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RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - xXLegacyxGdxJonesXx - 11-11-2016

with a sharp jolt from his masters member pushing futher into the womb his back arched again "Ahh! pl-please no!.. I can't go through with this anymore! I've never done this ." He tried using every single sad ,sob story he could think of finding no results.

He managed to pull his left arm free grabbing a handful of the masters hair, his piercing icy blue eyes filled with determination but slowly his inraged emotions fell silent, his insides being filled with his masters seed.

Ravens pupils shrunk ,his body was now going to endure the long process and journey of creating life's , his hand released the mans hair looking with a blank expression on his face."" he said with tears threatening to fall while Parris colasped on top of him in need of a quick breather .

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - bhdire8 - 11-11-2016

Parris was a bit surprised by how this had got him panting. He hadnt panted in so long the feeling was weird. He laid on top of the human for a bit but recovered quick. He got up and slid his spent cock out, amazed to find all his seeds had remained trapped within the womb. He smiled at the desperation seeping through Raven's eyes and said. "Why you? I am not sure too. You reminded me of someone, but I couldnt even remember who that someone was. I guess there could be a reason behind, think hard, mortal, and tell me when you got answers." He snapped a finger and the loosened restraint tied Raven's hand up again. He turned around, getting impeccably dressed again and walked out of the room, not even turning around to give Raven another look.

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - xXLegacyxGdxJonesXx - 11-11-2016

Raven had nothing to say in return to his now master/mate, he cringed when Parris slid out from his sore entrance, his lower abdomen was showing signs of being filled to the brim with the masters potent seed.

As Parris spiffed himself up while explaining a few things , a flashback to a very attractive blue eyed human that resembled Raven starting flooding in.

Raven watched him put his clothes back on, staying quiet and really just needed a good nap to allow his body to rest, his left hand that broke free during his breeding was quickly returned to its original state. he sighed leaning his head back want it to ask him more questions but judging from his masters behavior .. he wasn't in the mood for questions.

He shifted around still getting a nose full of the sweet scented musk emanating from parris.
"....Parris?... how many?" he spoke softly not wanting to cause him to lash out from being irritated, Since his master was walking away he spoke again raising his tone , but not to much.

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - bhdire8 - 11-11-2016

Parris stopped hearing the question. He huffed and turned around. "Why are you asking so many questions. Now usually my kind have 3 to 4 younglings per litter, but it varied. I guess we will know soon enough." He glanced down at the already bulging belly, smirked a bit thinking of how it will soon be squirming with life, and was gone once again.

He returned later in the evening, holding a plate of food for Raven. "The chef hadnt been cooking for some time now, eat up, my children need those nutrients."

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - xXLegacyxGdxJonesXx - 11-11-2016

Raven shrinks back from hearing his master speak in a forceful tone looking at his face frightened,
His physical clock said it was time to rest now, his insides churning and making unpleasant gurgling noises, his body finally gave into the soft sounds of mother natures lullaby snow knocking against the window and the hymns of the great winds rustling throuh the trees. He closed his eyes letting mother nature sing him away from this nightmare.

"Zzzz...Zzz....Zzz." 4 hours past and Raven was awoken by the masters return, he smilled seeing his hands holding a tray in front of his face, Raven began to drool from the expensive looking dishware , he marveled at the honey drizzled ham with festive side dishes ."It looks delishes...but I don't know if I can eat the entire thing.. and can you remove the restraints please ... my arms hurt..."

Raven licked his lips feeling a deep hole in his gut wanting to dig in but didn't have limbs to do so.

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - bhdire8 - 11-12-2016

Parris sneered. "Who do you think you are with all your requests. Just figure it out yourself, I am sure therr will be some way." He just put the tray down near Raven. He would be able to lean forward and get to thr dish if he really tried, though Parris would have allowed the restraints to be off soon eough, he just wanted to let the slave know his position and stop asking questions or making requests.

He sat down in the shadow and looked at how Raven tried to eat directly from the plate and failing miserably. It was just a bit of fun for Parris and he would see if the slave would ask again before he release him.

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - xXLegacyxGdxJonesXx - 11-12-2016

Raven listened to his master scoled him for the lack of him knowing his place and who's in charge. He scooted back looking at the tray with puppy dog eyes, Taking a moment to think of a good plan he reached for the tray, knocking one of the desserts down. "i-i didn't mean to...sorry.." he said hurriedly scared of what his master will do to him. Raven could hear audibly laughter from the corner, he blushed feeling like a little kid being made to look like a fool

Raven sighed giving up shortly after failing miserably and so the tray of festive food sat there mocking him, its smells teased his senses making his stomach roar. He looked towards his master wanting to say something but after so many times of him being scolded for doing so, he kept his mouth shut and waited.

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - bhdire8 - 11-12-2016

The roar of Raven's stomach finally got Parris moving. He lifted Raven's face and kissed him. "You are learning quick, staying quiet is what I like. Now as a reward for starting to know your place, i will feed you this time." He picked up the silver fork and elegantly got a mouthful of bite to Raven's mouth, smiles again seeing how Raven obediently opened up to accept the food. Parris ruffled Raven's hair and praised him "good boy, thats my good slave."

The meal went on more or less smoothly, Parris found himself enjoying handfeeding Raven. However the longer he spent time with Raven, the more frequent a blue-eyed figure popped into his mind. He however saved that for later.

(How long is the gestation?)

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - xXLegacyxGdxJonesXx - 11-12-2016

( Well depending on the growth spurts like a whole month until a bloodshot full moon?)

The footsteps of his master caught his attention , his head was guided to his masters lips receiving a kiss . Ravens cheeks flushed a plushy pink, while his master praised him, telling him what he prefferd from him.

He disagreed with his orders but if it ment a place to sleep and food to eat I guess he'll just play the part then, Raven opened his mouth accepting his masters help, eyes widened ,"Mmm.!.." he wasted no time to finish chewing before wanting another bite .

Raven ate just about everything on the tray he was shocked by his inhuman appetite and apologiesed for his fowl manners when it came to eating , He looked up to his master seeing the glimmer of curiosity on his face , his masters hands trailed down Ravens chest all the way down to his stomach.""..

He felt something warm seeping into his skin , his abdomen started to swell , he watch his stomach stretch slowly."w-wait..that hurts.." he said with a panicked look on his face.

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - bhdire8 - 11-12-2016

Parris wasnt very surprised by his apetite, but it was more because of how he had already forgotten about the normal amount that a human should have for a meal. He wiped Raven's mouth with his finger while searching down to his belly with his other hand. Hehad sensed the growth more than saw it, and he touched on it curiously.

Parris was a little surprised by how the human was complaining of the pain and he wrapped him in his arms, not totally understanding himself the reason for doing so, and touched on the belly from behind. "Pain? Is it like pain from being stretched?"

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - xXLegacyxGdxJonesXx - 11-12-2016

Raven looked at his master enjoying his embrace then he cringed more , the pain subsided and soon his belly protruded from under his shirt . Raven was crying alittle and looked at Him sniffling. "sorry... i-it ust hurt really bad"

He moved around tugging against the chains working out his sore limbs needing to keep himself active.
his sides had small stretch marks ,his scruffy hair covering his eyes.

Parris had a small flash back of a blue eyed vampire resting underneath a tree in the middle of a mysterious forest,the blue eyed vampire looked straight ahead his hair swaying in the wind , wearing a luxurious gown that hide his child bearing frame .

(My replies may seem short, I'm kinda having writers block DX it suuucks!)

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - bhdire8 - 11-12-2016

Parris frowned a bit at how the image just popped up. He filed the memory awat and shook his head a bit to focus back on Raven. He rubbed the belly a bit, almost instinctively, and asked in a suprisingly gentle voice. "Has the pain subsided now? I think our children has undergone a growtb spurt. And if I am correct, there will be several more bouts similar to this until they are ready to be born."

Parria glances back at the restraints and decided his slave or pet felt obedient enough so far, with the growing babies Raven most probably needed some exercise too so with a flick of hand, the restraints were gone. "This was to recognise how you endured the pain." He looked down at the human, finding himself almost kissing him.

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - xXLegacyxGdxJonesXx - 11-12-2016

Raven dried his eyes on his shoulder, he looked up sniffling and scooted back looking at his master.
He felt something familiar about his embrace, and after the restraints were removed he slowly turned to face his master looking at his face .
"Why does it seem like... I know you ?"He asked tilting his head to the side his icy blue eyes looking into Parris's.

"have we met in the past?"He asked.

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - bhdire8 - 11-12-2016

Parris was taken aback by the question. He pretended to be less affected by the question than he felt and asked "well that's a pretty bad pick up phrase from what I heard. What have triggered you to hint something like that? Any particular piece of memory of yours having me in the picturr?"

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - xXLegacyxGdxJonesXx - 11-12-2016

Raven looked down thinking to himself, then slowly paused in thought."My birth mark..." he said dragging himself out of bed , holding onto his masters arm feeling achy. Raven held his arm and proceeded to walk around the room looking into the closet , smiling big when he saw the hundreds of gawns .

"plus I just feel like I've seen you before..."He said smiling holding back the strong urge to caress his face, he clasped his hands together still clinging onto Parris arm.

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - bhdire8 - 11-13-2016

Parris was surprised himself for not repulsing the touch of the human. He let Raven held onto him and followed him around to the closet where some gowns were kept, though for what reason he was lost. He felt an urge to wrap the human in his arms but foumd it an absurd idea. He tried disrracting himself and asked "birth mark?"

Parris unconsciously amswered "i felt like I have seen you before too, sitting under a tree.... those samblue eyes and mop of hair..." he sppke with a longing as he caressed Raven's hair.

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - xXLegacyxGdxJonesXx - 11-13-2016

Raven smiled his grand smile lifting his shirt up still somewhat naked from earlier , he showed his master the unique mark that may answer a few lingering questions still bothering parris . He pointed towards the center of the mark describing every little line, he looked up wondering to himself was he blabbering to much, he was also worried if his steady flow of words became irritating to his master.

"Uh..but its nothing really.."he said letting his shirt go, he explored the closet further.

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - bhdire8 - 11-13-2016

Parris was stunned by rhe mark, there was a rush of memory in his head and a lot of memories and flashes appeared, as if the locked gate to those were opened, and the tides came roaring in. In his silence and pondering, Raven had covered up the birthmark and turned around. It took a moment for Parris to come out from his meditation and he flipped Raven to face himself again, lifting the shirt up urgently needing to see the mark. He knelt down and traced the unique shape, asking in a dreamy voice "what did you say just now about the birthmark? Can you tell me again?"

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - xXLegacyxGdxJonesXx - 11-13-2016

Raven blushed , he didn't know everything about the mark, but it definitely had something to do with his interesting ability to attract magical beings , each interested in using him for thier selfish wants and desires

"well my grandmother told me about this magical forest... apparently long time ago there was a mystic being that desired to be normal, i guess a deal was made and something took place. after his wish was granted ..sadly he sacrificed his memories and his unborn child. ..this birthmark has something to do with it....a lot of strange things have been happening ever since this mark showed up..."

He watched his master look the Mark over , he hesitantly placed his hands on the crown of his masters head.

RE: The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8) - bhdire8 - 11-13-2016

The reciting of the story awakened something in Parris and he didnt realize he had tears on his face until he felt a droplet wetting his robe. He touched on his own face and found tears that were very foreign to him. It was painful memories ans he had loxxked it so deep within his heart to protect himself.
With Raven's hand on his head, he looked up to meet those icy blue eyes and the resemblance was so great that he couldnt bear it. A part of him wanted to believe this human was somewhat a legacy of his lover, but another part denied it and kicked him for being so foolish in succumbing to the similarities. His vow of never falling in love again resounded in his head and he abruptly stood up, sealling away all emotions before leaving the roon hurriedly without uttering another word.