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RE: rags to royalty - Dusty779 - 12-21-2017

"He hasnt left the castle" Aiden said keeping his cool "One the guards never saw him go, and Teo if he did leave he wouldnt have gotten far, not with how far allong he is with eggs... and the fact he cant fly means he MUST be on foot... was there anything out of the ordinary in his room? something missing or misplaced?" He sighed looking up at drakars windows "How does a dragon the size of a pony, so heavily pregnant that he can barely move just dissapear?.... and another thing... why does his room seem smaller on the inside than outside?"

Meanwhile Drakar was still laying on his bed, however he was starting to feel the tell tail signs of impending birth, subtle tightenings in his belly. 'Nononono j...just be false ones...just be false ones...' he preyed softly in his head

RE: rags to royalty - Gadiva22 - 12-21-2017

"His bed his bed wasnt in his room wich means hes in hus room still there must be another room in his room!" He quickly turned tail and headed for the drakes room. Hed kbew there was somthing off about his room. He camded every wall be searched every tapestry torn down the secondary room must be found!

RE: rags to royalty - Dusty779 - 12-21-2017

"I thought you owned this castle" Aiden said rolling his eyes as he followed "besides how long has he had that room? Surely you would know if there was another room in there" he wastched as the king started tearing tapestries off of the wall looking.

All Drakar could hear was the sounds of his room being ransacked. His mind jumping to conclusions thinking that this was the guards come to get rid of him. He shifted to watch the door, body shuddering with each painful contraction from his obviously non false labour. He would have whimpered in fear or pain if both werent winning out in his mind on why he should remain silent.

RE: rags to royalty - Gadiva22 - 12-22-2017

"This room was assinged by my father iv tryed to give him new ones but he refuses them. I even tryed miving him into my throne room where i have the only key that also resulted in regusal. I dont know why he must be so stuborn i love him as my dearest freind and only canpanion in this miserable cadtle!" As a tapastry came down a door was found.

RE: rags to royalty - Dusty779 - 12-22-2017

"Maybe he is just comfortable here?" Aiden says "besides, i doubt the throne room would be very.. personal? Should we say? Sometime one just wants somewhere to call his own or run off to. Now calm down a bit... we've found the door, last thing you want to do is corner him. He may be your friend, pet, highly inteligent, trained and heavily pregnant but the saying 'never corner a wounded animal' still applies. He is vlearly in some kind of pain to have gone to these lengths to hide away, last thing we want is a drake of his size to lash out." Aiden placed his hand on the kings shoulder "calm, remember your dad did some nasty stuff to his mind, and im sure the guards have been picking on him while you were... incapacitated... speaking of... how long has he been carrying that clutch for?"

Drakar heard the tapestry come down over his door and he shuffled more into the corner. There were boxes between him and the door blocking view, but it wouldnt matter if they found him. He had kept this room despite the kings offerings of other ones for a simple reason. He knew there was only one way in or out of it, except the windows and while the guards kept getting keys to every new lock that was put on his door, he felt somewhat safe here. Although now he wasnt feeling that security anymore as people tried to break into this room.
He gave a light whimper, something barely audioable on the other side of the door. There were only two keys to this room and while one was still out in his room under a flower pot, the other was stuck in the door still on his side. "Wh...why now?" He mumbles softly to himself and looks at his belly his musing just audioable if Aiden and the king were silent " they know somehow and plan to fill me up again as soon as i have laid?... no stupid lizard... your usefulness has reached its end... im not needed for anything anymore... im not needed to keep master company... ill never find a mate... and the guards even said when they got me mounted that this clutch will take over the breedings... what use am i?" He sopped, taking in a breath as he was hit with a painful contraction, strong enough for his water to break.

RE: rags to royalty - Gadiva22 - 12-26-2017

The king saw liquid pool from under the door. "Hes in labor its not safe to deliver alone! Drakar please if you can hear me undestand i do love you dearly. I live you as my most dearest freind. Your my chetished companion my beloved pet i know i dont show it enough but i cear very deeply about you. My heart would break just as badly if not worse if i lose you. Youv been there through every thing. You were there when i cried after lashings. You made me smile when every thinv else made me cry. Please dont make me lose you too my heart wont be able to bear the weight of two broken bonds i lied when i said adien was my only sole mate yes hes the obe i love and wish to marrie. But your bond is one as a truest freind i may not feel quite the same tiwards you but my love is real." He stoped placing his palm on the door. His heart was being torn in two directions.

RE: rags to royalty - Dusty779 - 12-26-2017

Aiden tried to look through the keyhole and sighed "Hes left the key in the lock.. i cant even see him in there... There must be a spare key around here somewhere, help me look, he wont be able to get to the door to unlock it now he is in labor." He started rummaging through cupboards and bookshelves looking. the drake kept his room stupidly neat and tidy, so finding it shouldn't be THAT hard to do.

Drakar whimpered softly hearing the king speak. loved just the same but at the same time, not the same. Drakar knew the difference in the two bonds the king had formed, a friendship one and a lovers one. "but I'm no use to the kingdom anymore" he responded trying to control his breathing and tone to not show the pain he was in "I've always been limited of eggs i can carry... I'm near my limit... and the guards... with this clutch i wont have any use to them either now they will have breeding drakes... And no other dragons will want me as a mate... what use am i now?" he took a sharp breath in time with a contraction and groaned slightly. Only one or two possible clutches left in him without some kind of aid, the guards had bread him dry. for most dragons, they were well into their senior years before they reached this stage but he was still classed as a teenager.

RE: rags to royalty - Gadiva22 - 12-26-2017

"Your of use to me as my loyal companion so what if you cant breed. I you." His words trailed off softly as he remeber the plant hed given the dragon. "Check under the flower pot!"

RE: rags to royalty - Dusty779 - 12-26-2017

Aiden checked then smiled and tossed the key to the king once he found it. "Remember" he said "Calm, gentle and patient" he warned "We don't want to corner or upset him, especially now we know he is delivering. that will only stress him more... he clearly isn't perfectly stable from what hes saying... what have the guards been doing to him while you were busy getting drunk?"

Drakar whimpered and curled up tighter around his quivering belly despite how much it hurt to do so as he heard the door unlock. A chance for love was all he had wanted. a chance to get a mate like the king had done with Aiden.

RE: rags to royalty - Gadiva22 - 12-26-2017

The king entered slowly looking around cearfuly he moved some boxes. "
"Drakar may i please come closer?"

RE: rags to royalty - Dusty779 - 12-26-2017

The draghon whimpered his eyes reflecting the light from the darkened corner he laid in. " may" he says softly yet still giving off an air of terror in his voice, as if he was terrified the king would lash out or banish him from the castle. "N..not like i have anything else to lose" he mutters softly, defeatedly, like his mind had settled on the 'banish from the kingdom' idea of punishment he would receive.

RE: rags to royalty - Dusty779 - 12-27-2017


RE: rags to royalty - Gadiva22 - 12-28-2017

As he steped close he smiled reaching a hand out to his cherished freind. "Drakar your of use to me becuse without you where would i be now youv been my only freind for longer than i can remeber. Id never just toss you aside im not him ill never be him please drakar look at me and know i will never be like him." His vouce took on a tone of srrow.

RE: rags to royalty - Dusty779 - 12-28-2017

Drakar slowly lifts his head, tears streaming his face and his eyes a little red from crying, he also looks fearful and worried and also in pain, his belly, now visible to the king, is quivering and shaking, contracting inwards sharply every now and then as it tries to lay his eggs. Aiden sighs by the doorway "I just thought of something, ill be back in a couple of hours" he says before leaving "Ill send the vet" he adds as he goes.

(hows this for an idea? Aiden finds Drakar a mate? you willing to play him?)

RE: rags to royalty - Gadiva22 - 12-28-2017

Sure ) the king sat with drakar rubbing his belly gently.

RE: rags to royalty - Dusty779 - 12-28-2017

Drakar whined as he lay there, his belly continuing its shuddering and contracting as his body worked out the eggs in his belly. the vet arrived not too much later, shocked at the state of the drake being most way through laying an egg and for that matter, so heavy with them. "Why was i not informed he was carrying?" He asked irritably "Or that he was so encumbered!? I haven't even been able to inspect him once during this! Whose idea was it for him not to see me!?" Drakar whimpered, he had wanted to but the guards had always kept him away in fear of the king being informed and with the king Soused the rest of the time he had been too busy every other time.

RE: rags to royalty - Gadiva22 - 12-28-2017

"There were sone impedements." He gleared at his gaurds. He remained by drakars side hands gently stroked the drakes flank.

RE: rags to royalty - Dusty779 - 12-28-2017

The vet nodded and ordered the guards to get out, they weren't needed and well aware of the Drakes history with them in the past, not wanted right now. he checked the drake over, something that was mildly uncomfortable for Drakar as he needed to be poked in, right now, sore places. "From what i can tell he is WELL over due" the vet says "These are some Massive eggs he is going to have too... what did he breed with? one of the greater drakes?" Unfortunately for Drakar he was right on the money, the greater drakes were upwards of 2-3 times his size and were exclusively used for military actions. this also meant however that they had some big eggs. "I'm counting six... no seven... I'm surprised he can carry that many! its like he is carry himself in his belly! we may need to move him and extract them through c section..."

RE: rags to royalty - Gadiva22 - 12-28-2017

"Whatever must be done so i dont lose my freind." The king was near tears.

RE: rags to royalty - Dusty779 - 12-28-2017

he nods "Then stay here, keep him calm and whatever you do, DON'T let him push" he says before rushing off. Drakar whimpered looking up at the king "I just... i guess i wanted more than i should have" he says softly still on old topics, namely why he had reacted the way he did.