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My alien baby (open for one) - Printable Version

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RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 07-06-2018

Jace nodded looking up at him "I love you, no matter what...okay?" He said quietly and kissed Kage gently

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 07-06-2018

Kage returned the kiss before some guards came to the cell. "You two! The Sovereign is waiting for you." The guard said as they unlocked the door and awaited Kage and Jace.

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 07-06-2018

Jace went to Kage's side and held onto his arm gently biting his lip a little. He held onto him as they were led out of the cell, he could feel himself shaking a little as he looked around the huge space craft.

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 07-06-2018

They were led back to the Master's main chamber, expecting to find the Sovereign waiting there. When the doors opened to the Master's chamber, they found the Sovereign holding onto the Master by the throat, angrily choking the Master. The Sovereign wore black, demonic looking armour and he was noticeably taller than both Kage and the Master. The Sovereign also was very muscular that gave him incredible strength. "I gave you simple instructions to follow, instructions that the Emperor gave me! You were to study the humans, to study their relations with one another. Instead you decide to disobey my orders and leave the planet we intend to integrate into our empire!!" The Sovereign yelled at the Master.

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 07-06-2018

Jace looked on at the shrouded figure terrified. He hid behind Kage, only just peeking out from behind his shoulder. He knew Kage said that the Sovereign owed him but that did not mean he owed Jace anything, including his help.

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 07-06-2018

"If you ever abandon the mission again, I'll have your head mounted on my wall, your body paraded down the streets, and your family name disgraced for 500 years!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" The Sovereign asked the Master as the Master weakly nodded in agreement. The Sovereign dropped the Master to the ground, looking to Kage and Jace before he went to them. "Follow me." He ordered the both of them. "We better go. He's not one to wait." Kage said to Jace.

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 07-08-2018

Jace shrunk a till the sound of all the shouting but nodded quickly to Kage and followed after them both quickly. He still wasn't quite sure what would happen to them or if Kage would get in trouble or anything. He bit his lip lightly and held onto Kage's hand firmly

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 07-08-2018

When Kage and Jace entered the next room where the Sovereign waited. Standing nearly double Kage's height, he stood over the couple in anger. "Sovereign. I can explain everything." Kage said as he held Jace's hand. "Explain?! I gave you a simple mission as a way to repay you for helping me in the past! You were given simple instructions! Don't feel attachment for any humans! Don't expose yourself to any humans! Don't lose sight of your objective! And now, I HAVE LOST MY PATIENCE!!" The Sovereign yelled as he stood close to the couple in a rage. Kage held Jace behind him to protect his pregnant mate. "But since you yielded more interesting results with your mission than originally intended, I'm feeling...generous." The Sovereign said as he calmed down.

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 07-08-2018

Jace felt his heart beating a mile a minute, his fingers digging into Kage's hand tightly. He could feel himself start to panic a little and knew he was about to have some sort of panic attack. He tried to focus on his breathing as Kage was yelled at. He couldn't protect him from this, he was big and Jace was little and clearly weaker than them. "What...what do you want from me?" He asked shakily, tears falling quickly due to fear and he was starting to need to urinate quite badly.

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 07-08-2018

"The information you've sent me as been relayed to the Emperor himself. And he is quite pleased with the recent development that has happened with...Jace." The Sovereign explained. "So what are you saying?" Kage asked as he rubbed Jace's back to calm him down. "I'm saying that the two of you can return to Earth. You will continue to study the humans, while also studying and taking care of Jace and your child." The Sovereign explained as he was much calmer.

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 07-08-2018

Jace sighed in relief "Not locked up?" He asked just to be sure as he laid his head on Kage's shoulder taking in a deep breath as he put a hand on his stomach. He cuddled into Kage's side lightly

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 07-08-2018

"Yes. You are not locked up. You and Kage are free to return to Earth." The Sovereign states. "You will report to me from now on." The Sovereign states as he started to leave. "Sovereign. Thank you." Kage said as the Sovereign just nodded and left.

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 07-08-2018

Jace turned and almost jumped into Kage's arms almost in hysterical laughter "We're okay, we can go home" he said smiling brightly at him before kissing him softly

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 07-08-2018

Kage smiled as he returned the kiss, lifting Jace up as he carried him bridal style to his ship. "I'm so happy right now." He said ecstatically. "Let's go home."

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 07-08-2018

Jace cuddled into him leaning his head onto Kage's shoulder happily "I love you" he said quietly, the stress of the day suddenly weighed on him and he fell asleep as he was carried to the ship

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 07-08-2018

Kage smiled as he placed Jace in the private bedroom in the ship before they left back for home.

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 07-08-2018

Jace slept soundly. (Where should we go from here?)

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 07-08-2018

(Few months? Maybe 4 months where he a bigger belly?)

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - Littleittyboy - 07-08-2018

(Sounds good, do you wanna start?)

RE: My alien baby (open for one) - DragonKnight - 07-08-2018

Kage was just finishing his latest report on Jace. Four months had gone and Jace's belly was already large, easily looking full term with triplets. He sent the report before returning to his shared bedroom with Jace, intent on relaxing with him.