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The birthing suite - Printable Version

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RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 03-12-2014

"Yeah maybe so" He smiles before wincing from a contraction

RE: The birthing suite - Plutexian Mpregger - 03-12-2014

"When did you have the last one?" John can sense that the time is close.

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 03-12-2014

"About two minutes ago its almost time" He pants

RE: The birthing suite - Plutexian Mpregger - 03-12-2014

John gets a small towel whilst Dick checks on Roseanne and Davina. John then gets a bowl out and fills it with water.

"How would you like to give birth?" John asks Henry.

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 03-12-2014

"We could go to a different room so I can use the bed on just the floor is fine. There are towels and a plastic sheeting in the bathroom"

RE: The birthing suite - Plutexian Mpregger - 03-12-2014

"Sure thing." John helps Henry get up.

Minutes later, they are in Henry's room. Dick has brought Roseanne and Davina through, and lays them down in their moses basket, which John has brought through.

"Are you more comfortable now?" John asks Henry, who is in the midst of another contraction.

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 03-12-2014

Henry nods, unable to talk through the horrible contraction

RE: The birthing suite - Plutexian Mpregger - 03-12-2014

John then removes Henry's trousers, and...

"Do you feel like you need to push?" John can see how much pain Henry is in.

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 03-12-2014

"Yeah I need to push" Henry nods feeling the urge

RE: The birthing suite - Plutexian Mpregger - 03-12-2014

"On your next contraction, breathe in and out, and push." John instructs.

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 03-12-2014

Henry nods just as his next contraction starts and takes a deep breath in and out then pushes

RE: The birthing suite - Plutexian Mpregger - 03-12-2014

"Doing good." John looks up. "And now relax."

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 03-13-2014

Henry stops pushing for a minute

RE: The birthing suite - Plutexian Mpregger - 03-13-2014

"Take another deep breath, and push." John instructs.

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 03-13-2014

Henry nods and does as he's told. grunting and groaning as he pushes

RE: The birthing suite - Plutexian Mpregger - 03-13-2014

"Baby is not yet visible." John rubs Henry's thighs, which seem to be aching.

Dick is using the cloth to wipe sweat away from Henry's forehead.

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 03-13-2014

Henry pushes again "nnnggghh"

RE: The birthing suite - Plutexian Mpregger - 03-13-2014

"Good job." John chirps.

John then has an idea.

"Dick and I are going to do those Latin chants again, as they will help you as much as they helped us." John looks at Henry.

RE: The birthing suite - missingyou421 - 03-13-2014

Henry pants then pushes again, harder this time "Aggghhh"

RE: The birthing suite - Plutexian Mpregger - 03-13-2014

John and Dick say some Latin chants to help ease Henry's pain.