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An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED) - Printable Version

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RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-23-2014

Morning light broke an rays of light shone in the grotto. Astien didn't want to wake up. He didn't want to move. He didn't have the energy, but he forced himself to get up. He rolled up the bedroll and left it for the grotto's next visitor. He squeezed out, and mounted his horse again. He rode off, deeper into the forest. He hoped he could find safety soon. As he rode, he noticed that his shirt was feeling a bit tighter than usual. The baby must have grown a bit, these past few weeks. , he made a note to get new clothes as he rode on.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Eskal - 07-23-2014

"Astien!" Cormac called out as his chest heaved and heart pounded in his ears. He stumbled and fell to his knees as his legs struggled to keep him up. He huffed as he pushed himself up and tried to keep going, but he only fell back to the ground. If only he could fly.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-23-2014

As Cormac wandered, he came across a woman in tribal garb, surrounded by bottles and potions and the like, gathering herbs. A healer, from the looks of it. "Hana'ken." She said.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Eskal - 07-23-2014

"Excuse me..." Cormac wheezed as he collapsed into the grass with a weak groan.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-23-2014

The healer picked up Cormac and brought him into a nearby treehouse, presumably her home. She laid him on her bed and cast a healing spell on him, giving him new energy.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Eskal - 07-23-2014

Cormac groaned as he opened his eyes. He blinked as he saw the woman before him. He felt his wings twitch, but felt no pain. He saw that his injuries were healed. "Thank you," he said. He dug around in one of his bags. He pulled out few pieces of gold and put them on the table.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-23-2014

"You run yourself ragged. For what?" The woman asked.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Eskal - 07-23-2014

"I...I have somebody I need to catch up with." Cormac stood and gently flexed his wings. "I made a mistake and I need to make amends. Have you seen a man come through on a horse?"

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-23-2014

The woman paused in thought. "Perhaps. You sound honest, but first tell me. What is this man to you?"

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Eskal - 07-23-2014

"The closest thing I've ever had to a father and my employer," Cormac stated. "I need to find him."

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-23-2014

The woman thought, trying to decide if Cormac could be trusted. Finally, she spoke. "He was traveling north."

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Eskal - 07-23-2014

"Thank you." He quickly bowed out of respect and jumped from the tree house. He fell for a moment before his wings caught the air and he started to flap them. His flying was uneven and labored, but he figured it was faster than running. He kept his eyes locked on the ground, trying to spot Astien from the air.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-23-2014

Astien rode quickly upon his horse. He needed to find that mage quickly. He needed all the help he could get right now. The sooner he got there the better. After a while he found himself riding along some cliffs by the sea. He got off his horse to give it a moment to rest. He stood at the cliff's edge, and looked down at the sea below. It would be so easy. Just lean forward a little, and let gravity take care of the rest. So easy... Astien stood at the edge and closed his eyes. He leaned forward, and allowed himself to fall from the cliff's edge, waiting for the rush of wind to blow past his face.

Except he didn't fall. His belly glowed, and there he floated, suspended in the air, and then placed back on his feet next to his horse. His baby was not allowing him to do that.

Astien sighed as he mounted his horse again. It wasn't easy to do with his large bump, but he forced himself up. He turned and cast one last look behind him. His little one had denied him the release he sought.

He stared longingly at the waters in the distance, wishing he could feel the arms of the ocean, so cold and so sweet, wanting to let the arms of the ocean deliver him someplace better. He sighed, and with a snap of the reins and a hand on his belly, he was riding off again.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Plutexian Mpregger - 07-23-2014

Darol wants to know if he can be of any help.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Eskal - 07-23-2014

Cormac squinted as he came to an ocean cliff and saw a horse with a passenger making its way up the path. "Astien!" Cormac bellowed as he wobbled in the air. He flapped harder to gain speed. The salty air stung at his eyes as he came closer to the cliff. He managed to pull far enough a head of the horse and crudely landed. His body fell over and he found himself clinging to the cliff side with the ocean waiting for him below. "Astien!"

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-23-2014

Astien saw Cormac clinging to the side of the cliff, and brought his steed to a halt. He was unsure of what to do now. Cormac was most likely trying to capture him. But now he needed his help. But should he risk capture again, just to do what was right?

Astien ultimately decided that he needed to help Cormac. He rode to the cliff side, and ties a rope securely to the horse's saddle before throwing it down to Cormac. "Grab on!" He called.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Eskal - 07-23-2014

Cormac grabbed onto the rope and managed to get himself back onto the path. His wings retreated into his shoulders as he rolled onto his back, his chest heaving. He reached into one of his bags and pulled out Astien's journal. "You...Ah...Forgot this...." he wheezed with a tired smile. "Seroteth...Won't...He's not...."

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-23-2014

Astien didn't hang around long enough to listen. The second he saw Cormac was safe, he dashed off on his horse. We wasn't going to allow himself to be caught. He was not going to let them take his child away.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Eskal - 07-23-2014

"Astien wait!" Cormac shouted as he started sprinting after the man. "You're safe! Please! Wait!" Astien seemed to be ignoring him. "DAD!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. He froze as he realized the words that escaped his lips.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-24-2014

Astien sped on ahead. He took one second to look back at Cormac, and in that one second, his horse screamed and threw him from its back as it stopped in front of a block in the road.