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Full Version: The Realm of the Scorpia (Open to all)
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Deep underground live the strange, semi-mythical creatures that are the Scorpia -- a race of anthropomorphic scorpion-like creatures. The Scorpia are unusual in that the females impregnate the males, who will then carry their eggs for up to nine months before laying them. Unfortunately, the male proportion of the Scorpia colony has been dropping sharply in recent years. To combat this, the Scorpia have taken to capturing young human males from the surface, forcing them to carry their brood. Some may even be transformed into Scorpia themselves, if they prove impressive enough.

Contains oviposition and egg laying. Looking for people to play humans and Scorpia. No hyperpreg, please!

Use the following form to describe your character.

Pregnant?: Y/N
How many eggs:
How far along:
Name: Scott
Age: 19
Species: Human
Pregnant: Yes
How many eggs: 7
How far along: Six months

Scott stared at the slate-grey wall of his cell, placing a hand on his swollen belly and shuddering as he felt the growing eggs in there shift under his touch. Across the hall, he could hear the commotion of two Scorpia wrestling their latest captive into his cell, where he would soon be visited by one of them, ready to pump him full of eggs. In some of the cells, he knew, were glowing green cocoons, metamorphosing a select few men into Scorpia themselves.
Name: Liam
Age: 22
Species: Human
Pregnant?: N

Liam had been out hiking by himself when a creature half hidden in a crevice of rock reached out grabbed him. Next thing he knew he was being shoved into a cell. He thrashed throwing his arms back in a desperate attempt to hit one of his captors, his feet skidding against the ground.
Scott heard the commotion outside. He heaved himself to his feet and walked over to the cell door. Through the barred window, he could see one of the Scorpia shoving their newest captive forcefully into his cell, before slamming the door shut and locking it.
((What do the Scopia look like?))

Liam screams and pounded against the door. "Let me out you sick freaks!" Across the hall he saw someone in the other cell. "Hey!" Liam called. "What's going on? What do they want with us?"
(Humanoid creatures with scorpion stingers, and claws for hands.)

"Oh, don't worry," one of the Scorpia says silkily. "You'll find out soon enough."
Liam shivered crossing his arms over his chest for comfort. What did they mean he'd find out soon enough? He wracked his brain trying to think of what they might want. Torture, experimentation, food? None of his guesses were near the truth.
Soon, the cell door opens, and one of the Scorpia walks in.

"Hello, handsome," she purrs to Liam. "You can call me Sharon. It's not my real name, but it will do."
Liam backed up into the wall. His eyes trained on her stringer and claws. He decided rather quick that there wasn't any use fighting. "What do you want?" He started to sound like a broken record even to himself.
"What we want," Sharon replied, "is for our people to survive. What we need is more brood fathers to host our eggs. And you, little one, have just volunteered."

It's worth noting that the "little one" comment is rather appropriate -- the Scorpia are pretty tall, averaging around seven feet in height.
"Brood," Liam stammered staring up at Shanon. Man she was big, like an Amazonian, the kind that thought men were useless except for sex and kept them in cages. Maybe the comparison wasn't too far off. "But I'm a guy!" He shouted. This was so crazy with freaking--though very attractive--women with claws and scorpion tails who loomed above him like giants. "I haven't volunteered for anything! What are you talking about?"
"Yes, brood..." Sharon whispers, as a long ovipositor slides out from her crotch. "Ooh, just the thought of filling your cute little hole has got me making so many eggs."
Liam's eyes bulged, his face heating. His heart rate speeding up. Sharon really expected him to incubate her eggs. He shook his head frantically. "I'm not a whore!" In fact he as a virgin, much to his own chagrin. "You're not filling me up with anything."
"Oh, I'm afraid you have no say in the matter," Sharon replied smoothly, flipping him over and pinning him down. He could feel her ovipositor prodding at his opening.
He started shaking, his legs trembling beneath him. "Please, no.... please.... fuck, I'll do anything. Give you anything, just not my body."
Sharon doesn't reply, as his tight asshole is forced open with a slight tearing sound.
Liam gasps and tries to jerk forward.
Too late, as he can feel the eggs flow into his stomach.
Liam feels the ovipositioner expand inside his hole, stretching him. Gasping, he shuttered as he felt egg after egg push into his most private place, his belly expanding. He jerked in surprise as the first egg brushed past his prostate, causing his cock to harden in pleasure/pain. Once all the eggs were in place and Liam was hard and dripping he started to sob in shame. Not only was he being raped by an amazonian scorpion woman, but he was enjoying it.
Soon, Liam's belly is filled and bulging with no less than eight eggs. Smirking, the Scorpia rolls off of him, her ovipositor sliding out of his hole with a wet shlicking sound.
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