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C You Belong To Me - Printable Version

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RE: You Belong To Me - justpush - 11-03-2024

Nolan blushed and kissed his partner on the lips very gently and lovingly.
"You give him so much fatherly love.... I don't know how to thank you," he replied very touched and put his arms around his neck tightly "You are the reason I have the strength to fight."

RE: You Belong To Me - Whoknows - 11-03-2024

“I’m glad I give you the strength, you deserve it after all that you've been through”, he replied, nuzzling closer to Nolan.

RE: You Belong To Me - justpush - 11-03-2024

Nolan murmured quietly. He lay cuddled into Thomas's chest.
"Those dolts from the drama club are still flirting with you?" he asked, looking at him curiously. He was very jealous of his boyfriend.

RE: You Belong To Me - Whoknows - 11-03-2024

“Not really”, Thomas said and sighed, “I’ve been ignoring them, I guess they took the hint”. He laid in the bed and stretched out a bit, “can I rub your lotion on your belly for you tonight?”, he asked, he had been watching Nolan do it every night and wanted to try it for himself.

RE: You Belong To Me - justpush - 11-03-2024

Nolan nodded and looked at Thomas calmly before yawning.
"And will you cover us with a blanket? My feet are cold," he muttered and sent him an innocent smile, "You'll get my tummy to cuddle today, it's a fitting reward..."

RE: You Belong To Me - Whoknows - 11-03-2024

Thomas nodded, grabbing the blanket and covering them. “Should we have a nap for an hour? It’s only 5pm so till 6 and then we’ll have dinner”.

RE: You Belong To Me - justpush - 11-03-2024

"You'll just have to find a way to wake me up. I'm a lazy kitty," he murmured while cuddling into his pillow

RE: You Belong To Me - Whoknows - 11-03-2024

“I’m sure I’ll manage it”, Thomas retorted, chuckling. He set an alarm on his phone and laid down in the bed, trying to fall asleep too.

RE: You Belong To Me - justpush - 11-03-2024

Nolan was sleeping soundly in bed. Only the soft lips on his mouth led him to open his eyes. He reciprocated the kiss with a smile.
"I'll admit that's a good idea for a wake-up call," he giggled sweetly

RE: You Belong To Me - Whoknows - 11-03-2024

“I told you I would be able to wake you up”, he joked, sitting up and stretching. “What do you want for dinner?”

RE: You Belong To Me - justpush - 11-03-2024

"A casserole..." he asked and sat down on the bed with his help "In the meantime, I'll go take a shower. Shall we eat here?" he asked, pinning his hair into a small bun

RE: You Belong To Me - Whoknows - 11-03-2024

“Could do”, Thomas said, “do you want to order some in or make it?” He stood up and stretched, his shirt raising a bit.

RE: You Belong To Me - justpush - 11-03-2024

Nolan gazed at his boyfriend's abdominal muscles. Only after a long moment did he come back to himself.
"Mhm... Either way. We can order," he whispered and, somewhat blushing, left to go get a towel

RE: You Belong To Me - Whoknows - 11-03-2024

Thomas watched Nolan walk away, well it was more of a waddle, and laughed to himself at the sight of the blush. He picked his phone up from the bed and ordered the food and paid for the delivery. “I’ve ordered it babe”, he called out to Nolan.

RE: You Belong To Me - justpush - 11-03-2024

"Then you can pack me in this time.... You offered yourself," he replied, and began to undress in the bathroom connected to his bedroom "I should have time to wash up."

RE: You Belong To Me - Whoknows - 11-03-2024

Thomas hummed, “if you’re gonna shower while I pack your clothes, you’d better not be too long”, he said, watching as Nolan took his shirt off.

RE: You Belong To Me - justpush - 11-03-2024

"Why? Will you be bored without me?" he joked and took off his lower clothes. He immediately opened the shower door.

RE: You Belong To Me - Whoknows - 11-03-2024

“Yes actually I will”, he responded. Nolan had cheekily left the bathroom door open so Thomas could see his every move. Either way, he had to pack Nolan some clothes so he grabbed a bag and started to pack.

RE: You Belong To Me - justpush - 11-03-2024

Nolan stepped into the shower and turned on the warm water. He sighed quietly feeling a pleasant sensation as he washed his naked body. He hummed quietly under his breath.

RE: You Belong To Me - Whoknows - 11-03-2024

Finally, Thomas had finished packing, there was more than enough supplies to last Nolan atleast a week. He wondered over to the bathroom door, “babe, I finished packing your bag”.