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Plot: Pregnant men were all captured and their holes were permanently shut forcing the the baby/babies to be trapped in there. You can be a pregnant male or the person who trapped them.

Name: Jace
Age: 18
How far along: 1 week overdue
Pregnant with: 6

Jace is laying on the floor squirming trying helplessly to free himself from the heavy dome on him. He rolled on his back trying to calm his babies down but now he regrets the decisions immediately as his lungs are being crushed. His thin frame is almost useless against his ever growing stomach.
Name: Gus
Age: 27
How far along: Week and a half overdue
Pregnant with: 3 large babies (8-9 lbs. each)

This was the very epitome of torture. Gus's chubby, bloated form is sitting against one of the walls. His hips and back ache so much, and there is no relief in sight. He notices one of the younger prisoners lying on his back, struggling to breath. He was probably trying to get comfortable, but there is no comfort to be found in this place. Gus crawls over to the young, heavily gravid young man, his own belly dragging along the floor. "Hang on buddy, let me help you." He brings his hands to the young man's belly and gently rolls him onto his side so he can breath. "Feel better? My name's Gus by the way. What's yours?"
Jace moaned in gratitude as he was rolled over to his side. "T-thank you," he gasped at Gus, "I'm Jace."
Gus looked down at the tired young man and patted his large belly gently, sympathizing with Jace's discomfort. "Nice to meet you Jace. I, mean I know we've been in here for a few days, but I think it's time we all start to get to know each other. Gus looked back to where he had been sitting before. There was still room for a couple of guys. "Wanna go sit, or lay down against the wall?"
Jace glanced over to the wall he was referring to; he wanted to go over, but didn't think he could find the energy to make it over there, "I..I don't know if I can make it over there," he answered honestly.
Gus gently squeezed Jace's hand reassuringly. "It's all right, just stay right here. Get your strength're going to need it...all of us will." Gus laid down next to Jace, facing him, their bellies touching. Gus winced slightly and started massaging his own belly. There wasn't much room for his babies to move around, so when any of them moved, he really felt it. "So, how many are you having?" He asked Jace.
(02-21-2015, 11:02 AM)$urr0g@t3 D@d Wrote: [ -> ]Gus gently squeezed Jace's hand reassuringly. "It's all right, just stay right here. Get your strength're going to need it...all of us will." Gus laid down next to Jace, facing him, their bellies touching. Gus winced slightly and started massaging his own belly. There wasn't much room for his babies to move around, so when any of them moved, he really felt it. "So, how many are you having?" He asked Jace.

(is this RP open to everyone?)
(02-22-2015, 09:23 PM)tjopj44 Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-21-2015, 11:02 AM)$urr0g@t3 D@d Wrote: [ -> ]Gus gently squeezed Jace's hand reassuringly. "It's all right, just stay right here. Get your strength're going to need it...all of us will." Gus laid down next to Jace, facing him, their bellies touching. Gus winced slightly and started massaging his own belly. There wasn't much room for his babies to move around, so when any of them moved, he really felt it. "So, how many are you having?" He asked Jace.

(is this RP open to everyone?)

Yes please join
Jace nodded weakly at Gus's reassuring words. "There's six in here, what about you?"
(I'm going to join in assuming this is still open.)

Name: Ezekiel
Age: 19
How far along: 2 weeks overdue
Pregnant with: two 11 pound babies

Ezekiel was alone in a corner sturggling to get comfortable. His large belly trembling from all the kicking due to his babies and the cold air giving him chills everywhere. Barely being able to handle it much longer, he massages his belly gently to no avail.
Jace looked over at Ezekiel, "How are you doing?" He asks weakly knowing that Ezekiel is one week more overdue than himself
"Only 3 for me, but their big ones." Gus continued massaging his belly gently, worried about his babies. If he didn't deliver soon...what would happen  to the babies? He looked over in Ezekiel's direction when Jace addressed him. He was quite young too. It seemed most of the males in here were younger than him.
Ezekiel looked over to Jace with troubled eyes. He crawled closer toward him since it was very hard to get up in his current state. "Me? I've seen better days." He answered. "Much better...."
Jace looked at Gus's large stomach and nodded in sympathy just as he was about to speak his babies began to squirm wanting to be let out, he moaned in pain as they pushed against his pelvis.
Gus saw Jace's belly start moving on its own, its occupants wanting to get out of their prison. Gus gently rubbed Jace's belly, hoping he could calm down the little ones. "It's easy to forget we're not the only prisoners here"  Gus murmured quietly. "At least their prisons are warmer than ours." (Just a quick question, are we naked or do we have on some sort of prison uniform)
(I don't really care. I guess it can be up to your character--either is fine!)

Jace nodded sorrowfully as his babies continued to move, "Do you think they'll ever get them out?" He asked with panic as the pain increased.
Name: Ryne
Age: 18
How far along: 3 weeks overdue
Pregnant with: 9

Ryne groaned in pain as his belly pulled. Against his uniform. There was no room in his womb and the babies were large and always kicking.
Name: Kevin
Age: 26
How Far along: Feeling like a few months.
Pregnant With: 10.

"Oooowwww, my belly hurts...Feel like I could have these kids any day now..." I moaned.
Name: Allion
Far along: 7 months
Amount: 2

A male with violet eyes, cat ears, and a tail was in the room as well. He was one of the people that trapped them in but, tried to release them. IN return he was made pregnant and thrown in. Lucky for him since he wasn't human...but still his kittens would be ready soon. He looked over at the others from his little corner trying to find the words to ask for forgiveness.
Name: Jack
Age: 18
How far along: One month overdue
Amount: 21

Jack was originally spared as long as he would help monitor the pregnant men, but had an unexcused abscence and was made pregnant. They gave him extra doses as punishment, giving him 21 babies.

Jack has tan skin and brown hair and brown eyes. He is about 5'5 tall and very skinny aside from the massive belly he has. With his frail body barely able to support the massive belly he was punished with, he sat in a corner with his belly on his lap.
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