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Full Version: It ain't heavy, it's my belly.
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I like permanent pregnant-like bellies, so I keep coming up with excuses for my characters to have them. Cursed to have a big belly, they’re hiding something in their abdomen, that particular race just happens to have bellies that look pregnant. Stuff like that.

My cousin keeps telling me that having a belly that big is a huge hassle that would make me miserable.
She thinks it would be a burden, but they say “if you’re doing you what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.“ So I think that if I ever get the big, round, firm belly I’ve been dreaming of my entire life I wouldn’t mind carrying it around that much. Even if I had to carry it the rest of my life.
What do you think? Would your love for your belly let you look past the downsides?
Hey any time you wanna make me perma preg you come find me lol
The idea is a fav of mine.
xHappyBumpx, the moment after I find a way to make it happen I'm coming here to tell everyone!