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The birthing suite - Printable Version

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RE: The birthing suite - DaRealLeon - 01-30-2014

"I think the babies are just squirming around is all"

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 01-30-2014

"oh ok if you're sure" Martin says

RE: The birthing suite - DaRealLeon - 02-04-2014

Brad feels something else, unsure of what it is.

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 02-04-2014

"what is it?" Martin asks looking at Brad

RE: The birthing suite - DaRealLeon - 02-05-2014

"Not sure," Brad answers. "I feel kinda weird."

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 02-05-2014

"weird how?" Martin asks getting up on his knees and facing Brad

RE: The birthing suite - tjopj44 - 03-07-2014

Name: jeremy
Age: 17
Sex: male
How many days will you stay: unknow
# of babies: 3
Birth plan: Bed

Jeremy Walks into the Hotel, rubbing his giant belly. He feels a contraction, and moan in pain.

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 03-07-2014

"Can I help you?" Caleb the front desk clerk asks the new man

RE: The birthing suite - tjopj44 - 03-08-2014

*Jeremy smile friendly to the man who asked if he was ok.*

-No, thanks, i'm fine. it was just a contraction. thanks very much. By the way, my name is Jeremy. What is your name?

RE: The birthing suite - Plutexian Mpregger - 03-08-2014

Names: John and Dick (identical twins who do everything together).
Age: 43.
Sex: Male.
How many days: As long as possible.
Number of babies: Not yet pregnant.
Birth plan: Water.

John is the first to enter the hotel, with Dick closely behind. They are both awestruck upon entering, as they thought that the hotel was going to be shabby but it turned out to be like a palace. They head to the counter, though due to their size, they have to think of a way to get attention, as they are just under 5ft.

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 03-08-2014

"My name is Caleb. I run the hotel. Would you like me to show you to a room?" Caleb asks with a smile not yet noticing the newcomers John and Dick

RE: The birthing suite - Plutexian Mpregger - 03-08-2014

"Yes please, and if you can just bend over the counter, would be nice, as we cannot see your face." John replies.

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 03-08-2014

Caleb hears the voice and looks over the counter "oh hello. Can I help you?"

RE: The birthing suite - Plutexian Mpregger - 03-08-2014

"John and Dick." John replied. "We're identical twins, and do absolutely everything together."

"We're here because we both want to get pregnant." Dick chipped in. "And by the same person, as we both have the same preferences."

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 03-08-2014

"Do you have a person in mind?"

RE: The birthing suite - Plutexian Mpregger - 03-08-2014

"Let's see." John started.

"Auburn hair, blue or brown eyes, young, and for other info, must be someone who shares our love of country/bluegrass music and books." Dick continued.

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 03-08-2014

"Alright lets see if we can find someone who fits that" Caleb smiles and starts looking through the profiles on the computer "Ok Here is one. His name is Henry"

RE: The birthing suite - Plutexian Mpregger - 03-08-2014

"Well hello Henry." John and Dick both say in unison.

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 03-08-2014

"Hello" Henry says as he walks up

RE: The birthing suite - Plutexian Mpregger - 03-08-2014

"My name is John." John introduces himself.

"And my name is Dick." Dick continues.

"Sorry for the confusion." John apologises. "We're identical twins."