,certain bugs, Kinkajous, and so on." This sudden stubbornness surprised him and he wonders if he offended the human some how. "Did I offend or hurt you in any way?"
((Don't worry, in my current situation I'm in no rush for anyone to post, I have more then a couple of days to be lazy and wait around, makes finding a new post kinda like suspense lol.))

Ryder((Forgot to mention he has a British accent))
" Outside the bars?...That would be lovely but I don't think your parents would ever approve of you meeting with someone of my kind, They seem very protective of you." He gave a longing glance towards the other boy before lowering his pale blue gaze and tugging the hat he wore down over his hair just a little more as he heard the none-nonchalant chatting of a couple walking down the street nearing Kit's home.
" I must be going, But soon I'll see you again right? Maybe tomorrow at your window if you cannot leave?" He said it almost like a plea as he realized he'd soon have to return to the woods where far worse horrors found him then anything that could happen in the city.

He chuckled brushing a hand back through his slightly fluffy mouse colored hair letting his stormy eyes fill with amusement once more.
" No you didn't, It's just I have a tendency to try and disprove things other don't believe in including things I find far-fetched in the first place. Kinda, no offense or anything, like you. Such a brilliant looking man finding me in the middle of my run late at night telling me he's related to the creatures of the night I just can't believe it." But something it his voice changed as he came to the end of his sentence knowing he was rambling again but finding himself believing what this person was saying anyways.
He looked back the way he came, he had no friends, family, or anything to really take care of at him but a plant, and sighed.
" Would you be willing to take me with you into the woods? J-just so I can prove my theory on things, it's not like I -w-want to spend more time with you or anything.."He cursed himself at the end blushing deeply realizing he DID want to spend more time with Ronaio and found himself becoming attracted to the other highly attractive male quite quickly.
~Help me I'm human~
"You're so easily pleased," Gregorio chuckled. He anticipated Shiro might have a bratty personality, but street kids were also easy to impress. Offer them a roof and a hot meal, and they were like puddy in one's hands. "Well, come on then." He led the boy up the long walk to the house. The front door creaked as it struggled opened. Gregorio flipped a switch, but there were a few long seconds before all the lights downstairs flickered to life. Many of the bulbs were brown and yellow with age, washing the rooms in a dingy light. Wallpaper peeled and large chips of paint fell off the old walls. The wooden floors creaked beneath their feet. The area rugs had seen better days, the curtains looked shredded and worn, the furniture was splintered, and a fine layer of dust covered nearly every surface in the house.

"Welcome home, pet," Greogrio purred and swept his arm in a presenting gesture.

- - - - -

"I mean, I know they do other experiments in the labs," Jared said with a shrug. "That place is huge and we only take up one wing of it. I had no idea they had hybrid projects, though." He couldn't hide the curious gleam in his eyes. Hybrids sounded so fascinating. It seemed so far out that scientists could do something like that. "You shouldn't really feel sorry for me. I'm not in pain or anything." Jared pulled away the tissue, noting how the blood stopped. He reached into the paper bag again, and this time pulled out a tube of antibiotic cream and a square bandage, both of which he applied to the cut.

The boy stepped back and grinned, proud of his first aid skills. "My name's Jared, by the way. Jared Withers."
If his mind had been sobered up when he walked though the door he would of commented the place looked like it could use a women's touch which if he tried he could provide but drugged or not for the time being the place seemed like a castle to him. He pulled away from Gregorio's side for what he realized was the first time since they began walking and took a couple shaky steps forward glassy pale eyes looking over everything,
" Little dusty, but still something." He said with a smirk back to Gregorio.
He raised a sharp nailed hand up to touch the bandage forgetting after his long time alone that there were things that helped your wounds heal instead of letting them do it on there own. The curious gleam that flashed across Jared's eyes made him grin just a little before it faded. The instant he heard his name his eyes narrowed a bit as a small memory for the war, A smiling face gleaming down at Lyze helping him to his feet thanks to the near by explosion that went off, their desert Camo armor blending with the hills till one grew soaked with blood as a bullet ripped through the fabric making one man fall. Lyze could still hear himself scream at his friend's killers as the body grew cold in his arms before he to was downed in battle the scar still marking the deep wound on the upper left side of his chest just missing his heart but they couldn't hurt him worse then when they'd already taken away the once person his heart belonged to.
" I once knew a good man you had your name, first name that is, Kinda look like him to. Name's Lyze Rune, Jared." It felt odd to tell someone his name or to be saying 'that' name again that gave just the smallest of tugs at his heart.
~Help me I'm human~
Gregorio continued grinned, freely showing his gleaming fangs. "Better than nothing, as the saying goes. Now, how about I show you to your room, hm?" Now that they were out of the dim of the night, it was much easier to see the man's grey-blue skin and garnet red eyes. His heavy boots clunked loudly on the floor as he crossed the room towards Shiro. He slipped his arm around the boy's waist again and led him down a hallway. There was a portrait on the wall of the family that used to live in the house, the glass panel cracked and frame hanging askew, and the lights didn't appear to work. Gregorio glanced down at his new pet and his eyes flashed a bright reflective yellow.

"This is where you'll be staying." The room was still on the main floor, probably a guest room originally. Gregorio flipped a switch on the wall and an overhead light flickered to life. The chandelier was tarnished, white-painted metal resembling candles. The hardwood floors continued into the bedroom with a large, circular area rug patterned with blue, yellow, and white striped. In classic colonial fashion, the bed was four-post, but not canopy, and had a tall mattress. Other furniture included an armoire, a dresser, a nightstand, a sitting chair, a lamp, and a farmhouse lantern; all of which were in various stages wear and tear. "Make yourself comfortable, my boy. I'll fetch you tomorrow evening." With that, Gregorio pushed Shiro into the room, quickly closed the door, and locked it from the outside.

- - - - -

Jared smiled. "Same name as me, huh? That's pretty cool. Lyze is a really interesting name, too. I've never heard a name like yours before. Is it a family name? Are you a foreigner? Oh! Hey, you gotta tell me all about--" Just then, the street lamps turned on, buzzing quietly and washing the streets in a white chemical light. Jared looked up at the sky and finally noticed day lights dimming, turning red and gold in a faux sunset. "Aw man, I didn't realize it was this late already. The lab has a curfew on us and I can't be late getting home." He looked back at Lyze, still smiling excitedly. "Can I meet you again somewhere tomorrow? I wanna hear all about this hybrid project. It sounds super crazy. Maybe you can tell me about the war and stuff too!"
He momentarily snapped out of his drugged state whirling around after being shoved letting out a small yelp his face that held just a small amount of anger at the physical contact quickly faded to one of shock as he saw Gregorio's full profile for the first time from head to toe taking in all the details he didn't pay attention to before in before the door slammed in his face making him stumble back a step or two.
"H-He's not human." He said quietly knowing it was pointless to say it now when the other man probably wouldn't hear him but he couldn't help but say it out loud to clarify the fact.
His shock began to fade a little just like the light from outside. The room now bathed in the golden rays of the fake sunset silhouetted the furniture in the room, with a sigh he crossed over to the lamp and tried to turn it on only to be greeted by a small shower of sparks.
" Well...I guess this isn't the worst thing that's happened...yet." He tried the farmhouse lantern next giving a smile of satisfaction when light flared the room making shadows dance upon the walls.
Realizing he still had Gregorio's jacket he shrugged it off his shoulders and draped it over the chair, he shivered as his bare skin touched the cooling night air and his eyes made contact with the dresser.
" I wounder..." He muttered opening the drawers with a little yip of joy finding a old black silk button up shirt.
It looked like a short dress on his short skinny frame but he hugged the material to himself finding comfort in the old musty fabric. His pale crystal eyes looked back up to the sky outside the rather large window and starred up at the slightly visible light of the moon coming into view.
" Good night." He said to the sky, as he did every night, hoping maybe there was someone out there he used to know, like family or friends, that would be looking the same way.
Glancing back to the door once he bit his lower lip slightly before crossing the room towards the bed taking off the over excessive amount of pillows the perfect bed spread had on it and saving the biggest as he climbed up to curl his body around closing his eyes only a few moments after covering himself with the dusty comforter before falling asleep.
He blinked a few times in shock as he heard Jared would want to meet with him again and he found himself blushing ever so slightly.
" Uh..Sure, how bout' in the woods next time?Maybe then I can show you what I really look like." He gestured with his head
at the woods near the end of the long broken road they were on.
He straightened his back pulling his wings fully back underneath his black jacket as he turned his back to Jared waving a farewell over his head back to him.
"See ya later then kid, Stay safe."
~Help me I'm human~
Kit nods "I would be glad to meet you tomarrow. Though outside the bars maybe hard right now I'm sure in time they will relax and I'll be able to sneak out again. Do you live far from here?" Kit couldn't help but wonder about this handsome stranger that knows so much about him already.

Ronaio nods "sure I can take you to the woods I can even offer protection while we are there." He grins and holds out his hand. This human seems curious enough maybe Hyden could be the one that he has been longing for. Only time can tell though. For now showing him the woods seems like an ok start.
Gregorio lounged about the house the rest of the night feeling rather smug and please about his catch. He kept thinking back to Shiro's little confession about being a second generation breeder and his increased fertility. With any luck, that meant he could get twins or triplets out of the kid. When the sun started coming up, he retired upstairs to his own room where he pulled the heavy black curtains over the windows to keep out the light.

The next night, he lumbered down the stairs in his big black boots. He also had on torn up black jeans, a silver muscle shirt, and a black D-ring collar. Gregorio rummaged around in the pantry looking for something to eat. He finally settled on potato chips and beef jerky. He didn't put much more thought into Shiro's meal, either, simply heating up a plain bowl of oatmeal in the microwave. "Hey kid, you still alive in there?" the man said while knocking on the bedroom door before opening. Gregorio wouldn't be surprised if the detox knocked Shiro on his ass during the day.

- - - - -

Jared was an early riser, and it helped when he had something exciting to do. He had a hard time sleeping all night because he couldn't stop thinking about his meeting with Lyze. He enjoyed a breakfast of waffles and scrambled eggs with his parents. Jared wanted to leave sooner, but he had to wait for his appointment with the lab physicians for his injections. It was around 11:00 in the morning before he could get away. The employees at the lab and his parents always insisted the woods outside of town were dangerous, but that just tempted Jared all the more. What sort of new and interesting things lived out there? Naturally, we wanted to see and learn about all of them.

The young redhead jogged back to the old run down building where he met Lyze the day before. From there, he crossed the street towards the forest on the other side. "Lyze! Lyze, you around?" Jared called. He didn't have a choice but to wander aimlessly among the trees and shrubs until he found the older man. "It's me, Jared! Are you out here?"
he seemed to appear out of the shadows one arm wrapping around Jared's waist pulling him back into the shadows and with his other hand he covered his mouth breathing harshly like he had just been finished getting chased.
" You crazy?!...Calling out for somebody here is the worst possible thing to do, you could of attracted somebody way worse then me to find you kid." He let him go his black and silver eyes scanning the trees for any other sign of life besides the two of them and let out a sigh of relief when nothing else appeared.
He sat back against the large oak tree that stretched high into the sky behind them much like many of the others surrounding them except for a few Pines here and there. With one hand he brushed back the long strands of black hair from his face letting it show for once instead of being covered. He looked up at Jared who still had a air of excitement to him and smirked.
" Sorry, but out here you tend to be more cautious bout' what you do then when your in that protected city." In the heat of the moment trying to find the boy he'd completely forgotten to hide his wings which now splayed behind him in all there silky feathery glory making him look like a fallen angel.
He jumped hearing the knock on the door but the voice vaguely familiar to him from last night brought a prick of joy to his heart that he'd actually been remembered in this giant house. Hid eyes that had once been a pale foggy color last night and finally cleared from the various drugs and alcohol, that part had left him with a splitting headache upon waking up, and had turned a more silvery blue color like opaque glass which fixed intently on Gregorio as he entered the room the slightly prominent shadows under his eyes only deepened his glare. The black silk shirt he'd found the night before slipped half off his shoulder as he turned to face him,
" W-what do you want?..." He said bowing his head slightly hoping his bed-messed hair would shield him from the others gaze the one thought running through his head being, 'Oh fuck..' as he wondered what could happen next.
He reached out hid hand towards Ronaio hesitantly pulling back for a moment as he looked down at what he was wearing, old worn out white sneakers with a faded Nike symbol on them with off colored grey sweatpants not doing their part to help stay up or hide much of what the man had on under paired with his favorite Tee he'd kept from before War times that 'I'm not short I'm fun-sized, " In faded white lettering on a black background. He blushed slightly realizing how horribly he was dressed but he had just come from a run when he'd meet this strange man. He shrugged before taking his hand with a smile realizing even if he was dressed better he wouldn't care much anyways.
"Not far just on the edge of town by the woods, There's a large cave due east of the shopping district where I stay, well at least during the night I wouldn't be caught dead there during the day...I could meet you in town somewhere maybe? I'd go there everyday till you were able to as well." He blushed as he spoke still in slight awe he was talking to the man he'd wanted to meet for so long.
~Help me I'm human~

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Rainbow O A new dawn (Old The Carrier Rp redone) Ikki 2 763 06-15-2018, 03:47 AM
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