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My alien baby (open for one) - Printable Version

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RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 04-06-2018

Jace clasped onto Kage's arm tightly trying to take a few deep breaths to try and calm himself down. "Has this....has this happened before? Have your...kind made my kind pregnant? How is this going to work?" He asked terrified and a million questions flooding through his head. What would the child look like? How big would it be? Where would it leave him? What were they going to do?

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 04-06-2018

"This is the first recorded pregnancy between a human and an Apex. Not to mention the first time a male has gotten pregnant between each other. From the scans, it seems that your womb has grown naturally and formed a birth canal that links to your anus. Everything seems like it was built to naturally carry a baby." Kage explained.

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 04-06-2018

Have out his head in his hands taking deep breaths "This is so freaking insane..." he muttered to himself just as a beep went off and a message came over the intercom "Researcher 77254 please eliminate subject J.A.C.3. Position is compromised, once eliminated please return to home base and see Master"

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 04-06-2018

Kage looked at the message in disbelief, why would command disregard such a phenomenon. He went to the computer and began to send a message. "Why do I have to eliminate Jace?! He's the only one who knows this and he may provide more information on why this has happened." Kage typed into the computer.

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 04-06-2018

Jace looked shocked at the machine. Eliminate him? What the hell? "Subject J.A.C.3. is human, your research as well as our other researchers such as 19906, 47689, 34223, 11107 have proven human beings to be untrustworthy. Please eliminate immediately."

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 04-06-2018

Kage sent another message. "I trust Jace. I cannot kill him, it is against what I stand for." He typed. "I have seen my share of humans, and while many can't be trusted, there are a few we can trust, like Jace."

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 04-06-2018

Jace bit his lip lightly, slightly worried for his safety but he also knew Kate would do anything to protect him. "Please bring subject J.A.C.3. to mothership for testing and a meeting with the master. He shall be under strict guard until the child is released"

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 04-06-2018

Kage knew he couldn't disobey high command. "Very well. But I will stay with him." He said before sending out the message. He went to Jace's side again, holding him close.

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 04-06-2018

Jace curled into him a little "They aren't...they aren't going to hurt me right?" He asked looking up at Kage nervously. He bit his lip "So...maybe we should try and figure out how long going to be inside me for, how long do your kind carry young for? What do they go through when it comes to birth and that?"

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 04-06-2018

"I won't let them hurt you. I promise." Kage said. "Human pregnancies last 9 months while Apex pregnancies last 6. Apex mothers go through growth spurts as they progress. As you are essentially 2 weeks, you should experience your first growth spurt at the end of the month." Kage explained

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 04-06-2018

Jace looked at him confused "What do you mean by growth spurt?" He asked biting his lip "And that's if the...Apex? side is more prominent than the human I'll probably have the child in 6-9 months I guess..." he said and rubbed his neck lightly and sighed

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 04-06-2018

"True. We don't which side will be more dominant. But if the baby is part Apex, you will experience some growth spurts. Meaning will grow quite suddenly and largely." Kage said.

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 04-06-2018

Jace frowned a little "What do you mean though? Like, what is going to be having a growth spurt?" He asked nervously and bit his lip "Well, it's not going to be all human right? I mean, that's why it grew in the first place? If I was with a human it wouldn't have happened at all?"

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 04-07-2018

"Your belly will experience a growth spurt to accommodate the baby." Kage explained. "I'm not sure why it grew in the first place. Perhaps this is something unique between humans and Apex." He explained as he wrapped his arms around Jace. "But whatever happens, I'll protect the both of you."

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 04-07-2018

Have tucked his face into his neck and sighed softly holding onto him tightly "So...where do they want you to take me? Are they going to be doing things to me and the child?"

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 04-07-2018

"The mothership. They want to study you there. I won't let them do anything to you. You are the only one I love, and I'll be damned if they do anything to you or our baby." Kage explained as he placed a hand on Jace's flat stomach gently.

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 04-07-2018

Jace felt his heart flutter a little at that and put his hand on top of Kage's gently "Our baby....that's so strange. Not that I didn't want to have a family with you, because I did, I do, I just wasn't expecting for me to be the one carrying or birthing it" he said and blushed a little smiling gently at Kage "I suppose we dhouldnt keep your...master? Waiting..." he said biting his lip a little

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 04-07-2018

"An hour or two won't seem suspicious. Besides, I want to make love to you. I know you are in need of it." Kage said as he started to kiss Jace's neck.

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 04-07-2018

Jace blushed a little and bit his lip a little as his neck was kissed. He rose his hand and gently tangled his fingers in Kage's hair. "Well, I don't think I'll ever refuse that, except maybe if birthing is like how human women do it" he giggled softly before pulling Kage's face back and kissed him gently wrapping his arms tightly around him

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 04-07-2018

Kage returned the kiss before he gently lowered Jace onto the bed. His hands caressed Jace's back, making it to his plump rear. He began to massage Jace's ass, finding some pleasure as he caressed Jace.