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The men are about to thrust him from the anus when Tony repulsive blast one them releasing Peter, "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Bucky quickly attack them while Tony check on Peter "FRIDAY vitals!"

"He seems to suffering from heavy bleeding, broken ribs and signs of been sexually assaulted" FRIDAY responsed Tony grew angry "Barnes finish them off"

Bucky manage to do physical damage to the men "the authorities will take it from here" quickly checking on Peter, his breathing but is too weak "kid stay with me, I got you!" Tony carrying Peter bridal style "let's take him to the Compound for medical treatment"
Peter laid still in Tony's arms, still uncomscious as he was flown back to the hospital.


They quickly get to Avenger compound to further examine Peter, Bruce run a series of test on him beside the bleeding been taken of he was violently attacked and have serious case of sexual abuse

"Well Tony his no longer bleeding but is still injured he needs a week to get back into his feet" Tony thank him goes to see him in a medical induced coma "kid why did you left the hospital, none of this could had happened"
Peter could not answer due to his coma, though he could hear. It was just discovered that he was pregnant.


Bruce rushed to Tony "Tony! Tony! I got some serious bad news!" Bruce explain that Peter's spider genes are causing a rapid process to his pregnancy Tony fell shock "Peter is what?!"

Bruce nodded "pregnant Tony and is too soon to say but his spider powers are making it worse for him that baby might be mutated and have super human abilities as well"

Tony want to punch himself "great his hurt, his in a coma now his having a baby!" Bruce stay silent trying not to hurt to the Hulk
A still unconscious Peter's stomach was slowly growing as the baby rapdily grew inside of him.


Bruce examines the baby while trying to figure what to do, meanwhile Tony is thinking of a way to tell his aunt about his condition "aliens I will tell her is cause of aliens"

Bruce shakes his head "bad idea Tony" Tony smirk "okay genius how we explain his" Bruce "I'm thinking here, don't thick me off Tony, hate to go green on us"
Finally Peter opened his eyes "Urgh....what happened-oh FUCK how did I end up back here?" He was annoyed that he wound up back to the place he just escaped from.


"Hey language!" Capt. America comes in after hearing from Stark and Bucky what happened "if case your wondering your in the Avenger Medbay, Tony found you injured don't worry I'm going to inform your aunt, you be back in your feet by next week" Cap smiles at him.

He elevate his bed a little then sit next to him "your someone been an Avenger for 4 years you sure get beaten a lot I want to helped trained you but Tony still think is a bad idea" clearly salty and annoyed by his friend.
"A week in bed? Dang it...even longer than before....what happened to me?" He looked down and noticed his swollen middle, eyes widening "W-w-w......what is that?"


Bruce comes in to check in on Peter "oh yeah Spider-Man, or Peter don't worry your secret is safe with us" he checks his vitals and injuries "well your healing fast as you should but still no crimefights for a week you need bed rest.

He looks at Cap and said "Steve I think I should talk to the kid alone" Cap took that queue to leave, while Bruce talks to Peter "uh Pete I think you should something" looking at his stomach "you have a...tumor growing inside you and is alive...and I think is rapid on you fast" Bruce tries to explain to him slowly.
Peter's eyes teared up when he heard the word tumor, mistaking it for cancer "Oh god! What kind of mutant thing could have put a live tum-" Then he understood. "O-oh, you mean I'm...." He remembered what was happening to him just before he went unconscious. "Oh no..."


Bruce looked away and nodded "is not cancer or anything like that" finally leveling to Peter "I detected 3 heart beats inside you, your-"

Tony burst inside "thank god your alive, you experimented on by aliens that hid here on earth and did some serious shit on you" Bruce look at him and said "cut the alien bullshit Tony, the kid knows what really happened" Tony looked at them both
Peter was in a very panicked state "N-no, we gotta get them out!" Peter said frantically "I can't have kids, I mean, I was raped and everything! And aunt May will DESTROY ME when she finds out." He begins bawling.


Tony tries to calm him down "Pete is too risky is happening too fast" Bruce looked at the monitor "they just reach the 3 month age in just under an hour, sorry Peter but Tony is right is too dangerous"

Steve came back inside to assure everything is okay he notice Peter is in a state of panic and scared "hey everything is going to be okay I promise, I know it looks scary but these little one need you right now" assuring Peter that he had their side, Tony killed the moment and said "uh what his aunt capsule?

Steve said " she needs to know at some point Tony"
Peter slammed back into the bed, his face buried into the pillow. "I'll call her tomorrow about it..."'he groaned.


Steve look at him "don't be so hard at yourself, if you can't tell her yet you don't have to force yourself take your time to build up" removing the pillow from Peter's face and place a wet cloth on his forehead "what you need now is plenty of rest if you need anything just tell FRIDAY she will inform any of us"

FRIDAY response "just tell me what you need Mr. Parker" Steve made Tony and Bruce come with him, Tony told FRIDAY "Night Light Mode!" The main lights turned with dim lights in Peter's room "get some rest kiddo!" Tony called from the hallway
Peter was feeling just a little bit better, at least knowing that his fellow avengers were supportive and caring in his time of need. As the lights deemed, he closed his eyes and fell asleep hoping to god his bump would not be any bigger once he woke up.


Bucky notice Steve throwing up in one of the upstairs bathrooms quickly come to his aid "you okay pal?" Steve nodded before throwing up again, Bucky rub his back feeling worried.

The next day Tony check up on Peter seeing no process to his condition it seem to had slowed down for now, he left Peter to sleep more and end for the lab "FRIDAY inform me when the kid wakes up"
Peter would wake up a good few hours later, with Friday alerting Tony about him. His pregnancy had slowed down and noticed no changes for the time being.
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