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O BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - Printable Version

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RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - Shane20 - 01-19-2022

«I know and we are gonna receive many new patients in the next fews months », said Mitchell.

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - justpush - 01-19-2022

"Exactly... But maybe Robert's research with this Mike will bring something new.... Did you hear that? He agreed. But Robert is rumored to be the father of his child! They ran into each other at the club," she told him a rumor she heard a few minutes ago

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - Shane20 - 01-19-2022

«We need more patient for the research and more doctors to help with it. It’s good if Mike say yes to do it », add Mitchell.

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - justpush - 01-19-2022

"We can do it... Just like Howie. You know, you should probably take Gia and see him. The little one must miss her mommy," she said to him

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - Shane20 - 01-19-2022

«I know we can do it! Yes I’m gonna take Gia to see his daddy », said Mitchell.

«You are never thinking about become pregnant? » Ask Mitchell to Susan.

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - justpush - 01-19-2022

"I'm not ready for children..." she said and went to her patients

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - Shane20 - 01-19-2022

«Are you sure? » Ask Mitchell to her with a smile.

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - justpush - 01-19-2022

"I'm sure ... You better take care of your own kid stupid!" she said as she walked away

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - Shane20 - 01-19-2022

«Tell me you are gonna be ready I can you help you with it », propose Mitchell with a laugh as he goes to see Gia.

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - justpush - 01-19-2022

"That's what I have my husband for!" she says amused.

Meanwhile, Gia waits in the playroom for her parents, drawing with crayons

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - Shane20 - 01-19-2022

«Hi baby », add Mitchell softly when he enter in the playroom.

(Do you want his colleague hear what he say and ask him to make them pregnant?)

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - justpush - 01-19-2022

"Daddy!" she said and ran to him with a smile, cuddling up to him.

(not likely)

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - Shane20 - 01-20-2022

Mitchell take Gia in his arms and hug her very gently. «Do you want to go to see daddy? » Ask Mitchell.


RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - justpush - 01-20-2022

"Yes, I want to go to Mommy!" the girl said, grabbing him by the neck to go with him to Howie's

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - Shane20 - 01-20-2022

Mitchell take her to the hospital room where Howie is and he open the door.

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - justpush - 01-20-2022

Howie was under anesthesia and sleeping deeply while connected to various tubes and cables. "Why is Mommy asleep and lying here?" asked Mitchell looking sadly at Howie

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - Shane20 - 01-20-2022

«Mommy is sick baby so she need the doctor to take care of her, but you can give her a big hug », answered Mitchell to Gia.

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - justpush - 01-20-2022

Gia puffs up her cheeks, but then gently with Mitchell's help, she leans over and hugs her mother. She gives a kiss on Howie's forehead."Wake up soon mommy" she asks

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - Shane20 - 01-20-2022

Mitchell kiss Howie softly and take Gia back into his arms. «What do you want to do baby? » Ask Mitchell gently.

RE: BSB and Baylee forced pregnancy (open to six people) - justpush - 01-20-2022

"Shall we go to the playground, Daddy?" asks Mitchell. For now, Howie is raising her with the idea that Mitchell is her biological father, though that is not the case