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Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - Printable Version

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RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - popop - 03-21-2012

I stopped to when i heard the voice. "Who's there? I can help"

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - dspreg12 - 03-21-2012

Samantha heard the voice and went around the corner. There she found three men who was just as pregnant as she was. But that was impossible!

"Oh thank goodness!" Samantha cried as she waddled towards the men. "It looks like you're in the same perdiciment as me...but that's impossible!" Everything in this house had made her believe that the impossible could be made possible.

"I'm Samantha," she said with a worried smile. "And you are?"

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - jaery - 03-21-2012

"I'm Jesse." I extend a hand to Samantha and notice that she was heavily pregnant, as were the other guys in the house.

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - bellylover - 03-21-2012

"My name's Kevin." I said with a smile as I noticed how pregnant this nice young woman was.

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - dspreg12 - 03-21-2012

Samantha took each hand in turn, still not really believing that all of them were pregnant. Perhaps she was dreaming this all. But as she looked at her own stomach, she realized that might not be the case.

"It's nice to meet all of you." Samantha said with a smile. Samantha looked around and sighed.

"So I'm guessing that you guys don't know what's going on either." Samantha said sadly. "And you all fell asleep and woke up pregnant?"

Samantha looked around again. "All the doors and windows are locked, so whoever did this to us wants us to all give birth here. I'm a doctor, so if any of you go into labor, I can at least help."

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - bellylover - 03-23-2012

"Yeah, that's what happened to me." I said as I patted my massive belly.

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - jaery - 03-23-2012

"Yeah, I fell asleep and woke up this way too." I sighed, then felt dread fill me as I registered her words. "G-Give birth? How are we going to do that? We have no vagina!"

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - dspreg12 - 03-23-2012

Samantha looked at them all and realized that the man was right. How were they going to give birth to whatever was inside them? Though she was an OBGYN, med school did not prepare her for a male giving birth.

"Well, I'm not sure. But we'll answer that question when we get there. Anyone feeling any early signs of labor?"

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - bellylover - 03-24-2012

"No, I'm not feeling any." I said as I stretched out a bit.

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - allentagerman - 03-26-2012

name: Greg
Gestation: due any second with very large quadruplets

Greg woke up with a odd sluggishness. I hadn't opened his eyes to see why, but something didn't feel right to him, he felt a bit constipated. When Greg tried to get up he couldn't, not even to a sitting position. He opened his eyes to only see an absolutely gigantic belly looming over him. He freaked out "HEEEELLLPPPP!!! IS SOMEONE THERE?!?!?!?!?!"

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - jaery - 03-27-2012

"Did anyone hear that?" I say as somebody started screaming. "There's more people here!"

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - bellylover - 03-28-2012

"Yeah, I heard it, too!" I said as I looked around. "Whoever it is must be in a real pickle!"

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - allentagerman - 03-28-2012

HELLLOOO?!?!?!? Is someone there? Im over here! I...I'm...I can't get up" yelled greg. He had no idea what was going on, other than his planetary middle. He was feeling very uncomfortable at the moment.

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - jaery - 03-28-2012

"I think it's coming from there!" I say as I walk towards a door, opening it and finding a heavily pregnant man lying on the floor and struggling to get up.

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - bellylover - 03-28-2012

I follow you into the room, and we see another man struggling to get up with his immense belly. "Come on. Let's help him up." I suggested.

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - allentagerman - 03-28-2012

"What's going on, what's happening?" said Greg as he was help to his feet. He some trouble standing as he got used to his new center of gravity.

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - bellylover - 03-29-2012

"Looks like you're in the same boat as us." I said as I motioned to his massive belly.

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - Pregadore1982 - 03-29-2012

Name: Henry
how far along: 8 months with triplets

I wake up feeling dizzy, My car broke down outside this huge mansion so i decided to catch some sleep, i came in and the door shut behind me locking me in, I found a bed and fell fast asleep only to wake up and look down and scream... What the hell? Im huge

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - popop - 04-03-2012

I looked over at Greg my eyes huge. "wow" this guy was huge i thought to my self. i rubbed my own stomach that was also pretty large

RE: Mystery Mother ? An open RP A haunted house where whoever enters ends up pregnant - MaleFemalePregnancyLover - 06-16-2012

anyone here