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Alright guys, this is how you play [I Wish...]

My personal favorite, you start off by wrecking the wish of the person above you. 
You can annihilate their wish in any form or method, as long as it is satisfactory.
Then, make up your own wish so it can, in turn, be destroyed as well!
Watch your wishes be smashed to pieces in this friendly, loving game!

For example: I wish I had a throne....
Answer: You get a throne but it is made of thorns...

I'll start us off.
I wish that I had an endless supply of cookies 
You get an endless supply of cookies but they're all oatmeal and raisin.

I wish I had a hot tub.
You're granted a hot tub, but it is far too hot to ever use it.

I wish I had tacos.
You get Tacos but they are all soggy

I wish for male pregnancy lol
Granted. Male pregnancy is a thing, but only in four-legged animals.

I wish I had a duck
Granted, but it's a rubber duck.

I wish I was a famous rock star.
Granted, You are now the lead singer of Nickelback.

I wish I was able breastfeed.
Granted, but your biological sex would have to shift for the time being, not change while you're still male.

I wish to have a million US dollars.